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API Reference


Name Description
AddTargetPortPublisher Publishes a container port common listener.addTargets props.
CloudMapNamespaceProvider A convenience interface for creating a CloudMap namespace.
ClusterProvider Convenience interface for providing ClusterInfo to the cluster construct.
DatabaseInstanceProvider Provides a very basic RDS database instance.
DatabaseProvider Convenience interface for providing DatabaseInfo to the cluster.
EcsClusterInfoProvider Provides a very basic ECS cluster in the given VPC.
EnsureMysqlDatabaseExtension Ensures a MySQL database exists by adding an init container.
EnsurePostgresqlDatabaseExtension Ensures a Postgresql database exists by adding an init container.
FargateSpotEcsClusterInfoProvider Provides an ECS cluster in the given VPC that has FARGATE and FARGATE_SPOT capacity providers enabled.
FromClusterInfoProvider Directly provide cluster info.
FromDatabaseInfoProvider Provide database info directly.
FromVpcProvider Directly provides the given VPC.
HttpAlbPortPublisher Creates a load balancer and an HTTP load balancer.
HttpListenerProvider Creates a load balancer and an HTTP load balancer.
HttpsAlbPortPublisher Creates an application load balancer and an HTTPS listener with the given ACM certificates.
HttpsListenerProvider Creates an application load balancer and an HTTPS listener with the given ACM certificates.
IngressAndPrivateVpcProvider Provides a VPC with both private and public subnets.
KeycloakCluster A complete Keycloak cluster in a box.
KeycloakContainerExtension Adds a keycloak container to a task definition.
KeycloakEc2TaskDefinition The details of a Keycloak task definition running on EC2.
KeycloakFargateTaskDefinition The details of a Keycloak task definition running on Fargate.
ListenerProvider Convenience interface for providing ListenerInfo to the cluster.
NlbListenerProvider Creates a network load balancer listener.
NlbPortPublisher Publishes a port via a Network Load Balancer.
PortPublisher Convenience interface for creating port publishers.
ServerlessAuroraDatabaseProvider Provides a serverless Aurora database cluster.
VpcProvider No description


Name Description
AddTargetPortPublisherProps Information about how to register with a load balancer.
AlbPortPublisherProps Properties for an ALB port publisher.
ClusterInfo Information about the ecs cluster.
DatabaseInfo Information about needed to connect to the database.
DatabaseInstanceProviderProps Basic props for creating a database instance.
EnsureMysqlDatabaseExtensionProps Props for EnsureMysqlDatabaseExtension.
EnsurePostgresqlDatabaseExtensionProps Props for EnsurePostgresqlDatabaseExtension.
FromClusterInfoProviderProps Props for FromClusterInfoProvider.
FromDatabaseInfoProviderProps Props for FromDatabaseInfoProvider.
FromVpcProviderProps Props for FromVpcProvider.
HttpAlbPortPublisherProps Properties for an HTTP ALB port publisher.
HttpsAlbPortPublisherProps Properties for a new HTTPS-listening load balancer.
HttpsListenerProviderProps Properties for a new HTTPS-listening load balancer.
KeycloakClusterProps Props for KeycloakCluster.
KeycloakContainerExtensionProps Configuration for the Keycloak container.
KeycloakEc2TaskDefinitionProps Props for KeycloakEc2TaskDefinition.
KeycloakFargateTaskDefinitionProps Props for KeycloakFargateTaskDefinition.
ListenerInfo Information about how to register with a load balancer.
NlbListenerProviderProps Information about a network load balancer to create.
NlbPortPublisherProps Information about a network load balancer to create.
PrivateDnsNamespaceProviderProps Props for creating a private Dns Namespace.
ServerlessAuroraDatabaseProviderProps Basic props for creating a serverless Aurora database cluster.
VpcInfo Information about the VPC other providers may opt to use to host their resources.


Name Description
ICloudMapNamespaceInfoProvider Provides CloudMapNamespaceInfo once the VPC is available.
IClusterInfoProvider Provides ClusterInfo after the VPC is available.
IDatabaseInfoProvider Provides DatabaseInfo after the VPC is available.
IKeycloakTaskDefinition A Keycloak task definition.
IListenerInfoProvider Provides ListenerInfo once the VPC is available.
IPortPublisher Publishes container ports.
IVpcInfoProvider Provides VpcInfo.


Name Description
KeycloakDatabaseVendor The database vendor.

class AddTargetPortPublisher

Publishes a container port common listener.addTargets props.

Implements: IPortPublisher


new AddTargetPortPublisher(listenerInfo: AddTargetPortPublisherProps)

class CloudMapNamespaceProvider

A convenience interface for creating a CloudMap namespace.


new CloudMapNamespaceProvider()


static privateDns(props?)

