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l10n_fr_intrastat_product: use lxml/objectify to generate XML
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Replace lxml/etree by lxml/objectify to generate the XML of EMEBI.
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alexis-via committed Nov 24, 2023
1 parent 6e88a15 commit b2a04bf
Showing 1 changed file with 41 additions and 68 deletions.
109 changes: 41 additions & 68 deletions l10n_fr_intrastat_product/models/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
from datetime import datetime

from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from lxml import etree
from lxml import etree, objectify

from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,9 +157,8 @@ def _generate_xml(self):
my_company_currency =
eu_countries = self.env.ref("base.europe").country_ids

root = etree.Element("INSTAT")
envelope = etree.SubElement(root, "Envelope")
envelope_id = etree.SubElement(envelope, "envelopeId")
root = objectify.Element("INSTAT")
envelope = objectify.SubElement(root, "Envelope")
if not self.company_id.fr_intrastat_accreditation:
Expand All @@ -170,47 +169,37 @@ def _generate_xml(self):
% self.company_id.display_name
envelope_id.text = self.company_id.fr_intrastat_accreditation
create_date_time = etree.SubElement(envelope, "DateTime")
create_date = etree.SubElement(create_date_time, "date")
envelope.envelopeId = self.company_id.fr_intrastat_accreditation
create_date_time = objectify.SubElement(envelope, "DateTime")
now_user_tz = fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(self,
create_date.text = datetime.strftime(now_user_tz, "%Y-%m-%d")
create_time = etree.SubElement(create_date_time, "time")
create_time.text = datetime.strftime(now_user_tz, "%H:%M:%S")
party = etree.SubElement(envelope, "Party", partyType="PSI", partyRole="PSI")
party_id = etree.SubElement(party, "partyId")
party_id.text = my_company_identifier
party_name = etree.SubElement(party, "partyName")
party_name.text =
software_used = etree.SubElement(envelope, "softwareUsed")
software_used.text = "Odoo"
declaration = etree.SubElement(envelope, "Declaration")
declaration_id = etree.SubElement(declaration, "declarationId")
declaration_id.text = self.year_month.replace("-", "")
reference_period = etree.SubElement(declaration, "referencePeriod")
reference_period.text = self.year_month
psi_id = etree.SubElement(declaration, "PSIId")
psi_id.text = my_company_identifier
function = etree.SubElement(declaration, "Function")
function_code = etree.SubElement(function, "functionCode")
function_code.text = "O"
declaration_type_code = etree.SubElement(declaration, "declarationTypeCode") = datetime.strftime(now_user_tz, "%Y-%m-%d")
create_date_time.time = datetime.strftime(now_user_tz, "%H:%M:%S")
party = objectify.SubElement(
envelope, "Party", partyType="PSI", partyRole="PSI"
party.partyId = my_company_identifier
party.partyName =
envelope.softwareUsed = "Odoo"
declaration = objectify.SubElement(envelope, "Declaration")
declaration.declarationId = self.year_month.replace("-", "")
declaration.referencePeriod = self.year_month
declaration.PSIId = my_company_identifier
function = objectify.SubElement(declaration, "Function")
function.functionCode = "O" # O = Déclaration originelle
level2letter = {
"standard": "4",
"extended": "5", # EMEBI 2022: stat + fisc, 2 in 1 combo
assert self.reporting_level in level2letter
declaration_type_code.text = level2letter[self.reporting_level]
flow_code = etree.SubElement(declaration, "flowCode")
declaration.declarationTypeCode = level2letter[self.reporting_level]
type2letter = {
"arrivals": "A",
"dispatches": "D",
assert self.declaration_type in type2letter
flow_code.text = type2letter[self.declaration_type]
currency_code = etree.SubElement(declaration, "currencyCode")
declaration.flowCode = type2letter[self.declaration_type]
assert my_company_currency == "EUR", "Company currency must be 'EUR'"
currency_code.text = my_company_currency
declaration.currencyCode = my_company_currency

# THEN, the fields which vary from a line to the next
if not self.declaration_line_ids:
Expand All @@ -222,6 +211,8 @@ def _generate_xml(self):
line += 1 # increment line number
pline._generate_xml_line(declaration, eu_countries, line)

