Dyma sgript Python i gynhyrchu rhestrau ar gyfer OpenStreetMap.cymru.
Dyma'r canlyniad: holl restrau cyfredol Mapio Cymru gan gynnwys rhith rhestr o eitemau sydd angen enwau Cymraeg name:cy ar system OSM.
Mae'r gweinydd tu ôl i openstreetmap.cymru yn rhedeg y sgript bob nos.
Diolch i holl gyfranwyr OpenStreetMap ac Overpass API.
Here's a Python script to produce gazetteers for OpenStreetMap.cymru.
Here's the result: current gazetteers for Mapio Cymru including the 'rhith rhestr' (phantom gazetteer) of entities which need names in Cymraeg/Welsh name:cy to be submitted to the OSM system.
The server behind openstreetmap.cymru runs this script every night.
Thanks to all OpenStreetMap and Overpass API contributors.