A WhatsApp based third party application.
**BUGBOT** is an user bot for WhatsApp that allowing you to get done so many tasks. This project mainly focusing on make user's work easy. This project coded with Javascript and Docker. And using **[Baileys]** as the WA Web API. Developer or Team members are not responsible for your usage mistakes and not using wisely. Also, you have no authorities do any modifications to this project. Enjoy!🎈° Dont forget to leave a 🌟 star
Run on Github codespace (Recomended)
° Fork this repo from here
° Create new codespace from here and click create
° Wait till load and after loading complete type one by one
$ npm install
$ npm install pm2 -g
$ npm start
Start prmenantly
$ pm2 start index.js --name "my-app"
° it will ask for your number.enter your number with international form like 94704638406
° After that it will give you a Eight digit code.go to whatsapp->three dots-> linked devices->link a new device->link with phone number insted . now type the eight digit code and wait till linking finishes.
° You did it 😇 type .menu to get menu
° if you want help contact me
° Dont forget to leave a 🌟 star
Run on Termux
° Run 1 by one
$ pkg upgrade -y
$ pkg update -y
$ pkg install figlet -y
$ pkg install wget -y
$ pkg install ffmpeg
$ pkg install ffmpeg -y
$ pkg install imagemagik
$ pkg install libwebp -y
$ pkg install nodejs -y
$ pkg install imagemagik -y
$ pkg install git
$ rm -rf BUGBOT
$ git clone https://github.com/UDMODZ/BUGBOT
$ npm install
$ npm install pm2 -g
$ npm start
° Run following commands
$ pm2 start index.js --name "my-app"
° it will ask for your number.enter your number with international form like 94704638406
° After that it will give you a Eight digit code.go to whatsapp->three dots-> linked devices->link a new device->link with phone number insted . now type the eight digit code and wait till linking finishes.
° You did it 😇 type .menu to get menu
° if you want help contact me
° Dont forget to leave a 🌟 star
Run on Replit
comming soon