Releases: NIAEFEUP/tts-fe
Releases · NIAEFEUP/tts-fe
4.0.0 - Exchange
What's Changed
- chore(deps): bump micromatch from 4.0.7 to 4.0.8 by @dependabot in #258
- fix: major results are scrollable by @tomaspalma in #290
- fix: sometimes class options were not always shown by @tomaspalma in #291
- feat: random fill warns if no valid schedule found and if no classes found by @tomaspalma in #293
- fix: app crashing sometimes after refresh course unit hashes by @tomaspalma in #294
- chore: remove class item consolelogs by @tomaspalma in #295
- fix: app crashing sometimes after refresh course unit hashes by @tomaspalma in #297
- fix : now picked class id is updated by @jose-carlos-sousa in #299
- fix: random fill scroll by @tomaspalma in #296
- chore: change default app title from timetablescheduler to timetableselector by @tomaspalma in #302
- 251 create collaborative session frontend components by @jose-carlos-sousa in #305
- fix: filtered teachers remain put by @tomaspalma in #306
- chore(deps): bump vite from 5.4.0 to 5.4.6 by @dependabot in #309
- Setup eslint by @tomaspalma in #307
- fix: collab session duplicate definition by @tomaspalma in #311
- chore(deps): bump rollup by @dependabot in #315
- Feature/preview by @jose-carlos-sousa in #316
- fix: class selection now always sets the correct class on the schedule by @tomaspalma in #310
- fix : now both classes have value of pratical one by @jose-carlos-sousa in #317
- Sentry setup: errors, performance monitoring and session replays by @thePeras in #246
- chore(deps): bump @sentry/browser and @sentry/react by @dependabot in #320
- fix: class conflict between T and two TPs by @vitormpp in #326
- fix: lock option by @vitormpp in #327
- chore: sentry tracing report disabled by default in dev mode by @tomaspalma in #329
- exchange schedule is now previewed when hovering through class options by @Wallen-Ribeiro in #334
- Sentry release and source map uploads action by @thePeras in #323
- fix: class item conflict indicator correct severity by @tomaspalma in #330
- enhancement: Remover seleção should appear only when there is a major… by @ghRodrigo in #336
- chore(deps): bump rollup from 4.20.0 to 4.25.0 by @dependabot in #338
- Add WebSocket integration by @Process-ing in #337
- Allow user to erase classes from option more easily by @racoelhosilva in #341
- fixed origin class update bug by @Wallen-Ribeiro in #345
- Exchange not allowing submission when Schedule has a conflict by @R0drig0-P in #339
- chore(deps): bump cross-spawn from 7.0.3 to 7.0.6 by @dependabot in #344
- chore(deps): bump nanoid from 3.3.7 to 3.3.8 by @dependabot in #352
- fix: sentry action could not find version by @tomaspalma in #347
- restricted access to admin page by @Wallen-Ribeiro in #354
- Feature/exchange by @tomaspalma in #281
- fix: invalid url to sso login by @tomaspalma in #357
- hotfix: docker compose port fix by @racoelhosilva in #363
- Improving Exchange UI by @thePeras in #362
- Collaborative Sessions - Actually create a session [Frontend] by @racoelhosilva in #356
- chore(deps): bump vite from 5.4.8 to 5.4.14 by @dependabot in #364
- Release/3.2.0 by @tomaspalma in #365
- Login button now appearing on mobile by @Wallen-Ribeiro in #375
- feat: automatic student class fill by @tomaspalma in #371
- Severe conflict disables exchange request by @Wallen-Ribeiro in #378
- Feature/enrollments and custom requests by @tomaspalma in #373
- feat: page and service to submit verify request by @tomaspalma in #377
- Feature/exchange admin by @tomaspalma in #374
- When exchange fails, an error is shown by @jose-carlos-sousa in #379
- feat: bug reporting by user on the app by @tomaspalma in #324
- Feature/direct exchange button by @R0drig0-P in #355
- Feature/student search in dropdown by @tomaspalma in #393
- fix: stop showing 'envolvidos nao aceitaram' messages by @tomaspalma in #395
- User can click to accept direct exchange it received in the frontend by @tomaspalma in #398
- Improvements on admin filters by @tomaspalma in #394
- Feat/course unit disenrollment by @tomaspalma in #391
- Feature/canceled exchanges feedback by @tomaspalma in #400