Create a CloudMap namespaces from a private dns zone.

static privateDns(props?: PrivateDnsNamespaceProviderProps): ICloudMapNamespaceInfoProvider


class ClusterProvider

Convenience interface for providing ClusterInfo to the cluster construct.


new ClusterProvider()


static cluster()

Create an ECS cluster.

static cluster(): IClusterInfoProvider


static fargateSpotCluster()🔹

Create an ECS cluster with Fargate Spot support.

static fargateSpotCluster(): IClusterInfoProvider


static fromClusterInfo(clusterInfo)

Provide raw clusterInfo.

static fromClusterInfo(clusterInfo: ClusterInfo): IClusterInfoProvider
  • clusterInfo (ClusterInfo) No description
    • cluster (ICluster) The ECS cluster for adding a service.


class DatabaseInstanceProvider

Provides a very basic RDS database instance.

Implements: IDatabaseInfoProvider


new DatabaseInstanceProvider(props?: DatabaseInstanceProviderProps)

class DatabaseProvider

Convenience interface for providing DatabaseInfo to the cluster.


new DatabaseProvider()


static databaseInstance(props?)

Provide a new database instance.

static databaseInstance(props?: DatabaseInstanceProviderProps): DatabaseInstanceProvider


static fromDatabaseInfo(props)

Provide raw DatabaseInfo.

static fromDatabaseInfo(props: DatabaseInfo): IDatabaseInfoProvider
  • props (DatabaseInfo) No description
    • credentials (ISecret) Database credentials in standard RDS json format.
    • vendor (KeycloakDatabaseVendor) Database vendor.
    • connectable (IConnectable) A connectable so that the cluster can allow itself to connect to the database. Optional


static serverlessAuroraCluster(props?)

Provide a new serverless aurora cluster.

static serverlessAuroraCluster(props?: ServerlessAuroraDatabaseProviderProps): IDatabaseInfoProvider


class EcsClusterInfoProvider

Provides a very basic ECS cluster in the given VPC.

Implements: IClusterInfoProvider


new EcsClusterInfoProvider()

class EnsureMysqlDatabaseExtension

Ensures a MySQL database exists by adding an init container.

Makes the default container depend on the successful completion of this container.

Implements: ITaskDefinitionExtension


new EnsureMysqlDatabaseExtension(props: EnsureMysqlDatabaseExtensionProps)
  • props (EnsureMysqlDatabaseExtensionProps) No description
    • databaseCredentials (ISecret) RDS credentials.
    • databaseName (string) Name of the database to create.
    • containerName (string) Name of the container to add to do this work. Default: 'ensure-mysql-database'
    • logging (LogDriver) Logging driver. Optional



Apply the extension to the given TaskDefinition.

extend(taskDefinition: TaskDefinition): void

class EnsurePostgresqlDatabaseExtension

Ensures a Postgresql database exists by adding an init container.

Makes the default container depend on the successful completion of this container.

Implements: ITaskDefinitionExtension


new EnsurePostgresqlDatabaseExtension(props: EnsurePostgresqlDatabaseExtensionProps)
  • props (EnsurePostgresqlDatabaseExtensionProps) No description
    • databaseCredentials (ISecret) RDS credentials.
    • databaseName (string) Name of the database to create.
    • containerName (string) Name of the container to add to do this work. Default: 'ensure-postgresql-database'
    • logging (LogDriver) Logging driver. Optional



Apply the extension to the given TaskDefinition.

extend(taskDefinition: TaskDefinition): void

class FargateSpotEcsClusterInfoProvider 🔹

Provides an ECS cluster in the given VPC that has FARGATE and FARGATE_SPOT capacity providers enabled.

Implements: IClusterInfoProvider


new FargateSpotEcsClusterInfoProvider()

class FromClusterInfoProvider

Directly provide cluster info.

Implements: IClusterInfoProvider


new FromClusterInfoProvider(props: FromClusterInfoProviderProps)

class FromDatabaseInfoProvider

Provide database info directly.

Implements: IDatabaseInfoProvider


new FromDatabaseInfoProvider(props: FromDatabaseInfoProviderProps)

class FromVpcProvider

Directly provides the given VPC.

Implements: IVpcInfoProvider


new FromVpcProvider(props: FromVpcProviderProps)

class HttpAlbPortPublisher

Creates a load balancer and an HTTP load balancer.

Implements: IPortPublisher


new HttpAlbPortPublisher(props?: HttpAlbPortPublisherProps)
  • props (HttpAlbPortPublisherProps) No description
    • healthCheck (boolean) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true
    • id (string) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer'

class HttpListenerProvider ⚠️

Creates a load balancer and an HTTP load balancer.

