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Ongoing Repo to document LED Matrix Demo, to be converted into K8s Demo for Digital Signage.

Components needed

Single RPI - Prefer RPI 4, but my orgiginal testing of the LED Matrix was PI 3 B+ with WiFi.

Waveshare 64x64 Matrix pannel.

5v 4A Power supply - I used a bench PSU for testing, LED pannel can consume a lot of current especially if you choose to Daisy chain.

Optional PI Hat - I did not use one, I used official GPIO mapping to the RPI (Mapping can be found at the bottom of this page.

Libs needed

I used the hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix libary for initial testing.

git clone

To display images, GIFs or Videos with the hzeller lib you will need to install libgraphicsmagick++-dev and libweb-dev.

Python Scripts

As a part of the hzeller Liberary it will come with Python coomponents, these are loacted at /bindings/python within this dir there are samples to test and try.

To ensure that this works you will need to install python on the Pi.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pillow -y
cd rpi-rgb-led-matrix/
make build-python PYTHON=$(command -v python3)
sudo make install-python PYTHON=$(command -v python3)

Container Image

To make ease of rollout a little easier, I have created a Container Image based on SLE BCI to run the LED matrix on Raspberry PI with included assets. Make sure that you run the container with the --privileged flag, this is so the container has access to the GPIO pins of the Pi.

docker run --privileged nelsongeeko/led-matrix:latest

As of the 7/11/2023, the Container image version 0.6 can accept enviromental varibles to change what is displayed. Currently the the Contianer image has the assets included within to be defined, this is due to images needing to be exactly square for the 64x64 display.

To utalise the enviroment varibles on Docker run:

docker run --privileged -e "IMAGE=<image>.jpg" nelsongeeko/led-matrix:0.6

Current images that are included in the docker image are in rpi-led-matrix-demo-python/.

This does now mean that I have created a deployment.yaml which I have tested on K3s 1.27.6. the deployemnt.yaml file is availible in this repository.

GPIO Mapping for RPI

Then for each first panel of a chain there is a set of (R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2) that you have to connect to the corresponding pins. They are marked [1], [2] and [3] for chain 1, 2, and 3 below.

If you only connect one panel or have one chain, connect it to [1] (:smile:); if you use parallel chains, add the other [2] and [3].

To make things quicker to navigate visually, each chain is marked with a separate icon:

[1]=:smile:, [2]=:boom: and [3]=:droplet: ; signals that go to all chains have all icons.

Connection Pin Pin Connection
- 1 2 -
💧 [3] G1 3 4 -
💧 [3] B1 5 6 GND 😄💥💧
😄💥💧 LAT 7 8 [3] R1 💧
- 9 10 E 😄💥💧 (for 64 row matrix, 1:32)
😄💥💧 clock 11 12 OE- 😄💥💧
😄 [1] G1 13 14 -
😄💥💧 A 15 16 B 😄💥💧
- 17 18 C 😄💥💧
😄 [1] B2 19 20 -
😄 [1] G2 21 22 D 😄💥💧 (for 32 row matrix, 1:16)
😄 [1] R1 23 24 [1] R2 😄
- 25 26 [1] B1 😄
- 27 28 -
💥 [2] G1 29 30 -
💥 [2] B1 31 32 [2] R1 💥
💥 [2] G2 33 34 -
💥 [2] R2 35 36 [3] G2 💧
💧[3] R2 37 38 [2] B2 💥
- 39 40 [3] B2 💧

Alt text

Note for using GPIO output without hat

If you are using the hzeller lib, commands to run some of the demos and Utils will require --led-rows=64, led-cols=64 and led-no-hardware-pulse flags set.