- Submit button is disabled when conflicts in previewed Schedule by @Wallen-Ribeiro in #405
- fix: schedule preview auto fill by @tomaspalma in #406
- fix: wrong display of enrolled course units by @tomaspalma in #409
- feat: show enrolled and not course units by @tomaspalma in #410
- feat: warning when sigarra and tts schedule not synced by @jose-carlos-sousa in #411
- feat: cancel exchange request by @tomaspalma in #414
- Changed request exchange to table by @racoelhosilva in #413
- Custom mailto for exchanges and enrollments by @racoelhosilva in #415
- new error message for duplicate requests by @Wallen-Ribeiro in #417
- Loading spinner while fetching schedule information by @racoelhosilva in #418
- Enable conflicts with T classes by @Process-ing in #419
- fix: make urgent request text more clear by @tomaspalma in #421
- fix: better conflict text to indicate conflicts may not happen with us by @tomaspalma in #423
- fix: remove faulty submit tooltip by @tomaspalma in #422
- Fix: add newlines in mailto body by @racoelhosilva in #425
- fix: improve exchange success message and reduced /auth/info spam by @tomaspalma in #426
- fix: mobile broken and turmas link not shown by @tomaspalma in #427
- Fix/admin glitches by @tomaspalma in #428
- fix: treat exchange button with wronge course id by @tomaspalma in #429
- fix: tratar exchange button by @tomaspalma in #430
- feat: text indicating exchange of other student by @tomaspalma in #432
- fix: admin pagination show correct total pages by @tomaspalma in #433
- Fix/schedule issues by @tomaspalma in #434
- fix: enrollment preview schedule crashing by @tomaspalma in #435
- fix: multiple student admin exchanges crashing by @tomaspalma in #436
- fix: emails and more specific information by @tomaspalma in #437
- fix: sending marketplace id when there is one by @tomaspalma in #439
- feat: profile picture requests by @tomaspalma in #440
- Release 4.0 by @tomaspalma in #438
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #258
- @vitormpp made their first contribution in #326
- @ghRodrigo made their first contribution in #336
- @racoelhosilva made their first contribution in #341
- @R0drig0-P made their first contribution in
What's Changed
- States/fe/random fill by @Wallen-Ribeiro in #226
- 236 add hash to course unit and method to verify hash by @jose-carlos-sousa in #250
- fix: course picker is responsive on smaller devices by @tomaspalma in #264
- fix: mobile course picker is now scrollable by @tomaspalma in #268
- feat: slot boxes are now ordered on mobile and smaller devices by @tomaspalma in #266
- fix: schedule preview is restored on esc by @tomaspalma in #269
- chore: remove tts prefix in production by @tomaspalma in #272
- feat: mobile professor dropdown menu is responsive by @tomaspalma in #273
- fix: pasting ghost schedule option by @tomaspalma in #275
- fix: slot order logic now takes into account start time if days are the same by @tomaspalma in #279
- fix: broken logic in setting and determining the current selected option by @tomaspalma in #277
- Fix conflicts with laboratorial classes by @Process-ing in #278
- Setup features and faq analytics by @thePeras in #270
New Contributors
- @jose-carlos-sousa made their first contribution in #250
Full Changelog: v3.0.1...v3.1.0
What's Changed
- Fix: Niployments deploy action uses correct secret values by @tomaspalma in #259
Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.0.1
What's Changed
- 127-importexport-update-input-box-borders by @dsantosferreira in #138
- Removed tts-bridge on docker-compose.yaml by @ZeAntonioM in #139
- Fix/new db adaptations by @SergioEstevao11 in #146
- feat: professor_acronyms substitution by @SergioEstevao11 in #147
- Extra UCs, Import&Export updated, Minor Add-ons by @SergioEstevao11 in #148
- Feature/professor information by @diogotvf7 in #153
- Fix professor dropdown by @SergioEstevao11 in #154
- Fix export to csv by @thePeras in #161
- Feature/multiple schedule design by @diogotvf7 in #166
- Subjects acronym by @thePeras in #169
- Emoji picker's emojis according to browser by @diogotvf7 in #168
