This version contains:
- cosmos-sdk v0.45.15
- tendermint v0.34.27 (cometbft)
- ibc-go v3.4.0
- onft v0.5.0 (collection creation fee)
- maketplace v0.4.1 (deps update)
Upgrade v0.10.0
Instructions: https://github.com/OmniFlix/docs/blob/main/guides/mainnet/omniflixhub-1/upgrades/v0.10.0-upgrade.md
Upgrade Block: https://www.mintscan.io/omniflix/blocks/6262420
Proposal: https://www.mintscan.io/omniflix/proposals/6
What's Changed
- Update readme.md by @harish551 in #35
- chore(deps) Dependency Bumps [chain-chores] by @Reecepbcups in #34
- fix: iavl disable flag issue by @harish551 in #37
- bump up sdk to v0.45.12 & onft module to v0.5.0-alpha.1 (nft denom creation fee) by @harish551 in #44
- Gov spam prevention decorator by @harish551 in #45
- add v0.10.0 upgrade handler by @harish551 in #47
- remove spm by @faddat in #48
- fix: alloc module keeper tests by @harish551 in #51
- x/alloc: update module params with weighted receiver addresses by @harish551 in #52
- final changes for v0.10.0 by @harish551 in #53
New Contributors
- @Reecepbcups made their first contribution in #34
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.10.0