Implements: IPortPublisher, IListenerInfoProvider, IPortPublisher Extends: HttpAlbPortPublisher


new HttpListenerProvider(props?: HttpAlbPortPublisherProps)
  • props (HttpAlbPortPublisherProps) No description
    • healthCheck (boolean) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true
    • id (string) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer'

class HttpsAlbPortPublisher

Creates an application load balancer and an HTTPS listener with the given ACM certificates.

Implements: IPortPublisher


new HttpsAlbPortPublisher(props: HttpsAlbPortPublisherProps)
  • props (HttpsAlbPortPublisherProps) No description
    • healthCheck (boolean) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true
    • id (string) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer'
    • certificates (Array<ICertificate>) Certificates to use for the ALB listener.
    • upgradeHttp (boolean) Upgrade HTTP connection to HTTPS. Default: false
    • upgradeHttpHost (string) A host name to redirect to when upgrading to HTTPS. Default: same as the request

class HttpsListenerProvider ⚠️

Creates an application load balancer and an HTTPS listener with the given ACM certificates.

Implements: IPortPublisher, IListenerInfoProvider, IPortPublisher Extends: HttpsAlbPortPublisher


new HttpsListenerProvider(props: HttpsListenerProviderProps)

class IngressAndPrivateVpcProvider

Provides a VPC with both private and public subnets.

Implements: IVpcInfoProvider


new IngressAndPrivateVpcProvider()

class KeycloakCluster

A complete Keycloak cluster in a box.

Implements: IConstruct, IConstruct, IConstruct, IDependable Extends: Construct


new KeycloakCluster(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: KeycloakClusterProps)
  • scope (Construct) No description
  • id (string) No description
  • props (KeycloakClusterProps) No description
    • adminConsoleListenerProvider (IListenerInfoProvider) Add the service's WildFly admin console port to a load balancer. Default: not exposed
    • adminConsolePortPublisher (IPortPublisher) Add the service's WildFly admin console port to a load balancer. Default: not exposed
    • capacityProviderStrategy (Array<CfnCluster.CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty>) Add capacity provider strategy by CDK escape hatch. Optional
    • circuitBreaker (boolean) Enable/disable the deployment circuit breaker. Default: true
    • cloudMapNamespaceProvider (ICloudMapNamespaceInfoProvider) CloudMap namespace to use for service discovery. Default: creates one named 'keycloak-service-discovery'
    • cpu (number) Fargate task cpu spec. Default: 1024
    • databaseProvider (IDatabaseInfoProvider) Database server. Default: creates a new one
    • desiredCount (number) How many keycloak cluster members to spin up. Default: 1
    • ecsClusterProvider (IClusterInfoProvider) Provide an ECS cluster. Default: a cluster is automatically created.
    • healthCheckGracePeriod (Duration) Initial grace period for Keycloak to spin up. Default: 10 minutes
    • httpPortPublisher (IPortPublisher) Publish the service's HTTP port. Default: a new load balancer is automatically created unless httpsPort is given.
    • httpsListenerProvider (IListenerInfoProvider) Add the service's https port to a load balancer. Default: not exposed
    • httpsPortPublisher (IPortPublisher) Publish the service's HTTPS port. Default: not published
    • keycloak (KeycloakContainerExtensionProps) Keycloak configuration options. Optional
    • listenerProvider (IListenerInfoProvider) Add the service's http port to a load balancer. Default: a new load balancer is automatically created unless httpsListenerProvider is given.
    • maxHealthyPercent (number) The maximum percentage of healthy tasks during deployments. Optional
    • memoryLimitMiB (number) Fargate task memory spec. Default: 2048
    • minHealthyPercent (number) The minimum percentage of healthy tasks during deployments. Optional
    • vpcProvider (IVpcInfoProvider) VPC to use. Default: creates one
    • vpcTaskAssignPublicIp (boolean) Assign public IPs to the Fargate tasks. Default: false
    • vpcTaskSubnets (SubnetSelection) Where to place the instances within the VPC. Optional


Name Type Description
service BaseService The ECS service controlling the cluster tasks.

class KeycloakContainerExtension

Adds a keycloak container to a task definition.

To use ECS service discovery to locate cluster members, you need to call useCloudMapService with the CloudMap service so that we can configure the correct DNS query.

