-[Publishing research data](/docs/data_publication), especially that underlying a published article, is an important aspect that allows others in the research community to replicate and build upon a researchers work. [Research data repositories](/docs/repositories) serve as platforms for data publication and can greatly assist in [FAIR](/docs/fair) data publication. Such repositories range from subject-specific to general and institutional. For many in physical chemistry and its varied data, general repositories such as [RADAR4Chem](https://radar.products.fiz-karlsruhe.de/de/radarabout/radar4chem) presents an option for publishing data for which now (sub-)discipline-specific repository has been established. [ioChem-BD](https://www.iochem-bd.org/) serves as a computational chemistry repository and includes a conversion service for many common data types to ensure interoperability. The [Image Data Resource (IDR)](https://idr.openmicroscopy.org/) makes biological imaging data available to the community, while self-hosted Omero repositoy can assist those working with other types of imaging data. For more information on choices, head [here](/docs/choose_repository).
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