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This folder is a handy place to put Jupyter notebooks or other documents which help to demonstrate the state of the project at a particular point in time. Because these are point-in-time demos, there's no guarantee they will continue to be runnable as changes are made to the project. That's expected. (If you really need to run a Notebook in its original context, you can git-checkout back to the commit that added the Notebook and run it there; caveat emptor).

Notable Devlogs: Some devlogs are more than mere experiments, acting like documentation -- demoing new features of the project or novel approaches to problem solving. These devlogs are check-marked as Maintained in the index below (indicating that they are intended to be kept up to date as the project changes).

Devlog Index

Filename Author Maintained? Description
2023-05-03.ipynb Tyler An obsolete demo, running different movement models with the Pei IPM/Geo.
2023-05-04.ipynb Tyler An experiment in running epymorph simulations in parallel using multiprocessing.
2023-05-16.ipynb Tyler An attempt to simplify project organization by turning then-hard-coded examples into Jupyter notebooks.
2023-05-17.ipynb Tyler Demo of the newly-added .toml file input scheme for providing parameter values for CLI simulations.
2023-05-31-mm.ipynb Alex Movement model experimentation.
2023-05-31-sirh.ipynb Alex SIRH IPM experimentation.
2023-06-01-pei-example.ipynb Frank Demonstration of the 'pei' movement model.
2023-06-01-sparsemod-example.ipynb Frank Demonstration of the 'sparsemod' movement model.
2023-06-28.ipynb Tyler Proving validity of the newly-added declarative compartment model IPM implementation.
2023-06-30.ipynb Tyler Demonstrating the newly-added declarative compartment model IPM system. (This is a good reference for building custom IPMs, so we're keeping it current.)
2023-07-06.ipynb Tyler Creates the Pei Geo. (Maintained until such a time as the ADRIO system can replace it.)
2023-07-07.ipynb Tyler Creates the 2015 US States and US Counties Geos. (Maintained until such a time as the ADRIO system can replace them.)
2023-07-12.ipynb Tyler Creates the 2019 Maricopa County CBGs Geo. (Maintained until such a time as the ADRIO system can replace it.)
2023-07-13.ipynb Tyler Implements a compatibility matrix test: are all possible combinations of IPM/MM/GEO valid?
2023-07-14.ipynb Tyler Demonstrates filtering a geo down to a subset of its nodes. (While the motivation to do this still exists, recent changes have made this exact approach obsolete.)
2023-07-20-movement-probs.ipynb Tyler Analyzing statistical correctness of our movement processing algorithms.
2023-07-24.ipynb Tyler Experiments with adapting an IPM by "attaching" a function to an IPM parameter. This approach has been superseded by a design for direct support for functional parameters.
2023-08-11.ipynb Tyler Demonstrates performance differences between the Basic and Hypercube movement engines. A pending refactor will make the concept of movement engines obsolete.
2023-08-17.ipynb Tyler (Obsolete) Demonstrates the newly-added Initializer functions, including library examples and custom initializers.
2023-08-23.ipynb Tyler Describes what IPM attribute broadcasting is and why it's useful. Introduces our concept of data shapes.
2023-09-22-adrio-demo.ipynb Trevor Demonstrates the newly-added ADRIOs functionality by fetching data from the US Census ACS5.
2023-09-29.ipynb Tyler Experiments in representing exogenous births and deaths in the existing compartment IPM system.
2023-10-05.ipynb Tyler Demonstrates the newly-added first-class support for exogenous births and deaths in the compartment IPM system.
2023-10-10.ipynb Tyler A demo of various epymorph workflows in a Notebook environment, designed for a live presentation.
2023-10-26.ipynb Tyler Describes a major Geo system refactor and introduces new systems.
2023-11-03-seirs-example.ipynb Ajay Demonstrates the building and running of an SEIRS model.
