tiinvo / Exports
An opinionated lib of types and utilities for your TypeScript and JavaScript projects which aims to add missing functionalities to standard Js and replace other.
You can install it using npm
npm i tiinvo
Or with yarn
yarn add tiinvo
or if you are using Deno, you have to simply import it
import { Arr, Option, Result } from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tiinvo?dts';
This library is
- Simple
- Intuitive
- Lightweight
- Pragmatic
- Safe
- Side-effect free and fully tree-shakeable
- Versatile
- Battle-tested (used in dozens of production projects)
- Well-documented (every type, function and function overload is documented properly)
- Well-maintained
- Well-tested
This library is ideal for both an imperative and declarative approach, since every function is overloaded and can be used without the need to use curry (I love it for cooking, not for coding).
It normalizes several native JavaScript methods (like string, number and array).
This library provides several new data types like
which is a reliable way to generate date ranges.Option
which handles gracefully values which could be both null or undefined.Predicate
are used to determine truthyness.Range
is used to generate a numeric range.Result
handles errors gracefully.Sequence
is an immutable sequence of elements.SortedSequence
is a sorted immutable sequence of elements.Tuple
is a tuple.TypedMap
is a typed immutable Map of elements.TypedSequence
is a typed immutable sequence of elements.
wraps native types
handles all array methods, adding new ones.BigInt
handles all bigint methods, adding new ones.Bool
handles all boolean methods, adding new ones.Fn
handles all function methods, adding new ones.Num
handles all number methods, adding new ones.Obj
handles all object methods, adding new ones.Str
handles all string methods, adding new ones.
and adds utility functions
used to create assertions.Catch
used to catch gracefully functions which could throw an error.Pipe
concatenates many unary functions in one, great for function composition.
Every contribution is really welcome!
If you feel that something can be improved or should be fixed, feel free to open an issue with the feature or the bug found.
Pull requests are really welcome!
- Create a new branch from
- open your PR
- enjoy!
Read the contributing guidelines
Read the licence