diff --git a/classes/cve-filter.bbclass b/classes/cve-filter.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29901d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/cve-filter.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024 O.S. Systems Software LTDA.
+# Usage Instructions for the Yocto CVE Filter Class
+# This class is designed to filter CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities
+# and Exposures) from CVE files. It should be used in conjunction
+# with the cve-check class from the openembedded-core.
+# Steps to Use This Class
+# 1. Add the following lines to your distro configuration file:
+# include conf/distro/include/cve-extra-exclusions.inc
+# INHERIT += "cve-check"
+# 2. Inherit the cve-filter class in the image recipe.
+# -------- Configuration Variables ----------------------------
+# The cve-filter class provides several configurable variables:
+# CVE_FILTER_PREVIOUS_FILE: Specifies the previous version of
+# the CVE JSON file. If no file is provided, only the current
+# file will be considered.
+# Default: empty
+# CVE_FILTER_PREVIOUS_VERSION: Specifies the distro version of
+# the previous CVE JSON file. The CVE_FILTER_PREVIOUS_FILE must
+# be defined, otherwise the value 0 will be used.
+# Example: "1.0.0"
+# Default: "0.0.0"
+# CVE_FILTER_MARKDOWN_FILE_NAME: Specifies the name of the
+# output Markdown file containing the list of detected CVEs.
+# Default: "${IMAGE_NAME}.md"
+# CVE_FILTER_IGNORED_CVES: Lists the CVEs that should be ignored by the filter.
+# Example: "CVE-2017-6264 CVE-2023-1234"
+# Default: empty
+# Set the PATH to find the old CVE Json list
+# Set the name of markdown output file
+# List of CVE should be ignored Eg: CVE-2023-1234
+inherit python3native
+python do_cve_filter (){
+ from ossystems.cve_filter import Cve
+ previousFile = d.getVar("CVE_FILTER_PREVIOUS_FILE")
+ previousVersion = d.getVar("CVE_FILTER_PREVIOUS_VERSION")
+ cveIgnoreList = d.getVar("CVE_FILTER_IGNORED_CVES").split()
+ cve_prev = Cve()
+ cve_prev.setMarkdonFileName(d.getVar("CVE_FILTER_MARKDOWN_FILE"))
+ cve_curr = Cve()
+ if previousFile:
+ cve_prev.loadCVEfile(previousFile)
+ cve_prev.setCVEVersion(previousVersion)
+ cve_prev.setIgnoreCVEList(cveIgnoreList)
+ cve_prev.loadCVEData()
+ else:
+ bb.warn("Previous CVE File Not Defined!!!")
+ cve_curr.loadCVEfile(d.getVar("CVE_FILTER_CURRENT_FILE"))
+ cve_curr.setCVEVersion(d.getVar("CVE_FILTER_CURRENT_VERSION"))
+ cve_curr.setIgnoreCVEList(cveIgnoreList)
+ cve_curr.loadCVEData()
+ cve_prev.compareCVes(cve_curr)
+ bb.plain("DONE!!")
+addtask cve_filter after do_image before do_image_complete
+IMAGE_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += "link_cvefilter_markdownfile;"
+link_cvefilter_markdownfile () {
+ if [ -e "${CVE_FILTER_MARKDOWN_FILE}" ]; then
+ fi
diff --git a/conf/layer.conf b/conf/layer.conf
index 4c2bc50..a3fdc64 100644
--- a/conf/layer.conf
+++ b/conf/layer.conf
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "ossystems-base"
BBFILE_PATTERN_ossystems-base := "^${LAYERDIR}/"
BBFILE_PRIORITY_ossystems-base = "8"
+addpylib ${LAYERDIR}/lib ossystems
LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_ossystems-base = "scarthgap"
LICENSE_PATH += "${LAYERDIR}/conf/licenses"
diff --git a/lib/ossystems/__init__.py b/lib/ossystems/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e5d5cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ossystems/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from pkgutil import extend_path
+__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
+BBIMPORTS = ["cve_filter"]
diff --git a/lib/ossystems/cve_filter.py b/lib/ossystems/cve_filter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..878f306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ossystems/cve_filter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+import argparse
+import json
+import sys
+# Class to store the CVE data
+class Issue:
+ def __init__(self, id, summary, scorev2, scorev3, vector, status, link):
+ self.id = id
+ self.summary = summary
+ self.scorev2 = scorev2
+ self.scorev3 = scorev3
+ self.vector = vector
+ self.status = status
+ self.link = link
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.id == other.id
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.id)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.id
+ def toTuple(self):
+ return (
+ self.id,
+ self.summary,
+ self.scorev2,
+ self.scorev3,
+ self.vector,
+ self.status,
+ self.link,
+ )
+# Class to store the filtered and ready to print CVes
+class CVEFilter:
+ def __init__(self, name, status):
+ self.name = name
+ self.status = status
+ self.both = []
+ self.patched = []
+ self.old = []
+ self.new = []
+ def setVersion(self, version1, version2=0):
+ self.version1 = version1
+ self.version2 = version2
+ def addCVEBoth(self, issue):
+ self.both.append(issue)
+ def addCVEPatched(self, issue):
+ self.patched.append(issue)
+ def addCVEOld(self, issue):
+ self.old.append(issue)
+ def addCVENew(self, issue):
+ self.new.append(issue)
+# Class to store the Package with the list of Issues
+class Package:
+ def __init__(self, name, version):
+ self.name = name
+ self.version = version
+ self.cve = []
+ def addCVE(self, cve):
+ self.cve.append(cve)
+# Class to handle CVEs
+class Cve:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__markdownFileName = "output.md"
+ self.__packages = []
+ self.__printIssues = []
+ self.__ignored_cves = []
+ self.__version = 0
+ # def __del__ (self):
+ # self.__cveJsonFile.close()
+ def loadCVEfile(self, fileName):
+ try:
+ self.__cveJsonFile = open(fileName, "r")
+ try:
+ self.__jsonData = json.load(self.__cveJsonFile)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ print("Fail on JSON file: " + fileName)
+ print(e)
+ self.__jsonPackages = self.__jsonData["package"]
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ print("File not found or wrong file name! " + fileName)
+ exit(1)
+ except:
+ print("Error to open file!")
