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20140908 Introducing OPM

daamien edited this page Sep 12, 2014 · 1 revision

Introducing Open PostgreSQL Monitoring (OPM)

Oversee and Manage Your PostgreSQL Servers

Paris, September 8th 2014

The OPM Development Group (see below) is proud to present the first public release of Open PostgreSQL Monitoring, a fully open source monitoring suite for PostgreSQL.

Get Graphs and Stats from your PostgreSQL instances!

PostgreSQL may be the most advanced database in the world but one of its biggest handicap is the lack of open source dedicated monitoring tools. Compared to its competitors, the PostgreSQL community has not been able to produce tools similar to Oracle Grid Control, MySQL Workbench or SQL Server Management Studio.

Today we'd like to present the OPM project: a fully open-source suite designed to provide dynamic graphs, custom stats series, performance analysis, server health overview and team management...

If you have serveral postgres servers in production, Open PostgreSQL Monitoring is the perfect to watch the current activity of your databases, with DBA-centric stats such as: database size, hit ratio, streaming replication lag, system load, page bloat, longest queries, WAL files generation, locks, backends status, etc.

Extensibility is the key

This initial public version is obviously a first step toward more features and more versatility.

OPM includes remote agents, a stat storage system and a web GUI. Most of the code is currently in Perl and the stat collection is based on Nagios, but the whole suite is designed to be extended to other monitoring frameworks and other languages. It is possible to your own remote agent, a specific stat storage or even an alternative user interface.

The OPM project was started in 2012 and it's been used in production for months, monitoring dozens of servers like a charm. We're publishing today the version 2.3 with the hope that it will be useful for other PostgreSQL users around the world.


The OPM Development Group would like to thank all the developers who contributed to this release, especially Sebastien Fauveau from Art is Code for his UI/UX design skills.

OPM is an open project available under the PostgreSQL License. Any contribution to build a better tool is welcome. You just have to send your ideas, features requests or patches using the GitHub tools or directly to


About OPM :

Open PostgreSQL Monitoring is a free software designed to help you manage your PostgreSQL servers. It's a flexible tool that will follow the activity of each instance. It can gather stats, display dashboards and send warnings when something goes wrong. The long-term goal of the project is to provide similar features to those of Oracle Grid Control or SQL Server Management Studio.

Code & Demo at

About the OPM Development Group :

This project is driven by the OPM Development Group (OPMDG), a team of developers gathered to build efficient monitoring tools for PostgreSQL. So far the main sponsor of this project is DALIBO, the leading PostgreSQL company in France. However the project team is open to ideas and contributions: individuals and companies who share the goals of the OPMDG are welcome to join the team!