SonarQube rules for Boomi Component XML
- The SonarQube Rules are published as an XML. In order to import the rules.
- Goto to the sonarqube-url/profiles. And click on the Restore button from the top right corner and choose the xml file.
- To install a docker image with the Boomi SonarQube rules go here
Here are sample rules found in the XML.
Rule Name | Details | Definition |
Components name | Component names shall not start with "New ". | /Component/Name/text()[starts-with(., 'New ')] |
Process description | Process description must not be empty | /Component/Type[text()="process"]/../Description[not(text())] |
Exceptions message | Business exception message shall have at least one parameter defined {1} | /Component/Object/process[@enableUserLog]/shapes/shape[@image="exception_icon"]/configuration/exception/exMessage/text()[not(contains(.,'{1}'))] |
Business rules error message | Business rules error message shall have at least one parameter defined {1} | /Component/Object/process[@enableUserLog]/shapes/shape[@shapetype="businessrules"]/configuration/businessrules/rule/errorMessage/@content[not(contains(.,'{1}'))] |
Connection URL | The connection property URL shall not be hard coded | /Component/Overrides/Connections/ConnectionOverride/field[@id="URL"][@overrideable='false'] |
Connection username | The connection property username shall not be hard coded | /Component/Overrides/Connections/ConnectionOverride/field[@id="user"][@overrideable='false'] |
Connection password | The connection property password shall not be hard coded | /Component/Overrides/Connections/ConnectionOverride/field[@id="password"][@overrideable='false'] |
Atom Queue Listener Max Connections | Max connections on Atom Queue listener is set to unbounded | /Component/object/Operation/Configuration/QueueGetAction[@maxConcurrentExecutions='0'] |
Missing DeadLetter Atom Queue | Atom Queue does not have a dead letter queue | /Component/object/Operation/Configuration/QueueGetAction[@deadLetterQueue='false'] |
JMS Listener Max Connections | Max connections on JMS listener is set to unbounded | /Component/object/Operation/Configuration/JMSGetAction[@maxConcurrentExecutions='0'] |
General Model Listener Process | Listener process is running in configured to run in General Mode | /Component/object/process/shapes/shape/configuration/connectoraction[@actionType='Listen']/../../../../../process[@workload='general'] |