While we are a loose group of Gentoo lovers, we do have some common goals that define this project. As a project, we want to...
- ...make the full Gentoo experience practical on embedded devices (see below for a list). This includes a fully accelerated X11 desktop environment for those who want it, where available drivers allow for it.
- ...make it easy to contribute to Gentoo in the embedded arena (and others as necessary) by providing a supportive and friendly environment, similar to the sunrise overlay.
- ...document all our work so that future developers do not have to go through the hoops we jumped to get to this point.
- ...work with official Gentoo to make sure as much of our work benefits more than just Neuvoo users.
We are limited by manpower and hardware to supporting the following devices:
- armv7a ** BeagleBoard / DevKit8000 ** Touchbook ** Pandora ** Overo ** Pandaboard
Here are the nicknames of the people who signed up permanently for this project in the foreseeable future and have write access to the Neuvoo repositories:
- viridior (admin) supports BeagleBoard, Touchbook, Overo and Pandaboard
- javaJake (admin) supports BeagleBoard and Pandora