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Template Help

NebelFox edited this page Feb 19, 2022 · 2 revisions

C# & Json


    "boxes": {
        "main": {
            "commands": [
                    "name": "help",
                    "brief": "detailed info about an executable",
                    "description": [
                        "Shows description, parameters, and examples of an executable.",
                        "Parameter full-name means the full 'path' from the box root to it, including its name.",
                        "If called without arguments - shows the 'lobby help' (help of the box itself).",
                        "Alternatively, a --help switch could be used for the same effect."
                    "params": "[full-name...]"


var serializer = new Serializer();
BoxBuilder builder = serializer.Boxes["main"];
builder.SetActionsByPaths(new Dictionary<string, Action<Context>>
    ["help"] = context => context.Box.Execute($"{string.Join(' ', (object[])context["full-name"])} --help")

Only C#

const string description = @"Shows description, parameters, and examples of an executable.
Parameter full-name means the full 'path' from the box root to it, including its name.
If called without arguments - shows the 'lobby help' (help of the box itself).
Alternatively, a --help switch could be used for the same effect.";

new BoxBuilder()
   .Command(new Command("help", "detailed info about an executable")
           .Action(context => context.Box.Execute($"{string.Join(' ', (object[])context["full-name"])} --help")))
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