2023-11-08.ipynb Ajay Demonstration of using proxy geo to access data in parameter functions.
2023-11-08-age-ipm.ipynb Jarom Initial prototyping of age-class IPMs.
2023-11-15.ipynb Ajay Detailed description of parameter functions functionality.
2023-11-20-adrio-phase-2-demo.ipynb Trevor Demonstrates the refactor work on DynamicGeos and the ADRIO system, and geo cache handling.
2023-11-22-ipm-probs.ipynb Tyler Analyzing statistical correctness of our IPM processing algorithms.
2023-12-05.ipynb Tyler A brief tour of changes to epymorph due to the refactor effort.
2024-01-08.ipynb Tyler Another functional parameters demonstration, revisiting the Bonus Example from 2023-10-10.
2024-02-06-adrio-demo.ipynb Trevor Demonstrates the ADRIO system using code updated for latest changes.
2024-02-06.ipynb Tyler Revisiting age-class IPMs, and thinking about modularity of approach.
2024-02-12.ipynb Tyler Continued age-class IPM work, this time in more than one geo node.
2024-02-14.ipynb Tyler Prep work related to the "Z-virus" workshop. (Not very organized.)
2024-03-01.ipynb Tyler Getting the indices of IPM events and compartments by name with wildcard support.
2024-03-13.ipynb Tyler Showing off movement data collection (NEW!)
2024-03-19.ipynb Tyler Create and save the us_sw_counties_2015.geo spec file.
2024-04-04-draw-demo.ipynb Izaac Showing the new draw module for visualising IPMs (NEW!)
2024-04-16.ipynb Izaac Showing error handling for common ipm errors (NEW!)
2024-04-25.ipynb Tyler Integration test: epymorph cache utilities
2024-05-03.ipynb Tyler Integration test: loading US Census geography from TIGER
2024-05-09-lodes-adrio-demo.ipynb Meaghan A full geo spec for testing LODES ADRIOs
2024-05-22.ipynb Sachin Integrating particle filter with epymorph. Propagating the particles using epymorph simulation and plot the infection rates
2024-06-03.ipynb Trevor Integration test: using dynamic geos to fetch Census data
2024-06-05.ipynb Meaghan A user manual and basic demonstrations of calling LODES ADRIOs
2024-06-12.ipynb Trevor Integration test: CSV file ADRIOs
2024-07-03.ipynb Trevor Demonstration of CDC ADRIO functionality and attributes.
2024-07-08.ipynb Tyler Demonstrates the updated Initializers system, including library examples and custom initializers.
2024-07-10.ipynb Trevor Integration test: Census ADRIOs
2024-07-12-v0.4.ipynb Tyler Comparing v0.4 to v0.5 via example. (See next also.)
2024-07-12-v0.5.ipynb Tyler Comparing v0.4 to v0.5 via example. (See previous also.)
2024-07-12-v0.6.ipynb Tyler Comparing v0.5 to v0.6 via example. (See previous also.)
2024-07-16.ipynb Meaghan Testing the space and runtime for downloading and interpreting PRISM data
2024-07-18.ipynb Tyler A simple demo of ADRIOs "version 2".
2024-08-13.ipynb Tyler Demo @adrio_cache.
2024-08-26-prism-adrio-demo.ipynb Meaghan Demo and usage manual for PRISM ADRIO.
2024-08-28.ipynb Trevor Demo of numpy ADRIOs.
2024-08-30.ipynb Tyler Testing non-returner movement support.
2024-09-24.ipynb Tyler Demonstrating ADRIO with simulated download activity.
2024-09-25.ipynb Meaghan Demo of humidity ADRIO.
2024-10-09.ipynb Tyler Comparing methods for group-and-aggregate on time-series data.
2024-10-11.ipynb Tyler Comparing methods for group-and-aggregate on geo-series data.
2024-12-03-v0.7.ipynb Tyler Comparing v0.6 to v0.7 via example. (See others in this series.)
2024-12-06.ipynb Tyler Visualizing movement models.
2024-12-16.ipynb Tyler Demonstrates table output tools with time-axis group-and-aggregate.


When adding a devlog, checking in the .ipynb file is sufficient as long as it has been fully rendered. (GitHub even knows how to display them as-is!)


Jupyter notebooks can be exported to HTML if needed using VS Code (CTRL+SHIFT+P, Jupyter: Export to HTML) or from the command line, for example:

# make sure .venv is activated
python -m jupyter nbconvert ./doc/devlog/2023-05-03.ipynb --to html --output <your_absolute_path>/Epymorph/doc/devlog/2023-05-03.html