- Refactor schedule link by @Process-ing in #171
- Schedule to image by @diogotvf7 in #176
- Enhance/sidebar redesign by @diogotvf7 in #175
- Re-enable credits banner by @Process-ing in #177
- Changed visual style of conflicts by @Wallen-Ribeiro in #160
- Refactored how conflict warnings are made by @Wallen-Ribeiro in #173
- No support Clipboard API readText method alternative by @thePeras in #184
- Saving scrappe info on localStorage by @diogotvf7 in #185
- Release by @diogotvf7 in #186
- Fixed info request location by @diogotvf7 in #187
- Fixed info request location by @diogotvf7 in #188
- Fixed endpoint path by @diogotvf7 in #189
- Make an action to wait for netlify deploy for develop preview by @LuisDuarte1 in #193
- Preview Config by @jpnsantoss in #194
- FAQ page: Clean and Modify questions by @thePeras in #192
- New dropdown for class selection. by @jpnsantoss in #195
- Fix/bug fixes by @diogotvf7 in #196
- New visual for the about page by @Wallen-Ribeiro in #201
- Reorganize schedule selector in mobile mode by @rubuy-74 in #204
- Feature/placeholder cards by @Wallen-Ribeiro in #209
- Update Classes Types on Schedule Caption #206 by @clarapbsousa in #211
- Refactor export with new multiple options structure by @Process-ing in #219
- Unify multipleOptions and optionsList by @Process-ing in #223
- Fix Classes Options and Selected teachers by @thePeras in #228
- Refactor/schedule by @tomaspalma in #227
- updated about-us page since it disappeared from this branch by @Wallen-Ribeiro in #229
- Solve race conditions from class fething on picked courses by @tomaspalma in #231
- Fix faqs and dark theme buttons by @thePeras in #235
- Refactor/states by @diogotvf7 in #198
- Fix/dark mode session option by @rubuy-74 in #212
- FIX: preview not null when class selected by @tomaspalma in #240
- Setup plausible and custom event for selected major by @thePeras in #242
- Improved class fetching logic by separating states by @tomaspalma in #238
- Changed build system from cra to vite and way to easily run in production mode by @tomaspalma in #239
- chore: prepare for niployments by @limwa in #243
- Course api year is now dynamic by @tomaspalma in #245
- FIX: picked courses are now being correctly stored by @tomaspalma in #248
- fix: ghost conflicts on class hover by @tomaspalma in #249
- Fix search major bug by @thePeras in #253
- UI improvements, fix bug and add redirect on / by @thePeras in #254
- FIX: now appearing on smaller screens by @tomaspalma in #256
- Release refactor changes to main by @tomaspalma in #247
New Contributors
- @diogotvf7 made their first contribution in #153
- @thePeras made their first contribution in #161
- @Wallen-Ribeiro made their first contribution in #160
- @LuisDuarte1 made their first contribution in #193
- @jpnsantoss made their first contribution in #194
- @rubuy-74 made their first contribution in #204
- @clarapbsousa made their first contribution in #211
- @tomaspalma made their first contribution in #227
- @limwa made their first contribution in #243
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v3.0.0
TTS Version 2.0.0
- Preview schedules on hover
- Filter schedules by professor
- Naming schedules
- Import & Export
Bug Fixes
- Shared Practical Classes can be selected individually
- Lab Classes are selectable and selectable
What's next?
- Select multiple Practical Classes at the same time: they should be highlighted accordingly with a checkbox
- Import&Export User Friendliness
- Refactor, Comment and Polish the code
- Create E2E tests
- Extra UCs feature
Bug to fix:
- Fervorlesly clicks on the checkboxes in the Selection Modal can result in non-checked courses appearing in the ScheduleListBox, and vice-versa
- Currently, a subject that belongs to 2+ years only shows up for one year, the next step is to fix this, by making the subject show up in all its respective years.
TTS Version 1.0.0
- New layout
- More User-friendly design
- Multiple schedule options
What's next?
- Filter schedules by professor
- Naming schedules
- Import & Export
- Selecting UCs from different courses