Releases: ON-IT/Visma.Net
Releases · ON-IT/Visma.Net
What's Changed
- Project transaction by @MichelV96 in #197
- Small fixes / additions to SalesOrder by @angoyd in #188
Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v4.2.0
What's Changed
- Added missing properties to supplier model by @MichelV96 in #193
- fix location create and update by @reositter in #190
Full Changelog: v4.0.3...v4.0.4
What's Changed
- Remove duplicate lines in csproj and add net6 as target framework by @omelhus in #184
- Add deprecation warning for Sales Order and error for Credit Note and Payment by @omelhus in #185
- Set FileVersion on build and remove old unused code by @omelhus in #186
- Delete packages.config as it is no longer in use by @omelhus in #187
Full Changelog: v4.0.2...v4.0.3
What's Changed
- Changed to compare with null instead of stringisnull or empty since... by @angoyd in #103
- Add attachments to Journal transactions by @angoyd in #106
- Fix for subaccount in PurchaseRecieptLine Visma names sub when gettin… by @angoyd in #111
- Added CustomerVatZone on CustomerInvoice by @peter-kamphuis in #112
- Added an implicit constructor to the customerVatZone object by @peter-kamphuis in #113
- Added the following properties to CreditNote: by @peter-kamphuis in #115
- Added Paymentmethod to InvoiceBase by @reositter in #117
- Added Paymentmethod to InvoiceBase by @reositter in #118
- Dynamic GetStream and GetAllModifiedSince by @Hironiem in #120
- Small fixes + create shipment action. by @angoyd in #121
- added lastmodified and notes to shipment by @reositter in #124
- Update ContactInfo.cs by @reositter in #127
- Added application class by @reositter in #128
- Add CustomerSalesPrice endpoint with paging by @Hironiem in #130
- "inBaseCurrency" and "exchangeRate" added to SalesOrder by @johandse in #133
- Added Inventory.GetAllAvailabilityUpdatedSince() by @johandse in #134
- Added support for CreateShipmentActionResultDto. by @col-papaavola in #136
- Fix for retryhandler + added paging to customerinvoice by @angoyd in #137
- Lost paging on CustInvoice.... by @angoyd in #138
- Feature customer override number series dev by @peter-kamphuis in #142
- Customer CreditTerms by @peter-kamphuis in #153
- Update CustomerInvoice.cs by @reositter in #155
- Update CustomerCreditNote.cs by @reositter in #163
- Dev by @angoyd in #159
- Endpoint PurchaseOrder added by @peter-kamphuis in #165
- Update SupplierInvoice.cs by @reositter in #166
- Added missing properties by @MichelV96 in #167
- Changed type of actualAccount by @sierdweidema in #168
- Added documentDueDate to CustomerCreditNote by @MichelV96 in #171
- Additional fields added to PurchaseOrderLine by @sierdweidema in #172
- CashTransaction endpoint added by @reositter in #174
- inventory warehouselocation by @reositter in #176
- Added and modified properties on CustomerCreditNote by @MichelV96 in #178
- ForCustomer in CustomerData wrong url by @MichelV96 in #179
- Endpoint for AddAttachmentToCreditNote method by @MichelV96 in #181
New Contributors
- @peter-kamphuis made their first contribution in #112
- @Hironiem made their first contribution in #120
- @johandse made their first contribution in #133
- @col-papaavola made their first contribution in #136
- @MichelV96 made their first contribution in #167
- @sierdweidema made their first contribution in #168
Full Changelog: 3.5.0...v4.0.0