Minishell is a simplified reproduction of a Unix shell, aiming to provide a deep understanding of shell operations. This project implements several essential features, including built-in commands and handling of redirections and pipes.
cd: Changes the current directory.
echo: Displays a line of text, supports the -n option to omit the trailing newline.
pwd: Displays the current working directory.
env: Displays environment variables.
unset: Removes environment variables.
export: Sets environment variables.
exit: Exits the shell.
>: Redirects standard output to a file (overwrite).
<: Redirects standard input from a file.
>>: Redirects standard output to a file (append).
<<: Here-document, allows multi-line input as standard input.
|: Pipe, allows chaining multiple commands by using the output of one as the input of the next.
Expansion: Environment variables are expanded with $ followed by the variable name.
" (double quotes): Expands environment variables inside.
' (single quotes): No expansion of environment variables inside.
Syntax: Detection and handling of syntax errors to ensure robust shell operation.
git clone
cd minishell
Run ./minishell to start your custom shell. Use commands and redirections as in a classic Unix shell.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.