Implements: ITaskDefinitionExtension


new KeycloakContainerExtension(props?: KeycloakContainerExtensionProps)
  • props (KeycloakContainerExtensionProps) No description
    • cacheOwnersAuthSessionsCount (number) The number of distributed cache owners for authentication sessions. Default: same as cacheOwnersCount
    • cacheOwnersCount (number) The default number of distributed cache owners for each key. Default: 1
    • containerName (string) A name for the container added to the task definition. Default: 'keycloak'
    • databaseCredentials (ISecret) Secrets manager secret containing the RDS database credentials and connection information in JSON format. Default: none
    • databaseName (string) Database name. Default: 'keycloak'
    • databaseSchema (string) Database schema. Default: for Postgresql, the default is 'public'
    • databaseVendor (KeycloakDatabaseVendor) The database vendor. Default: KeycloakDatabaseVendor.H2
    • defaultAdminPassword (string) Default admin user's password. Default: 'admin'
    • defaultAdminUser (string) Default admin user. Default: 'admin'
    • image (ContainerImage) Keycloak container image to use. Default: use jboss/keycloak from docker hub.
    • infinicacheClustering (boolean) Enable infinicache clustering. Default: true if any cache owner count is greater than 1
    • logging (LogDriver) Log driver for the task. Default: cloudwatch with one month retention
    • memoryLimitMiB (number) Memory limit of the keycloak task. Default: 1024
    • memoryReservationMiB (number) Memory reservation size for the keycloak task. Default: 80% of memoryLimitMiB


Name Type Description
adminConsolePort number Admin console port.
cacheOwnersAuthSessionsCount number The number of distributed auth session cache owners for each key.
cacheOwnersCount number The number of distributed cache owners for each key.
containerName string Name of the container added to the task definition.
databaseName string Name of the Keycloak database.
databaseVendor KeycloakDatabaseVendor Database vendor.
defaultAdminPassword string The default admin user password.
defaultAdminUser string The default admin user's name.
httpsWebPort number Web traffic port with HTTPS.
infinicacheClustering boolean True if infinicache clustering is enabled.
webPort number Web traffic port.



Configure health checks on the target group.

configureHealthCheck(targetGroup: ApplicationTargetGroup): void


Apply the extension to the given TaskDefinition.

extend(taskDefinition: TaskDefinition): void


Inform Keycloak of a CloudMap service discovery mechanism.

useCloudMapService(serviceDiscovery: IService): void
  • serviceDiscovery (IService) No description

class KeycloakEc2TaskDefinition

The details of a Keycloak task definition running on EC2.

Implements: IConstruct, IConstruct, IConstruct, IDependable, IResource, IConstruct, IDependable, IConstruct, ITaskDefinition, IConstruct, IDependable, IConstruct, IResource, IEc2TaskDefinition, IConstruct, IDependable, IConstruct, IResource, ITaskDefinition, IKeycloakTaskDefinition Extends: Ec2TaskDefinition


new KeycloakEc2TaskDefinition(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: KeycloakEc2TaskDefinitionProps)
  • scope (Construct) No description
  • id (string) No description
  • props (KeycloakEc2TaskDefinitionProps) No description
    • executionRole (IRole) The name of the IAM task execution role that grants the ECS agent permission to call AWS APIs on your behalf. Default: An execution role will be automatically created if you use ECR images in your task definition.
    • family (string) The name of a family that this task definition is registered to. Default: Automatically generated name.
    • proxyConfiguration (ProxyConfiguration) The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy. Default: No proxy configuration.
    • taskRole (IRole) The name of the IAM role that grants containers in the task permission to call AWS APIs on your behalf. Default: A task role is automatically created for you.
    • volumes (Array<Volume>) The list of volume definitions for the task. Default: No volumes are passed to the Docker daemon on a container instance.
    • inferenceAccelerators (Array<InferenceAccelerator>) The inference accelerators to use for the containers in the task. Default: No inference accelerators.
    • ipcMode (IpcMode) The IPC resource namespace to use for the containers in the task. Default: IpcMode used by the task is not specified
    • networkMode (NetworkMode) The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task. Default: NetworkMode.Bridge for EC2 tasks, AwsVpc for Fargate tasks.
    • pidMode (PidMode) The process namespace to use for the containers in the task. Default: PidMode used by the task is not specified
    • placementConstraints (Array<PlacementConstraint>) An array of placement constraint objects to use for the task. Default: No placement constraints.
    • keycloak (KeycloakContainerExtensionProps) Keycloak configuration. Optional


Name Type Description
keycloakContainerExtension KeycloakContainerExtension The Keycloak container extension.



Configures the health check of the application target group.

configureHealthCheck(targetGroup: ApplicationTargetGroup): void


Register the task definition with a cloudmap service.

useCloudMapService(cloudMapService: IService): void
  • cloudMapService (IService) No description

class KeycloakFargateTaskDefinition

The details of a Keycloak task definition running on Fargate.

