###Description It is difficult to make prediction or understand the results of the severe weather events by just looking the available data sets. Data mining and visualization is necessary to find the related data and emphasize its meaning. In this project, we will work on the modern visualization techniques for the severe weather data sets. We propose a visualization tool that give emphasis of hail and tornado correlation. This tool will have the ability to process and visualize the tornado and hail data sets that will help the meteorologist and researchers to understand the correlation between hails and tornadoes in US.
###Live Demo
A live demo can be found in here.
###Raw Data The data files ( 1950-2014_torn.csv and 1950-2014_hail.csv) can be downloaded at here and processed using "DataManipulation.m" Matlab file.
###Final Proposal Final proposal can be found in here.
###Video A video can be found in [here] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZEWk_ZHxqw).