objectify.deannotate(root, xsi_nil=True)
xml_bytes = etree.tostring(
root, pretty_print=True, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -417,60 +408,51 @@ def _generate_xml_line(self, parent_node, eu_countries, line_number):
assert self.fr_regime_id, "Missing Intrastat Type"
transaction = self.transaction_id
regime = self.fr_regime_id
item = etree.SubElement(parent_node, "Item")
item_number = etree.SubElement(item, "itemNumber")
item_number.text = str(line_number)
item = objectify.SubElement(parent_node, "Item")
item.itemNumber = str(line_number)
# START of elements which are only required in "detailed" level
if decl.reporting_level == "extended" and not regime.is_fiscal_only:
cn8 = etree.SubElement(item, "CN8")
cn8_code = etree.SubElement(cn8, "CN8Code")
cn8 = objectify.SubElement(item, "CN8")
if not self.hs_code_id:
raise UserError(_("Missing H.S. code on line %d.") % line_number)
# local_code is required=True, so no need to check it
cn8_code.text = self.hs_code_id.local_code
cn8.CN8Code = self.hs_code_id.local_code
# We fill SUCode only if the H.S. code requires it
iunit_id = self.intrastat_unit_id
if iunit_id:
su_code = etree.SubElement(cn8, "SUCode")
su_code.text = iunit_id.fr_xml_label or
cn8.SUCode = iunit_id.fr_xml_label or

src_dest_country = etree.SubElement(item, "MSConsDestCode")
if not self.src_dest_country_code:
raise UserError(
_("Missing Country Code of Origin/Destination on line %d.")
% line_number
src_dest_country.text = self.src_dest_country_code
item.MSConsDestCode = self.src_dest_country_code

# EMEBI 2022 : origin country is now for arrival AND dispatches
country_origin = etree.SubElement(item, "countryOfOriginCode")
if not self.product_origin_country_code:
raise UserError(
_("Missing product country of origin code on line %d.")
% line_number
country_origin.text = self.product_origin_country_code
item.countryOfOriginCode = self.product_origin_country_code

weight = etree.SubElement(item, "netMass")
if not self.weight:
raise UserError(_("Missing weight on line %d.") % line_number)
weight.text = str(self.weight)
item.netMass = str(self.weight)

if iunit_id:
quantity_in_SU = etree.SubElement(item, "quantityInSU")
if not self.suppl_unit_qty:
raise UserError(_("Missing quantity on line %d.") % line_number)
quantity_in_SU.text = str(self.suppl_unit_qty)
item.quantityInSU = str(self.suppl_unit_qty)

# START of elements that are part of all EMEBIs
invoiced_amount = etree.SubElement(item, "invoicedAmount")
if not self.amount_company_currency:
raise UserError(_("Missing fiscal value on line %d.") % line_number)
invoiced_amount.text = str(self.amount_company_currency)
item.invoicedAmount = str(self.amount_company_currency)
# EMEBI 2022 : Partner VAT now required for all dispatches with
# some exceptions for regime 29 in case of B2C
if decl.declaration_type == "dispatches":
partner_vat = etree.SubElement(item, "partnerId")
if not self.vat and regime.code != "29":
raise UserError(_("Missing VAT number on line %d.") % line_number)
if self.vat and self.vat.startswith("GB") and decl.year >= "2021":
Expand All @@ -482,33 +464,24 @@ def _generate_xml_line(self, parent_node, eu_countries, line_number):
% {"vat": self.vat, "line_number": line_number}
partner_vat.text = self.vat and self.vat.replace(" ", "") or ""
item.partnerId = self.vat or ""
# Code régime is on all EMEBIs
statistical_procedure_code = etree.SubElement(item, "statisticalProcedureCode")
statistical_procedure_code.text = regime.code
item.statisticalProcedureCode = regime.code

# START of elements which are only required in "detailed" level
if decl.reporting_level == "extended" and not regime.is_fiscal_only:
transaction_nature = etree.SubElement(item, "NatureOfTransaction")
transaction_nature_a = etree.SubElement(
transaction_nature, "natureOfTransactionACode"
transaction_nature_a.text = transaction.code[0]
transaction_nature_b = etree.SubElement(
transaction_nature, "natureOfTransactionBCode"
transaction_nature = objectify.SubElement(item, "NatureOfTransaction")
transaction_nature.natureOfTransactionACode = transaction.code[0]
if len(transaction.code) != 2:
raise UserError(
_("Transaction code on line %d should have 2 digits.") % line_number
transaction_nature_b.text = transaction.code[1]
mode_of_transport_code = etree.SubElement(item, "modeOfTransportCode")
transaction_nature.natureOfTransactionBCode = transaction.code[1]
if not self.transport_id:
raise UserError(
_("Mode of transport is not set on line %d.") % line_number
mode_of_transport_code.text = str(self.transport_id.code)
region_code = etree.SubElement(item, "regionCode")
item.modeOfTransportCode = str(self.transport_id.code)
if not self.region_code:
raise UserError(_("Region Code is not set on line %d.") % line_number)
region_code.text = self.region_code
item.regionCode = self.region_code

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