What's Changed
- fix: app.get_loading_images_special
- fix: audio_uploader.upload_cover
- fix: login_v2.LoginCheck 特殊情况
- chore: update VideoAppealReasonType
- [BREAKING CHANGE] fix: ass.make_ass_file_danmakus_protobuf 移除 credential 参数
- [BREAKING CHANGE] refactor: remove class EpisodeTryMP4DownloadURL, HTML5MP4DownloadURL, add class MP4StreamDownloadURL 与相关返回值变动
- [BREAKING CHANGE] refactor: remove video.VideoDownloadURLDataDetecter.check_flv_stream, video.VideoDownloadURLDataDetecter.check_html5_mp4_stream, video.VideoDownloadURLDataDetecter.check_episode_try_mp4_stream, add check_flv_mp4_stream
- feat: user.User.get_opus
- feat: parse_link 支持 opus
- feat: 支持配置第三方请求库使用 HTTP2,支持设置 curl_cffi 伪装的目标浏览器。设置方法见相关文档。
- chore(deps): update beautifulsoup4 requirement from ~=4.12.3 to ~=4.13.0 by @dependabot in #885
- chore(deps): update beautifulsoup4 requirement from ~=4.13.0 to ~=4.13.3 by @dependabot in #888
- chore(deps): update lxml requirement from ~=5.3.0 to ~=5.3.1 by @dependabot in #889
Full Changelog: 17.1.0...17.1.1