[WIP] do not use
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SmoothScroll : (optional/default:false) -> assume usage of new 'scroll-behavior' css property and fallback for browsers not supporting it
listen : -> array of objects representing elements SU will track while scroll happen and their configurations :
selector : (required) -
SU will track all these elements and update their state based on update
update :
(activation logic) eg : if _touching
, element is active only when touching the computed trigger line
trigger (optional/default:1)
represent a percentage of available window height, used to calculate trigger line. like so: triggerLine = (windowHeight/100)*trigger)
events :
-isEligible : name of the event fired when element meet condition
-lostEligibility : name of the event fired when element lost eligibility (noway)
- offset for fixed nav (any direction)
- allow multiples selector and updates methods (pipe?) (eg:
'update' : '_visible|_touching'
!>.container>(#nav>ul>li*12>a[href=#section$]{Section $})+section.myCssClass#section$*12
var test = new ScrollUtil({
'smoothScroll' : true,
'listen' : [
{'selector' : '.myCssClass', 'update' : '_touching', 'trigger' : 50, 'events' : {'isEligible' : 'myCustomEvent', 'lostEligibility' : 'myOtherCustomEvent'} }
let curr
// happen when elements is eligible
window.addEventListener('myCustomEvent', (e) => {
curr = e.detail.activeElement
// change target when we receive a new one
if(curr != e.detail.activeElement){
curr = e.detail.activeElement
// getPair() Element methods / retrieve (href)targeting element
// happen when element lost eligibility
window.addEventListener('myOtherCustomEvent', (e) => {
elem = e.detail.activeElement
- Nathanaël Demeuse - Initial work - Nathan2-D
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details