Project to practice using keycloak together with microservices.
This documentation details the components and microservices of this repository.
- Ports:
- keycloak: 8090
- keycloak-initializer: dynamic
- ms-discovery(eureka): 8761
- ms-bills: dynamic
- Clone this Repository: Begin by cloning this repository to your local machine:
git clone
This project uses Docker Compose to simplify deployment and container management. To run the application with Docker Compose, follow these steps:
Install Docker and Docker Compose: Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system.
Start Containers: Located in the root folder where the docker-compose.yml file is located, you must execute the following command in your terminal for the creation and execution of the containers in the background.
docker-compose up -d
This command will create and run the containers defined in the docker-compose.yml
Stop and Delete Containers
When you have finished using the application, you can stop the containers in two ways:
To stop containers without deleting them, run:
docker-compose stop
To stop and delete containers, run:
docker-compose down
This will remove the containers and free the resources used by them.
Access Keycloak Console: Once the containers are running, you can access the Keycloak console by opening http://localhost:8090 in your web browser. Ensure that Keycloak is running on port 8090.
Initialize Keycloak Realm: Inside the repository you will find the keycloak-initializer which will create the realm, clients, users and necessary configurations. First, execute the
to create the realm and its configurations. This must be executed only once.
Start the ms-discovery microservice.
Then start the ms-bills microservice. Once the microservice has been successfully initialized, it's ready to handle requests through its endpoints.