- Reworking the transaction managers to be more explicit and to handle modbus RTU over TCP.
- Adding examples for a number of unique requested use cases
- Allow RTU framers to fail fast instead of staying at fault
- Working on datastore saving and loading
- Fixing memory leak in clients and servers (removed __del__)
- Adding the ability to override the client framers
- Working on web page api and GUI
- Moving examples and extra code to contrib sections
- Adding more documentation
- Adding support for payload builders to form complex encoding and decoding of messages.
- Adding BCD and binary payload builders
- Adding support for pydev
- Cleaning up the build tools
- Adding a message encoding generator for testing.
- Now passing kwargs to base of PDU so arguments can be used correctly at all levels of the protocol.
- A number of bug fixes (see bug tracker and commit messages)
Please view the git commit log