+ exit(1)
+ def setMarkdonFileName(self, name):
+ if name:
+ self.__markdownFileName = name
+ def setIgnoreCVEList(self, listcve):
+ self.__ignored_cves = list(listcve)
+ def setCVEVersion(self, version=0):
+ self.__version = version
+ def getCVEPackages(self):
+ return self.__packages
+ def getCVEVersion(self):
+ return self.__version
+ def printCVEs(self):
+ print(self.__jsonData["package"])
+ def loadCVEData(self):
+ for pack in self.__jsonPackages:
+ p = Package(pack["name"], pack["version"])
+ entry = False
+ for id in pack["issue"]:
+ if (float(id["scorev2"]) >= 9 or float(id["scorev3"]) >= 9) and id[
+ "status"
+ ] != "Ignored":
+ if not (id["id"] in self.__ignored_cves):
+ p.addCVE(
+ Issue(
+ id["id"],
+ id["summary"],
+ id["scorev2"],
+ id["scorev3"],
+ id["vector"],
+ id["status"],
+ id["link"],
+ )
+ )
+ entry = True
+ if entry:
+ self.__packages.append(p)
+ def __creatMarkdownFile(self):
+ try:
+ self.__markdownFile = open(self.__markdownFileName, "w")
+ except:
+ print("ERROR to create the Markdown output file")
+ exit(1)
+ def printUnpatchedListCVEs(self):
+ for package in self.__packages:
+ print("--------------- PACKAGE -----------------")
+ print(package.name)
+ print(package.version)
+ print("=============== ISSUES ==================")
+ for id in package.cve:
+ if id.status != "Patched":
+ print(id.id)
+ print(id.scorev2)
+ print(id.scorev3)
+ print(id.status)
+ def compareCVes(self, compCVE):
+ self.__creatMarkdownFile()
+ packagesNew = compCVE.getCVEPackages()
+ for packageOld in self.__packages:
+ contain = False
+ for packageNew in packagesNew:
+ if packageOld.name == packageNew.name:
+ # This case if the package has the same version
+ if packageOld.version == packageNew.version:
+ cveOutput = CVEFilter(packageOld.name, "Kept")
+ cveOutput.setVersion(packageOld.version)
+ self.__checkIssues(cveOutput, packageOld.cve, packageNew.cve)
+ self.__printIssues.append(cveOutput)
+ # remove package that has comparated
+ packagesNew.remove(packageNew)
+ contain = True
+ break
+ # This case if the package was upgrated
+ elif packageOld.version < packageNew.version:
+ cveOutput = CVEFilter(packageOld.name, "Updated")
+ cveOutput.setVersion(packageOld.version, packageNew.version)
+ self.__checkIssues(cveOutput, packageOld.cve, packageNew.cve)
+ self.__printIssues.append(cveOutput)
+ # remove package that has comparated
+ packagesNew.remove(packageNew)
+ contain = True
+ break
+ # This case if the package was Downgrade
+ else:
+ cveOutput = CVEFilter(packageOld.name, "Downgraded")
+ cveOutput.setVersion(packageOld.version, packageNew.version)
+ self.__checkIssues(cveOutput, packageOld.cve, packageNew.cve)
+ self.__printIssues.append(cveOutput)
+ # remove package that has comparated
+ packagesNew.remove(packageNew)
+ contain = True
+ break
+ # This case is when the package was removed
+ if not contain:
+ cveOutput = CVEFilter(packageOld.name, "Removed")
+ cveOutput.setVersion(packageOld.version)
+ self.__checkIssues(cveOutput, packageOld.cve, [])
+ self.__printIssues.append(cveOutput)
+ # remove package that has comparated
+ # For all cases that packages was added
+ for newpackage in packagesNew:
+ cveOutput = CVEFilter(newpackage.name, "Added")
+ cveOutput.setVersion(newpackage.version)
+ self.__checkIssues(cveOutput, [], newpackage.cve)
+ self.__printIssues.append(cveOutput)
+ # remove package that has comparated
+ self.__printCVEs(
+ self.__printIssues, self.getCVEVersion(), compCVE.getCVEVersion()