Implements: IConstruct, IConstruct, IConstruct, IDependable, IResource, IConstruct, IDependable, IConstruct, ITaskDefinition, IConstruct, IDependable, IConstruct, IResource, IFargateTaskDefinition, IConstruct, IDependable, IConstruct, IResource, ITaskDefinition, IKeycloakTaskDefinition Extends: FargateTaskDefinition


new KeycloakFargateTaskDefinition(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: KeycloakFargateTaskDefinitionProps)
  • scope (Construct) No description
  • id (string) No description
  • props (KeycloakFargateTaskDefinitionProps) No description
    • executionRole (IRole) The name of the IAM task execution role that grants the ECS agent permission to call AWS APIs on your behalf. Default: An execution role will be automatically created if you use ECR images in your task definition.
    • family (string) The name of a family that this task definition is registered to. Default: Automatically generated name.
    • proxyConfiguration (ProxyConfiguration) The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy. Default: No proxy configuration.
    • taskRole (IRole) The name of the IAM role that grants containers in the task permission to call AWS APIs on your behalf. Default: A task role is automatically created for you.
    • volumes (Array<Volume>) The list of volume definitions for the task. Default: No volumes are passed to the Docker daemon on a container instance.
    • cpu (number) The number of cpu units used by the task. Default: 256
    • ephemeralStorageGiB (number) The amount (in GiB) of ephemeral storage to be allocated to the task. Default: 20
    • memoryLimitMiB (number) The amount (in MiB) of memory used by the task. Default: 512
    • keycloak (KeycloakContainerExtensionProps) Keycloak configuration. Optional


Name Type Description
keycloakContainerExtension KeycloakContainerExtension The Keycloak container extension.



Configures the health check of the application target group.

configureHealthCheck(targetGroup: ApplicationTargetGroup): void


Register the task definition with a cloudmap service.

useCloudMapService(cloudMapService: IService): void
  • cloudMapService (IService) No description

class ListenerProvider ⚠️

Convenience interface for providing ListenerInfo to the cluster.


new ListenerProvider()


static fromListenerInfo(listenerInfo)⚠️

Add to an existing load balancer.

static fromListenerInfo(listenerInfo: ListenerInfo): IListenerInfoProvider


static http()⚠️

Create a load balancer that listens for HTTP.

static http(): IListenerInfoProvider


static https(props)⚠️

Create a load balancer that listens for HTTPS with your certificates.

static https(props: HttpsListenerProviderProps): IListenerInfoProvider


static nlb(props)⚠️

Create a network load balancer.

static nlb(props: NlbListenerProviderProps): IListenerInfoProvider
  • props (NlbListenerProviderProps) No description
    • port (number) Port to listen on.
    • healthCheck (boolean) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true
    • id (string) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer'


static none()⚠️

Not added to a load balancer.

static none(): IListenerInfoProvider


class NlbListenerProvider ⚠️

Creates a network load balancer listener.

Implements: IPortPublisher, IListenerInfoProvider, IPortPublisher Extends: NlbPortPublisher


new NlbListenerProvider(props: NlbListenerProviderProps)
  • props (NlbListenerProviderProps) No description
    • port (number) Port to listen on.
    • healthCheck (boolean) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true
    • id (string) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer'

class NlbPortPublisher

Publishes a port via a Network Load Balancer.

Implements: IPortPublisher


new NlbPortPublisher(props: NlbPortPublisherProps)
  • props (NlbPortPublisherProps) No description
    • port (number) Port to listen on.
    • healthCheck (boolean) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true
    • id (string) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer'

class PortPublisher

Convenience interface for creating port publishers.


new PortPublisher()


static addTarget(props)

Add to an existing load balancer.

static addTarget(props: AddTargetPortPublisherProps): IPortPublisher


static httpAlb(props?)

Create a load balancer that listens for HTTP.

static httpAlb(props?: HttpAlbPortPublisherProps): IPortPublisher
  • props (HttpAlbPortPublisherProps) No description
    • healthCheck (boolean) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true
    • id (string) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer'


static httpsAlb(props)

Create a load balancer that listens for HTTPS with your certificates.

static httpsAlb(props: HttpsAlbPortPublisherProps): IPortPublisher
  • props (HttpsAlbPortPublisherProps) No description
    • healthCheck (boolean) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true
    • id (string) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer'
    • certificates (Array<ICertificate>) Certificates to use for the ALB listener.
    • upgradeHttp (boolean) Upgrade HTTP connection to HTTPS. Default: false
    • upgradeHttpHost (string) A host name to redirect to when upgrading to HTTPS. Default: same as the request


static nlb(props)

Create a network load balancer.

static nlb(props: NlbPortPublisherProps): IPortPublisher
  • props (NlbPortPublisherProps) No description
    • port (number) Port to listen on.
    • healthCheck (boolean) Enable health checking on this endpoint. Default: true
    • id (string) Scope ID of the load balancer. Default: 'LoadBalancer'


static none()

Not added to a load balancer.

static none(): IPortPublisher


class ServerlessAuroraDatabaseProvider

Provides a serverless Aurora database cluster.

