Blog Generation Website where we can generate any blog of user defined number of words and desired style of writing the blog.
Step 1 : Open Terminal and in the terminal click on plus icon and choose command prompt
Step 2 : Follow the Below Given Steps
# if any previous environment is working then close it using
--> conda deactivate
# Create a New Environment
--> conda create -p venv python==3.12
# Activate the New Environment
--> conda activate "X" {X = (Name being displayed before writing this line)}
# Install all the requirements
--> pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 3 : Download a model file required for the project and paste it in the models folder being created the download file link is given below
[Download The File](
Step 4 : After Everthing is done
# For Running the Project type
--> streamlit run
Now You can use the project !