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Workflow to do the CMORIZATION

0 - Preparation

(Note: I have downloaded and installed/build noresm2cmor at NIRD: /projects/NS9560K/cmor/noresm2cmor, so if you don't plan to install your own copy, you can skip the step 0.1 and 0.2 and go directly to step 0.3)

0.1 - Download

# assume the noresm2cmor3 will install under your home folder
cd ~
git clone

0.2 - Build

cd noresm2cmor/build/
# make serial executable
make -f Makefile_cmor3.nird_intel
# make mpi executable
make -f Makefile_cmor3mpi.nird_intel

Then the executables noresm2cmor3 and noresm2cmor3_mpi are find under noresm2cmor/bin

0.3 - Set up the enviroment varialbe

Set the path where noresm2cmor is installed. Paste following statements to your ~/.bashrc

export CMOR_ROOT=/projects/NS9560K/cmor/noresm2cmor

or set the following if your installed your own copy at your home folder

export CMOR_ROOT=~/noresm2cmor

Then apply the setting by executing:

source ~/.bashrc

1 - Create and submit cmorization job

Assume you are processing experiment piClim-histall of NorESM2-LM with cmor data version v20191108b. Therefore, I use here three SHELL variables to represent for these parameters:


(Note, v20191108b contains a subset of supported fields of v20191108 compared to v20190920, the suffix b is only used where its origional cmorized outut is store, i.e, /projects/NS9034K/CMIP6/.cmorout; the suffix is trim, i.e., v20191108 is used when link to DKRZ folder structure)

1.1 - Create template namelist files for each model casename

First create a folder for each expid

mkdir -p ${CMOR_ROOT}/namelists/CMIP6_${model}/${expid}/template
cd ${CMOR_ROOT}/namelists/CMIP6_${model}/${expid}/template

1.1.1 - Create exp.nml

Then one should create mannually a namelist file for the each CASENAME (note, one experiment may have several CASES).

This file contains the information on the casename, the folder path where the cmorized data been store osubdir, the experiment_id, activity_id, realisation, etc

As an exmaple here, for expid=piClim-histall of NorESM2-LM, the basic information is found at its corresponding GitHub Issues, here Issue 86 for realisation 1, and Issue 90 for realisation 2

Three namelist files are therefore created under ${CMOR_ROOT}/namelists/CMIP6_${model}/${expid}/template:



  1. Some previously created case namelist files of the same activity id (e.g., CMIP, AerChemMIP) can be used as template for the new name lists, for example, we can take exp_*.nml under ${CMOR_ROOT}/namelists/CMIP6_NorESM2-LM/ssp126/template as template file.
  2. grep the $expid in ${CMOR_ROOT}/tables/CMIP6_CV.json, and one can find some of the correct settings for that $expid

1.1.2 - Create sys.nml

This file contains the informatin on where the model outpout is ibasedir, the base path where cmorized output is stored and etc.

A sys.nml is created also under: ${CMOR_ROOT}/namelists/CMIP6_${model}/${expid}/template

Note: if there are several case names and some of them are store under different project area, there should be several sys*.nml files with corresponding names as sysNS2345K.nml, sysNS9560K.nml, sysNS9560KFRAM.nml,sysipcc.nml. The suffix NS2345K, NS9560KFRAM etc will be set as parameter during submiting the cmorization jobs (explained below).

1.1.3 - Copy mod.nml

cp ${CMOR_ROOT}/namelist/mod_CMIP6_${model}.nml mod.nml

1.1.4 - Copy var.nml

cp ${CMOR_ROOT}/namelist/var_CMIP6_NorESM2_default.nml var.nml

Note: {CMOR_ROOT}/namelist/var_CMIP6_NorESM2_default.nml is the full list of latest supported variables. This means all the fields in var.nml will be cmorized if they are presented in the model ouput.

1.2 - Create folder of certain data verson

The folder to store namelist settings of each data version.

Again, assume we are using the expid=v20191108b

mkdir -p ${CMOR_ROOT}/namelists/CMIP6_${model}/${expid}/${version}
cd ${CMOR_ROOT}/namelists/CMIP6_${model}/${expid}/${version}
cp ../template/{mod.nml,sys.nml,var.nml} .

Note: if you only need to cmorize only a subset of the supported variables, you should named it as another data version, e.g., v20191108b, and copy for example from piControl/v20191108b/var.nml. If you want to make some other changes, also make a new folder of the data version, and change the var.nml accordingly.

1.3 - Create

Create a bash script under: ${CMOR_ROOT}/namelists/CMIP6_${model}/${expid}.

This script sets the time periods of the model output to be cmorized, and also pass the casename,expid, version etc, and settings if run serial or parallel version of noresm2cmor3 tool. Some of the parameters in the scripts is optional, for example, -mpi=DMPI to run parallelly; -p=NS9560KFRAM to if sysNS9560K.nml instead of sys.nml is used.

This script basically does two tasks:

  1. submit the cmorization job, runcmor -c=$CaseName -m=$model -e=$expid -v=$version -r=$real -yrs1="${years1[*]}" -yrs2="${years2[*]} ..."
  2. PrePARE QC check, create links and update sha256sum, -m=${model} -e=${expid} -v=${version} --verbose=false

1.4 Submit the job

Still, assume we are doing cmorization for model=NorESM2-LM, expid=piClim-histall,version=v20191108b, we submit the job by:

cd ${CMOR_ROOT}/namelists/CMIP6_${model}/${expid}/
./ -m=NorESM2-LM -e=piClim-histall -v=v20191108b &>>logs/cmor.log.v20191108b &

If luckily enough, the job will fully finish, and will call the file to have the quality-check (, making links (, and calculate sha256sum (

The next Step 2 check if the cmorization is complete.

