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a Python Library for Procedural Pseudo Randon Generation

Instalation from pip

pip install PyMakTub

Instalation from github

pip install git+

Quick Usage

For making anything on Maktub , first you need to setup a seed, than you can generate numbers, itens ,choices , etc

Generating a Number

from PyMaktube.MakTub import MakTub

r = MakTub("your seed here")

Generating a Choice

from PyMaktube.MakTub import MakTub

r = MakTub("your seed here")
names = ["Mateus","Samuel","Danilo"]

Generating tokens

from PyMaktube.MakTub import MakTub
r = MakTub("your seed here")
size = 10
valid_chars = "ABCDEF"


from PyMaktube.MakTub import MakTub
r = MakTub("your seed here")
p = r.new_probability()
a = p.add_probability(0.33)
b = p.add_probability(0.33)
c = p.add_probability(0.33)
result = p.perform()
if a  == result:
    print("generated A")
if b == result:
    print("generated B")
if c == result:
    print("generated C")

Multiple Generations

you can generate any itens you want with the same seed

from PyMaktube.MakTub import MakTub

r = MakTub("your seed here")

for i in range(0,100):

skping generation

you also can skip genrations easly

from PyMaktube.MakTub import MakTub

r = MakTub("your seed here")
r.set_generation(5)# will skip the first 5
for i in range(0,100):
print("generation ",r.get_generation())

Modifiyng the Seed

its possible to modify the seed , to test diferent results

from PyMaktube.MakTub import MakTub

r = MakTub("your seed here")
for i in range(0,10):
    r.set_seed(f'test {i}')

Making randon seed modifications

from PyMaktube.MakTub import MakTub
from PyMaktube.MakTubSeqs import MakTubSeqs
r = MakTub("your seed here")
for i in range(0,10):
    r.aply_seed_modification([0,1,2],MakTubSeqs.ALFHA_NUNS)#will modfiy the first 3 chars