GeL2MDT is an MDT management tool for dealing with NGS data retrieved from the GeL CIP-API. It provides functionality to review patients and their variants, assign them for review and MDT, and store and audit the reporting process stages.
This repository is established for the primary purpose of sharing GeL2MDT with clinician bioinformaticians who would like to download, install, and run a local instance of GeL2MDT. Beyond this, the repository is intended to allow, encourage, and support inter-Trust collaboration on GeL2MDT.
The current tagged version of GeL2MDT is v0.7.1 (found under the 'Releases' tab).
Detailed installation and configuration instructions can be found here.
When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, Slack, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.
Please write docstrings in accordance with Google's Python Style Guide.
Theo Cole ( and/or Patrick Lombard (, either by email or via Slack.