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Thanks Ada. This is very useful. A couple of points to add...
I'd love to think about how to integrate the land variables into ADF as that seems like a sustainable approach. Do you have a link to the code so I can think about what it might entail? Thanks!! |
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Thanks Ada and Rosie! I just made some updates for the CAM diagnostics so that it will adapt to the new CAM file tags, and will manage to produce all the CAM diagnostics except for those on the pressure levels (e.g., contour plots on horizontal levels and vertical profile plots). You will find a sample output here: I just created a draft pull request for such updates. So it is not implemented yet in the installed copy on NIRD. I will merge it soon after that I confirm it looks OK. It should have some relevant diagnostics for the land components. Regarding the land diagnostics, I may need some more information to figure out how will the old NCL-based diagnostic tool can work for FATES. I make need to talk to you later on this. For the new tool apart from the NCL-based tool, as I can tell now, I would prefer using iLAMB instead of expanding ADF (,except that NCAR will have initiative to do so), as this may make it difficult to merge future ADF updates from NCAR. |
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@rosiealice @adagj @YanchunHe @maritsandstad - a few clarifications below.
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Good point @mvertens. I guess ADF is written in python? (is it?) I wonder how hard it would be to wrap in the ESMF regridding. Should we try and discuss this a bit on friday? |
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I installed ADF under:
One should be able to load them directly: However, I have not test it further with more customised recipes. First of all, I have very little idea on the grids of the land models. What I can see is that:
The NCL-based clm diagnostic also remap the CLM output to a regular lat/lon grid with the ESMF library: If the NCL-based ESMF library can also handle the ne30pg3 grid, then it will straightforward to apply the diagnostic tool on the new FATES output, as the diagnostic are mostly handling the regridded files. |
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@YanchunHe - thanks for the clarifications. My understanding has been that we want to move away from relying on NCL moving forwards since it is no longer supported. @maritsandstad was using XESMF to do the mapping - and that is in python. I didn't think we want to use the older CLM diagnostic package - but maybe that is all we have right now if we can do the remapping first? @maritsandstad - could you please clarify what you did for looking at CTSM diagnostic output when it was running on an ne30pg3 grid? |
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@YanchunHe - thanks so much for the clarification. That sounds like an excellent plan! Thanks for working on this. |
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Now I manage to produce some test diagnostics for the CLM climatologies. It is now works for
The test output is here, please have a look: I am working at time series (trend) diagnostics, i.e., set 1 and set 6. And hopefully be ready soon. set 4 will not work in the foreseeing future, as it requires vertical atmospheric output, which can not be handled right now. Please let me know if anything more is needed (but I will only be able to work more on this again in the next year). |
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Now I commit these changes, and will be ready to implement these changes. As I wrote in the pull request, there is small explanation/guide for these changes: For the new spectral element version of CAM.Call the For example:
Sample output: For the new CLM diagnostics:
Sample output:
and change in the then execute the script:
Note, for the CMIP6 version of CLM, the diagnostic only works for some simulations with the monthly averaged field stored in files of each individual months. For those with 12-monthly files stored in one single file of a year, will not work. There is difficulty for NCO to deal with these name conventions. |
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Hi, Rosie and I, we were discussing potential steps towards coupling the land to ocean via riverine transport of tracers through MOSART. While Mariana, Mat and I are working on the technical side to enable a flexible tracer transport through MOSART, it would be helpful to keep an eye on land carbon and nutrients that end up in the river network to get the right amount of those to the river network. For this, it would be helpful to have land diagnostics in place that allow to trace those (potential) fluxes during the land tuning process. In terms of the receiving ocean biogeochemistry side, we currently have the riverine input of: |
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As talked during the land meeting, here is a status update on ILAMB installation on NIRD: InstallationsOne can find the related ILAMB installations under the the NIRD IPCC node (ssh
ActivationFirst set two environment variables:
Then activate Conda environment:
and, run
