Bioinformatics scripts and R scripts for snow crab RNA transcriptome assembly, whole reference genome assembly and annotation, and SNP genotyping.
- Genome assembly using long and short read sequencing with HiC chromatin capture
- Genome annotation
- Transcriptome assembly using RNA-seq from five tissues
- Pool-seq of 15 snow crab populations across Atlantic Canada to examine population structure
- Individual whole-genome sequencing ~800 crabs for SNP genotyping
- Environmental association analysis
Figure 1 Map of genetic sample locations overlaid on minimum winter bottom temperature based on the Bedford Institute of Oceanography North Atlantic Model (BNAM). Crab Fishing Areas (CFAs) overlaid.
#Extractions from the Ditital Twin Ocean (DTO) - developed for the Northwest Atlantic
Figure 2 DTO extractions for minimum bottom temperature observed between 2004-2024 based the GLORYS ocean reanalysis model. Model is based on monthly average time steps.
Figure 3 DTO extractions for maximum bottom temperature observed between 2004-2024 based the GLORYS ocean reanalysis model. Model is based on monthly average time steps.
Figure 4 DTO extractions for mean bottom temperature observed between 2004-2024 based the GLORYS ocean reanalysis model. Model is based on monthly average time steps.