The HAPI Write App (HWA) is being developed by a team from the Centre for Humanitarian Data.
HDX developers are using VS Code as a standard IDE for this project with development taking place inside Docker containers.
There is a test database container that can be started without the HAPI stack which needs to be created in one-off setup. It's only meant to start under the testing profile
To create the HWA stack containers in the first instance, including a test database container:
docker network create -d bridge hapi_stack_hapi
cd docker
docker-compose --profile=testing up -d
docker-compose exec -T hwa sh -c "apk add git"
docker-compose exec -T hwa sh -c "pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt"
docker-compose exec -T hwa sh -c "pip install --upgrade -r dev-requirements.txt"
cd ..
Once the one-off container creation activities have been done then future testing sessions are started as follows:
cd docker
docker-compose --profile=testing up -d
cd ..
Tests can be executed using the following commandline or the Visual Code test runner.
docker-compose exec -T hwa sh -c "pytest --log-level=INFO"
For HAPI development purposes the project assumes that the HAPI stack is running. Or more precisely the HAPI db container.
One can see that the Docker Compose configuration
refers to the network hapi_stack_hapi
In this way, any change to the database will be reflected in the locally running HAPI API endpoints.
First start the HAPI project. So run the following in the HAPI project folder:
cd docker
docker-compose start
cd ..
The ./
script should be run in the hdx-hapi
repo. Next spin up the HWA project, assuming that the one-off setup has been done by running the following in the HWA project folder:
cd docker
docker-compose up -d
cd ..
Inside the HWA docker container it may be necessary to run alembic upgrade head
In order to run the project, which populates the HAPI database from the patches on GitHub, the environment variables HWA_PATCH_REPO_URL
need to be defined. These are specified in launch.json
for Visual Code users. HWA_PATCH_TOKEN
should be acquired from GitHub. The project can be run with:
cd docker
docker-compose exec -T hwa sh -c "python"
cd ..
This will discover any new patches in GitHub and apply them to the HAPI database, this can take a number of minutes if the HAPI database is empty.
- everything to do with runtime configurationhdx_hwa.db
- data access
- functions, objects that need to be used outside ofhdx_hwa.db
- execution engine for a JSON
- functions, objects that need to be used outside ofhdx_hwa.engine
- new patch discovery, communication with the patch
- functions, objects that need to be used outside ofhdx_hwa.patch_repo