2 - Check the cmorized results

2.1 - Check the number of files of cmorized output

cd ${CMOR_ROOT}/namelists/CMIP6_${model}/${expid}/

Create a scriipt which include the information of segments of years of cmorized experiments and so on. One can use template from previous experiments, and also the years segements information in

execute the script, and it gives on overview of the cmorized files for each years periods and for different experiment realisations.


If it pops out a list a Wrong files, this usually means the job stopped abnormally, and one should press 'Y' to remove these wrong files.

Note, DO NOT remove the "Wrong files" while the job is still running, since they are likely just the temparary files.

Usually, each year period should have the same number of cmorized output. Otherwise, it may not complete. You should check furthr steps.

2.1 - Runtime log files

There are two places of stored log files:

  • ${CMOR_ROOT}/namelists/CMIP6_${model}/${expid}/logs/cmor.log.${version}, in which you find a precise information of progress
  • ${CMOR_ROOT}/logs/CMIP6_${model}/${expid}/${version}/${year1}-${year2}.{log,err}, in which you find verbosed log of the cmorization. You can see if there shows Errors or have ALL DONE, and the latter usually a indication of successful and complete cmorization job.

2.2 - PrePARE quality-check log

If the cmorization is complete and successfuly, there will be two Quality-check log files:


  • v20191108b.QCreport
  • v20191108b.QCreportlong

One should check if there are 0 error(s) in v20191108b.QCreport

If there is errors, check v20191108b.QCreportlong what is the error.

If there is no error, go to the next step.

2.3 - Check logs of linking files

Under /tos-project1/NS9034K/CMIP6/.cmorout/NorESM2-LM/piClim-histall, there is log file v20191108b.links showing which files has been linked to the DKRZ folder structure, for example, here under:


Check if the number of files in this file is identical to the *.QCreport file

2.4 - Check if the sha256sum caclulated

Go to /tos-project1/NS9034K/CMIP6/ScenarioMIP/NCC/NorESM2-LM/piClim-histall There should be hidden files:

  • .r1i1p1f1.sha256sum_v20191108b
  • .r2i1p1f1.sha256sum_v20191108b
  • .r3i1p1f1.sha256sum_v20191108b

(each realisation has a seperate sha256sum files)

Check the number of files in these sha256sum files to see if they are identical to the QCreport log, the number of linked files, and also the output from the ./

If there are errors identified above, then go to Step 4 to resubmit the job

3 - Update Github issue to publish the data

  • Post on the corresponding issue Issue 86 for realisation 1, and Issue 90 for realisation 2 on the cmorized data, and request to publish
  • Change the Label from CMORize to ESGF publish
  • If the issues is of status closed, reopen the issue Once the ESGF publish is finished, the Issue will be closed again.

(If there are new cmorization for this experiment, the issue can be opened again)

4 - Redo the CMORization for uncompleted experiments

4.1 - resumit job

cd ${CMOR_ROOT}/namelists/CMIP6_${model}/${expid}/
# make a temperary file

Then edit and only keep the years of periods that are not completed, and submit again

./ -m=NorESM2-LM -e=piClim-histall -v=v20191108b &>>logs/cmor.log.v20191108b &

Again, if there is no crash, called inside should quality-check and calculated sha256sum etc, and one can go back to Step 3.

If CMORization is successful, but some of the proceedure in is not, then you should redo the

cd ${CMOR_ROOT}/workflow -m=${model} -e=${expid} -v=${version}

or go the next individual procedures, step by step (no error in the first step, then proceed to the next)

4.2 - PrePARE quality-check

./cmorQC -m=$model -e=$expid -v=$version

4.3 - Making links

./ -m=$model -e=$expid -v=$version

4.4 - Calculate sha256sum

./ -m=$model -e=$expid -v=$version

If the above procedure are complete without error, go to the Step 3.

5 - Other notes

5.1 - Manage many jobs

There is wrapper script file $CMOR_ROOT/workflow/ that is used to manage many jobs of different experiments, model, versions on different NIRD nodes.

First, one should login to specific login node of nird for example,


This is useful when the jobs can runs continuously without program crash or NIRD system crashes (which usually happens).

NOTE: Be cautious not to submit jobs that is alreay finished or are running.

5.2 - Queuing of jobs

I set the maximumn running noresm2cmor jobs as 8 to avoid overload of the system and crashes. Therefore, when the job is submitted by (or, it will check if there are already more than 8 running jobs, if so it will not start immediately. Just wait as long it has the job running.

A type file tree of namelists/scripts of an experiments:

$ tree -I 'exp_[0-9]*.nml'
├── template
│   ├── exp_NFHISTnorpibc_02_f19_20190909.nml
│   ├── exp_NFHISTnorpibc_f19_20190810.nml
│   ├── mod.nml
│   ├── sys.nml
│   └── var.nml
├── v20190920
│   ├── mod.nml
│   ├── sys.nml
│   └── var.nml
└── v20191108b
    ├── mod.nml
    ├── sys.nml
    └── var.nml

A simple flowchart of the workflow:


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