- Start an online Garbochess-JS session on http://omerkel.github.io/Garbochess-JS/oliver
- Android APK available for install
- requires minimum Android 4.4.2 (API-19)
- runs in various browsers on
- desktop systems like BSDs, Linux, Win, MacOS and
- mobile platforms like Android, FirefoxOS, iOS.
Keywords Chess, Schach, Ajedrez, Computer Chess, ECMA script, Web workers, CC0: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) chess set, Safari Apple-mobile-web-app support
- Stockfish authors
- Crafty authors
- Rewrote move generation for a big speed-up
- Pure material evaluation
- Null-move + Razoring + LMR in main search
- Hash table
- Mobility evaluation (thanks Fruit)
- Bishop pair
- Rep-draw detection
- Better null-move pruning (thanks Stockfish)
- Better LMR (and again, thanks Stockfish)
- Bugfix with using hash move
- Some speed optimizations
- 604.5/1000 or ~70 ELO better than previous version
- Killer moves
- Tuned PSQ tables/mobility
- Better king eval in endgame (won't stay on back row)
- Show '#' for checkmate
- Improved UI (new game, switch black/white, choose time/move)
- Fixed crashes from using invalid hash moves
- Other small bug fixes
- Speed optimizations
- 594.5/1000 %:59.45 or 66 Elo better than previous
- SEE added (QSearch pruning, losing captures in main search)
- No nullmove in pawn endgames
- Fixed hashtable bugs (RNG was bad)
- Fixed starting position when playing black
- Added ability to analyze position for browsers that support it
- Added support for pasting FEN positions
- Added checks in first ply of q-search (+15)
- Bugfix to hashtable storing (no elo change, but big help in endgames)
- Bonuses for knight attacking pieces (+20)
- Bonus for bishop pins (+40)
- Only extend checks with SEE > 0?
- Single reply to check should be marked as dangerous.