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Takes query, key and value tensors and computes scaled multi-head attention - computes scaled dot product attention scores softmax(K'Q/sqrt(HeadSize)) and returns values weighted by these attention scores.


The bertQKVToContextPlugin takes two inputs; input, and optionally input_mask.

input input is a tensor with shape [S, B, 3 * E, 1, 1] where B is the batch size and E is the hidden size. The input has two trailing dimensions in order to generate an output with the same trailing dimensions for a FC optimiazation further down the network. This plugin makes strong assumptions about its input: - The input tensor contains all 3 matrices Q, K, V - This input tensor is computed by multiplying a tensor of size [S, B, E] with the weights W_qkv of size [E, 3 * E] - The weight matrix W_qkv is NOT just the vertical concatenation of individual matrices W_tmp = [W_q', W_k', W_v']', but to start with W_tmp, reshaping it into [E, 3, N, H] (where N * H = E and N is number of heads, H is head size) transposing it into [E, N, 3, H] and reshaping it back to [E, 3 * E]. The interpretation is to layout the k-th heads of Q, K and V next to each other, instead of first all N heads of Q, then all N heads of K, then all heads of V

input_mask input_mask is a tensor of shape [B] where B is the batch size. The input mask is in the encoded in the format described in embLayerNormPlugin, and contains the number of valid elements from the start of the sequence. If provided, the attention scores, i.e. the softmax distribution, are only computed over the elements designated as valid by the input mask

The bertQKVToContextPlugin generates the following output:

output output is a tensor with shape [S, B, E, 1, 1] where B is the batch size.


bertQKVToContextPlugin has plugin creator class QKVToContextPluginDynamicCreator and plugin class CustomQKVToContextPluginDynamic.

The parameters are defined below and consists of the following attributes:

Type Parameter Version Description
int type_id 1, 2 Integer encoding the DataType (0: FP32, 1: FP16, 2: INT8)
int hidden_size 1, 2, 3 The hidden size, denoted by E above.
int num_heads 1, 2, 3 The number of self-attention heads.
bool has_mask 1, 2 Whether to use the input_mask input.
float dq_probs 1, 2, 3 inner layer scale factor when run in int8 precision, default 1.f/127.f.
int var_seqlen 2 Whether to use variable sequence length (0: disable, 1: enable), default 0.
int use_int8_scale_max 2, 3 Whether to use INT8 scale factors to optimize softmax MAX reduction. Only active when type_id==2. (0: disable, 1: enable), default 1.

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For terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution, see the TensorRT Software License Agreement documentation.


August 2022 Expose use_int8_scale_max plugin attribute (for versions 2 and 3 of the plugin). This allows users to enable/disable the usage of INT8 scale factors to optimize softmax MAX reduction. This optimization is applied always when type_id==2 by default.

September 2021 Add sequence length 512 support in v2 plugin Add head size 32 support when sequence length is 128, 256 or 512 in v2 plugin

October 2020 Add v2 plugin that supports variable sequence length. Add v3 plugin that supports int8 interleaved variable sequence length.

November 2019 This is the first release of this file.

Known issues

This plugin only supports GPUs with compute capability >= 7.0. For more information see the CUDA GPU Compute Capability Support Matrix