Implements: IDatabaseInfoProvider


new ServerlessAuroraDatabaseProvider(props?: ServerlessAuroraDatabaseProviderProps)

class VpcProvider


new VpcProvider()


static fromExistingVpc(vpc)⚠️

Provides an already-existing vpc.

static fromExistingVpc(vpc: IVpc): IVpcInfoProvider
  • vpc (IVpc) No description


static fromVpc(vpc)

Provides an already-existing vpc.

static fromVpc(vpc: IVpc): IVpcInfoProvider
  • vpc (IVpc) No description


static ingressAndPrivateVpc()

Provides a VPC with a public subnet and private subnet config.

static ingressAndPrivateVpc(): IVpcInfoProvider


struct AddTargetPortPublisherProps

Information about how to register with a load balancer.

Name Type Description
listener IApplicationListener
conditions? Array<ListenerCondition> Optional
priority? number Optional

struct AlbPortPublisherProps

Properties for an ALB port publisher.

Name Type Description
healthCheck? boolean Enable health checking on this endpoint.
Default: true
id? string Scope ID of the load balancer.
Default: 'LoadBalancer'

struct ClusterInfo

Information about the ecs cluster.

Name Type Description
cluster ICluster The ECS cluster for adding a service.

struct DatabaseInfo

Information about needed to connect to the database.

Name Type Description
credentials ISecret Database credentials in standard RDS json format.
vendor KeycloakDatabaseVendor Database vendor.
connectable? IConnectable A connectable so that the cluster can allow itself to connect to the database.

struct DatabaseInstanceProviderProps

Basic props for creating a database instance.

Name Type Description
engine? IInstanceEngine Instance database engine.
Default: mysql 8.0
instanceType? InstanceType Instance type.
Default: t2.micro
subnets? SubnetSelection Select subnets to register the database instance in.

struct EnsureMysqlDatabaseExtensionProps

Props for EnsureMysqlDatabaseExtension.

Name Type Description
databaseCredentials ISecret RDS credentials.
databaseName string Name of the database to create.
containerName? string Name of the container to add to do this work.
Default: 'ensure-mysql-database'
logging? LogDriver Logging driver.

struct EnsurePostgresqlDatabaseExtensionProps

Props for EnsurePostgresqlDatabaseExtension.

Name Type Description
databaseCredentials ISecret RDS credentials.
databaseName string Name of the database to create.
containerName? string Name of the container to add to do this work.
Default: 'ensure-postgresql-database'
logging? LogDriver Logging driver.

struct FromClusterInfoProviderProps

Props for FromClusterInfoProvider.

Name Type Description
cluster ICluster The ECS cluster for adding a service.

struct FromDatabaseInfoProviderProps

Props for FromDatabaseInfoProvider.

Name Type Description
credentials ISecret Database credentials in standard RDS json format.
vendor KeycloakDatabaseVendor Database vendor.
connectable? IConnectable A connectable so that the cluster can allow itself to connect to the database.

struct FromVpcProviderProps

Props for FromVpcProvider.

Name Type Description
vpc IVpc The VPC.

struct HttpAlbPortPublisherProps

Properties for an HTTP ALB port publisher.

Name Type Description
healthCheck? boolean Enable health checking on this endpoint.
Default: true
id? string Scope ID of the load balancer.
Default: 'LoadBalancer'

struct HttpsAlbPortPublisherProps

Properties for a new HTTPS-listening load balancer.

Name Type Description
certificates Array<ICertificate> Certificates to use for the ALB listener.
healthCheck? boolean Enable health checking on this endpoint.
Default: true
id? string Scope ID of the load balancer.
Default: 'LoadBalancer'
upgradeHttp? boolean Upgrade HTTP connection to HTTPS.
Default: false
upgradeHttpHost? string A host name to redirect to when upgrading to HTTPS.
Default: same as the request

struct HttpsListenerProviderProps ⚠️

Properties for a new HTTPS-listening load balancer.

Name Type Description
certificates⚠️ Array<ICertificate> Certificates to use for the ALB listener.

interface ICloudMapNamespaceInfoProvider

Obtainable from: CloudMapNamespaceProvider.privateDns()

Provides CloudMapNamespaceInfo once the VPC is available.

interface IClusterInfoProvider

Implemented by: EcsClusterInfoProvider, FargateSpotEcsClusterInfoProvider, FromClusterInfoProvider Obtainable from: ClusterProvider.cluster(), ClusterProvider.fargateSpotCluster(), ClusterProvider.fromClusterInfo()

Provides ClusterInfo after the VPC is available.

interface IDatabaseInfoProvider

Implemented by: DatabaseInstanceProvider, FromDatabaseInfoProvider, ServerlessAuroraDatabaseProvider Obtainable from: DatabaseProvider.fromDatabaseInfo(), DatabaseProvider.serverlessAuroraCluster()

Provides DatabaseInfo after the VPC is available.

interface IKeycloakTaskDefinition

Implemented by: KeycloakEc2TaskDefinition, KeycloakFargateTaskDefinition

A Keycloak task definition.