Finally, move the generated wepages to
The results will be available under:
Note that seems the program is not up-to-date, so that the generated index webpage is not fully correct, so it looks there are no output. But at least one can see the albedo and upward SW:
It is not working for NorESM original outpout now:
showing it does not find the right model output, which should be figure out how it works with the original model output. @rosiealice @kjetilaas @maritsandstad @mvdebolskiy @monsieuralok |
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Hi @YanchunHe so only those outputs are created. For me, /projects/NS2345K-datalake/www/diagnostics/ILAMB/$USER for me does not exist, and I don't have the permission to make it. Do you? I do have noresm diagnostics in /datalake/NS9560K/www/diagnostics/noresm/rosief/ There the output makes sense in terms of the fact that there are maps of the albedo comparison The index.html and the dashboard and all the scores haven't worked. I don't know if this is because our outputs are so limited that the comparisons all crash? Anyway, this is what I found for the 'test case' so it is great that it runs! |
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On running with the raw output data, rather than the CMORized data, the command I have been using to run ILAMB like this looks something like this (adapted to my paths on NIRD from the script I had on derecho, and similar to ilamb-run There are two main differences I can see, first that it uses this 'model_setup file. And the second is that it uses the '--filter' argument. I am not sure which of these is the one that is critical. When i do this on NIRD, I get actually stuck on the same problem that I was stuck on last time I tried to get ILAMB to work on derecho. Which is that the model tries to look at the data but for whatever reason cannot find it, but then the ILAMB log file leaves you in the dark about where it is trying to look, and does not report any useful info. I reported this problem to Nate, who helpfully appeared to have addressed it in: But I am still getting no guidance on this from the log file, which looks like: The critical thing that I can't find out here is whether the model is trying to look in the right place for the files. I would add debugging code to the ilamb code, but I am unsure of how to recompile the environment. So the first thing I will do is email Nate, Keith & adrianna to figure out if I cam on the right track wrt the non-CMORized variables. But it would also be good to understand how one can enact a 'debugging' process without resorting to getting the source code changed from afar... |
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Thanks so much for the recipe @YanchunHe! I will try this tomorrow and see if I can figure out whih files it is trying to look in... |
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Question @YanchunHe . Should I do the above recipe on the ipcc not, or not, or does it not matter? OK, I did all the steps you mention above and they worked out :) Will look at the code now. |
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Hi @YanchunHe, I have been doing a bunch of debugging which I haven't quite managed to summarise yet, but one question first... When I try the first set of instructions for the pre-installed version of ILAMB, 'ilamb_run' tries to use the version of the ilamb-run specified in
which is
and it tells me:
I can get around this by running the script directly from the common bin directory:
but that doesn't seem like the right thing to be doing? |
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At the moment, there are no functioning land diagnostics for NorESM2.5 simulations. Since it's crucial that we can analyze the land component of NorESM, we need to discuss the best path forward. Below are some options and considerations:
NCL Diagnostics Package for NorESM2.5:
One approach is to adapt the older NCL diagnostics package for use with NorESM2.5. This package may not work out-of-the-box due to differences in file naming and variable formats, but Yanchun is currently working on updates. We should assess how much work is needed to get it fully functional for the latest model version.
CUPiD (CESM Unified Postprocessing and Diagnostics):
CESM is developing CUPiD, a new diagnostics tool designed for all model components, including land. Once available, CUPiD should offer a more integrated solution than NCL. However, it may be too early to consider integrating CUPiD with NorESM at this stage, as it's still in development.
ILAMB (International Land Model Benchmarking):
ILAMB is mainly a benchmarking tool for comparing land model performance against observations. We need to confirm whether ILAMB is installed on NIRD and available for all NorESM users, or if we need to set it up. ILAMB should serve as a complementary tool for model evaluation.
ADF for Land Diagnostics:
Could we potentially adapt the Atmospheric Diagnostics Framework (ADF) to handle basic land variables as well? It might provide a straightforward solution for plotting key land variables, depending on how challenging the adaptation would be.
@rosiealice @kjetilaas @mvertens @maritsandstad
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