-RADAR4Chem is a **multidisciplinary** repository for the publication of research data from **all disciplines** of **chemistry**. It was created in 2022 and is hosted at FIZ Karlsruhe (Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure). RADAR4Chem is based on the established research data repository **RADAR Cloud**. RADAR Cloud is primarily used by academic institutions for institutional research data management (data archiving and publication). The use of **RADAR Cloud** is subject to a **fee** and requires the stipulation of a **contract**. **RADAR4Chem**, on the other hand, is exclusively directed to researchers in the field of chemistry at publicly funded research institutions and universities in Germany. **No contract** is required and **no fees** are charged. RADAR4Chem allows discipline- and format-independent publication and storage (**at least 25 years**) of **research data** from all disciplines of chemistry. It complements the already existing portfolio of discipline specific repositories and is e.g. ideally suited for cross-disciplinary data or datasets with a multitude of different data formats. RADAR4Chem is easy and low-threshold to use. The researchers are responsible for the upload, organisation, annotation, and curation of research data as well as the peer-review process (as an optional step) and finally their publication. Using the service requires [advising from FIZ Karlsruhe](https://www.nfdi4chem.de/index.php/2650-2/), registration to RADAR4Chem, and consent to the [RADAR4Chem license and usage instructions](https://radar.products.fiz-karlsruhe.de/sites/default/files/radar/docs/terms/License_and_User_Instructions_for_Data_Providers_RADAR4Chem.pdf). Authentication is supported after self-registration and via [DFN-AAI](https://doku.tid.dfn.de/en:dfnaai:start) ([Shibboleth](https://www.incommon.org/software/shibboleth/). **Metadata** are recorded using the internal [RADAR Metadata Schema](https://radar.products.fiz-karlsruhe.de/en/radarfeatures/radar-metadatenschema) (based on [DataCite Metadata Schema 4.0](https://schema.datacite.org/)), which supports 10 **mandatory** and 13 **optional metadata fields**. Annotation can be made on the dataset level and on the individual files and folders level. A [user license](https://radar.products.fiz-karlsruhe.de/en/radarfeatures/lizenzen-fuer-forschungsdaten) which indicates re-use rules for the data, must be defined for each dataset. Each published dataset receives a **DOI** which is registered with [DataCite](https://datacite.org/). RADAR Metadata uses a combination of controlled lists and free text entries. Author identification is ensured by ORCID iD and funder identification by [CrossRef Open Funder Registry](https://www.crossref.org/pdfs/about-funder-registry.pdf) (more interfacing options will be implemented in the future). Datasets can be easily linked with other digital resources (e.g. text publications) via a **“related identifier”**. To maximise data dissemination and discoverability, the metadata of published datasets are indexed in various formats (e.g. RADAR and DataCite) and offered for public metadata harvesting e.g. via an [OAI-provider](https://radar.products.fiz-karlsruhe.de/en/radarfeatures/radar-oai-provider). The **research data** is **stored permanently** on magnetic tapes redundantly in three copies at different locations at the Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT, 2 copies) and at the Centre for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH) of the TU Dresden (1 copy).
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