Name Type Description
keycloakContainerExtension KeycloakContainerExtension The Keycloak container extension.



Configures the health check of the application target group.

configureHealthCheck(targetGroup: ApplicationTargetGroup): void


Register the task definition with a cloudmap service.

useCloudMapService(cloudMapService: IService): void
  • cloudMapService (IService) No description

interface IListenerInfoProvider ⚠️

Implemented by: HttpListenerProvider, HttpsListenerProvider, NlbListenerProvider Obtainable from: ListenerProvider.fromListenerInfo(), ListenerProvider.http(), ListenerProvider.https(), ListenerProvider.nlb(), ListenerProvider.none()

Provides ListenerInfo once the VPC is available.

interface IPortPublisher

Implemented by: AddTargetPortPublisher, HttpAlbPortPublisher, HttpListenerProvider, HttpsAlbPortPublisher, HttpsListenerProvider, NlbListenerProvider, NlbPortPublisher Obtainable from: PortPublisher.addTarget(), PortPublisher.httpAlb(), PortPublisher.httpsAlb(), PortPublisher.nlb(), PortPublisher.none()

Publishes container ports.

interface IVpcInfoProvider

Implemented by: FromVpcProvider, IngressAndPrivateVpcProvider Obtainable from: VpcProvider.fromExistingVpc(), VpcProvider.fromVpc(), VpcProvider.ingressAndPrivateVpc()

Provides VpcInfo.

struct KeycloakClusterProps

Props for KeycloakCluster.

Name Type Description
adminConsoleListenerProvider?⚠️ IListenerInfoProvider Add the service's WildFly admin console port to a load balancer.
Default: not exposed
adminConsolePortPublisher? IPortPublisher Add the service's WildFly admin console port to a load balancer.
Default: not exposed
capacityProviderStrategy?🔹 Array<CfnCluster.CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty> Add capacity provider strategy by CDK escape hatch.
circuitBreaker? boolean Enable/disable the deployment circuit breaker.
Default: true
cloudMapNamespaceProvider? ICloudMapNamespaceInfoProvider CloudMap namespace to use for service discovery.
Default: creates one named 'keycloak-service-discovery'
cpu? number Fargate task cpu spec.
Default: 1024
databaseProvider? IDatabaseInfoProvider Database server.
Default: creates a new one
desiredCount? number How many keycloak cluster members to spin up.
Default: 1
ecsClusterProvider? IClusterInfoProvider Provide an ECS cluster.
Default: a cluster is automatically created.
healthCheckGracePeriod? Duration Initial grace period for Keycloak to spin up.
Default: 10 minutes
httpPortPublisher? IPortPublisher Publish the service's HTTP port.
Default: a new load balancer is automatically created unless httpsPort is given.
httpsListenerProvider?⚠️ IListenerInfoProvider Add the service's https port to a load balancer.
Default: not exposed
httpsPortPublisher? IPortPublisher Publish the service's HTTPS port.
Default: not published
keycloak? KeycloakContainerExtensionProps Keycloak configuration options.
listenerProvider?⚠️ IListenerInfoProvider Add the service's http port to a load balancer.
Default: a new load balancer is automatically created unless httpsListenerProvider is given.
maxHealthyPercent? number The maximum percentage of healthy tasks during deployments.
memoryLimitMiB? number Fargate task memory spec.
Default: 2048
minHealthyPercent? number The minimum percentage of healthy tasks during deployments.
vpcProvider? IVpcInfoProvider VPC to use.
Default: creates one
vpcTaskAssignPublicIp? boolean Assign public IPs to the Fargate tasks.
Default: false
vpcTaskSubnets? SubnetSelection Where to place the instances within the VPC.

struct KeycloakContainerExtensionProps

Configuration for the Keycloak container.

Name Type Description
cacheOwnersAuthSessionsCount? number The number of distributed cache owners for authentication sessions.
Default: same as cacheOwnersCount
cacheOwnersCount? number The default number of distributed cache owners for each key.
Default: 1
containerName? string A name for the container added to the task definition.
Default: 'keycloak'
databaseCredentials? ISecret Secrets manager secret containing the RDS database credentials and connection information in JSON format.
Default: none
databaseName? string Database name.
Default: 'keycloak'
databaseSchema? string Database schema.
Default: for Postgresql, the default is 'public'
databaseVendor? KeycloakDatabaseVendor The database vendor.
Default: KeycloakDatabaseVendor.H2
defaultAdminPassword? string Default admin user's password.
Default: 'admin'
defaultAdminUser? string Default admin user.
Default: 'admin'
image? ContainerImage Keycloak container image to use.
Default: use jboss/keycloak from docker hub.
infinicacheClustering? boolean Enable infinicache clustering.
Default: true if any cache owner count is greater than 1
logging? LogDriver Log driver for the task.
Default: cloudwatch with one month retention
memoryLimitMiB? number Memory limit of the keycloak task.
Default: 1024
memoryReservationMiB? number Memory reservation size for the keycloak task.
Default: 80% of memoryLimitMiB

struct KeycloakEc2TaskDefinitionProps

Props for KeycloakEc2TaskDefinition.