+ )
+ def __checkIssues(self, cveOut, cveListOld, cveListNew):
+ cveOut.new = cveListNew.copy()
+ if cveListOld and cveListNew:
+ for cveold in cveListOld:
+ contain = False
+ for cvenew in cveOut.new:
+ if cveold.id == cvenew.id:
+ if (cveold.status == cvenew.status) and (
+ cvenew.status == "Unpatched"
+ ):
+ cveOut.addCVEBoth(cveold)
+ cveOut.new.remove(cvenew)
+ contain = True
+ break
+ elif (cveold.status == cvenew.status) and (
+ cvenew.status == "Patched"
+ ):
+ cveOut.new.remove(cvenew)
+ contain = True
+ break
+ elif (cveold.status != cvenew.status) and (
+ cvenew.status == "Patched"
+ ):
+ cveOut.addCVEPatched(cvenew)
+ cveOut.new.remove(cvenew)
+ contain = True
+ break
+ elif (cveold.status != cvenew.status) and (
+ cvenew.status == "Unpatched"
+ ):
+ cveOut.addCVENew(cvenew)
+ cveOut.new.remove(cvenew)
+ contain = True
+ break
+ if not contain:
+ cveOut.addCVEOld(cveold)
+ elif cveListNew:
+ for cveNew in cveListNew:
+ if cveNew.status == "Patched":
+ cveOut.new.remove(cveNew)
+ else:
+ for cveOld in cveListOld:
+ if cveOld.status != "Patched":
+ cveOut.addCVEOld(cveOld)
+ def __printCVEs(self, cvePrint, v1, v2):
+ self.__markdownFile.write(f"# {v1} -> {v2}")
+ for cve in cvePrint:
+ if cve.old or cve.both or cve.patched or cve.new:
+ if cve.status == "Updated" or cve.status == "Downgraded":
+ self.__markdownFile.write("\n")
+ self.__markdownFile.write(
+ "## "
+ + cve.name
+ + ": "
+ + cve.version1
+ + " -> "
+ + cve.version2
+ + " : "
+ + cve.status
+ + "\n"
+ )
+ else:
+ self.__markdownFile.write("\n")
+ self.__markdownFile.write(
+ "## "
+ + cve.name
+ + ": "
+ + cve.version1
+ + " : "
+ + cve.status
+ + "\n"
+ )
+ self.__printIs(cve)
+ def __printIs(self, issue):
+ if issue.both:
+ if issue.status == "Updated" or issue.status == "Downgraded":
+ self.__markdownFile.write("\n### Affect both versions\n")
+ else:
+ self.__markdownFile.write("\n### Unsolved\n")
+ self.__markdownFile.write("| CVE | STATUS | SCORE V2 | SCORE V3 |\n")
+ self.__markdownFile.write("|:--|:--:|:--:|:---:|\n")
+ s = ' Vulnerable '
+ for i in issue.both:
+ self.__markdownFile.write(
+ f"|[{i.id}]({i.link})|{s}|{i.scorev2}|{i.scorev3}|\n"
+ )
+ if issue.patched:
+ self.__markdownFile.write("\n### Fixed in new revision\n")
+ self.__markdownFile.write("| CVE | STATUS | SCORE V2 | SCORE V3 |\n")
+ self.__markdownFile.write("|:--|:--:|:--:|:---:|\n")
+ s = ' Patched '
+ for i in issue.patched:
+ self.__markdownFile.write(
+ f"|[{i.id}]({i.link})|{s}|{i.scorev2}|{i.scorev3}|\n"
+ )
+ if issue.old:
+ if issue.status == "Removed":
+ self.__markdownFile.write("\n### Affected the removed version\n")
+ else:
+ self.__markdownFile.write("\n### Affect the old version\n")
+ self.__markdownFile.write("| CVE | STATUS | SCORE V2 | SCORE V3 |\n")
+ self.__markdownFile.write("|:--|:--:|:--:|:---:|\n")
+ s = ' Vulnerable '
+ for i in issue.old:
+ self.__markdownFile.write(
+ f"|[{i.id}]({i.link})|{s}|{i.scorev2}|{i.scorev3}|\n"
+ )
+ if issue.new:
+ if issue.status == "Updated" or issue.status == "Downgraded":
+ self.__markdownFile.write("\n### New Issues added\n")
+ else:
+ self.__markdownFile.write("\n### Affect only new revision\n")
+ self.__markdownFile.write("| CVE | STATUS | SCORE V2 | SCORE V3 |\n")
+ self.__markdownFile.write("|:--|:--:|:--:|:---:|\n")
+ s = ' Vulnerable '
+ for i in issue.new:
+ self.__markdownFile.write(
+ f"|[{i.id}]({i.link})|{s}|{i.scorev2}|{i.scorev3}|\n"
+ )