Name Type Description
executionRole? IRole The name of the IAM task execution role that grants the ECS agent permission to call AWS APIs on your behalf.
Default: An execution role will be automatically created if you use ECR images in your task definition.
family? string The name of a family that this task definition is registered to.
Default: Automatically generated name.
inferenceAccelerators? Array<InferenceAccelerator> The inference accelerators to use for the containers in the task.
Default: No inference accelerators.
ipcMode? IpcMode The IPC resource namespace to use for the containers in the task.
Default: IpcMode used by the task is not specified
keycloak? KeycloakContainerExtensionProps Keycloak configuration.
networkMode? NetworkMode The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task.
Default: NetworkMode.Bridge for EC2 tasks, AwsVpc for Fargate tasks.
pidMode? PidMode The process namespace to use for the containers in the task.
Default: PidMode used by the task is not specified
placementConstraints? Array<PlacementConstraint> An array of placement constraint objects to use for the task.
Default: No placement constraints.
proxyConfiguration? ProxyConfiguration The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy.
Default: No proxy configuration.
taskRole? IRole The name of the IAM role that grants containers in the task permission to call AWS APIs on your behalf.
Default: A task role is automatically created for you.
volumes? Array<Volume> The list of volume definitions for the task.
Default: No volumes are passed to the Docker daemon on a container instance.

struct KeycloakFargateTaskDefinitionProps

Props for KeycloakFargateTaskDefinition.

Name Type Description
cpu? number The number of cpu units used by the task.
Default: 256
ephemeralStorageGiB? number The amount (in GiB) of ephemeral storage to be allocated to the task.
Default: 20
executionRole? IRole The name of the IAM task execution role that grants the ECS agent permission to call AWS APIs on your behalf.
Default: An execution role will be automatically created if you use ECR images in your task definition.
family? string The name of a family that this task definition is registered to.
Default: Automatically generated name.
keycloak? KeycloakContainerExtensionProps Keycloak configuration.
memoryLimitMiB? number The amount (in MiB) of memory used by the task.
Default: 512
proxyConfiguration? ProxyConfiguration The configuration details for the App Mesh proxy.
Default: No proxy configuration.
taskRole? IRole The name of the IAM role that grants containers in the task permission to call AWS APIs on your behalf.
Default: A task role is automatically created for you.
volumes? Array<Volume> The list of volume definitions for the task.
Default: No volumes are passed to the Docker daemon on a container instance.

struct ListenerInfo ⚠️

Information about how to register with a load balancer.

Name Type Description
listener⚠️ IApplicationListener
conditions?⚠️ Array<ListenerCondition> Optional
priority?⚠️ number Optional

struct NlbListenerProviderProps ⚠️

Information about a network load balancer to create.

Name Type Description
port⚠️ number Port to listen on.
healthCheck?⚠️ boolean Enable health checking on this endpoint.
Default: true
id?⚠️ string Scope ID of the load balancer.
Default: 'LoadBalancer'

struct NlbPortPublisherProps

Information about a network load balancer to create.

Name Type Description
port number Port to listen on.
healthCheck? boolean Enable health checking on this endpoint.
Default: true
id? string Scope ID of the load balancer.
Default: 'LoadBalancer'

struct PrivateDnsNamespaceProviderProps

Props for creating a private Dns Namespace.

Name Type Description
name? string The globally unique name for the namespace.
Default: 'keycloak-service-discovery'

struct ServerlessAuroraDatabaseProviderProps

Basic props for creating a serverless Aurora database cluster.

Name Type Description
engine? IClusterEngine Cluster engine.
Default: rds.DatabaseClusterEngine.AURORA_MYSQL
scaling? ServerlessScalingOptions Scaling options.
Default: 5 minute auto pause, min and max capacity of 1 acu.
subnets? SubnetSelection Select subnets to register the database cluster in.

struct VpcInfo

Information about the VPC other providers may opt to use to host their resources.

Name Type Description
vpc IVpc The VPC.

enum KeycloakDatabaseVendor

The database vendor.

Name Description
H2 H2 In-memory Database (Warning: data deleted when task restarts.).
MSSQL MSSQL (not yet supported, please submit a PR).
ORACLE Oracle database (not yet supported, please submit a PR).
POSTGRES Postgres (not yet supported, please submit a PR).