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Releases: OpenC3/cosmos


05 Feb 14:06
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OpenC3 COSMOS 6.1.0 - AnyCable and News

Welcome to OpenC3 COSMOS 6.1.0!

Potentially Breaking Changes

The change from ActionCable to AnyCable requires you to update your Docker compose.yaml file to add ANYCABLE_REDIS_URL, the openc3-redis/users.acl to add &__anycable__ and the openc3-traefik/traefik.yaml to add 2 new services: service-api-cable and service-script-cable. Please update your compose.yaml, users.acl, and traefik.yaml config files with the latest changes from cosmos-project.


  • Switched from Rails ActiveCable to AnyCable. AnyCable has much better performance and reliability than ActionCable and should help improve performance for all our websockets including the Streaming API.
  • New News Feed in the User Menu which will primarily include information about releases
  • Blur LED widget when telemetry goes stale
  • Python instrumentation now supports try/except, can import future, and supports globals() and locals() in check_expression
  • Created new Table APIs for creating binaries and reports
  • Fully documented the Script APIs
  • Created new ARRAYPLOT widget for graphing large static blocks of data (o-scope values) rather than individual telemetry points

Bug Fixes

  • Fix graph layout grid in TlmGrapher
  • FIx pip uninstall in the Admin packages
  • Fix python UDP interface
  • You can now create a WRITE_CONVERSION which converts a STRING to a UNIT. Read more at WRITE_CONVERSION.


  • Disallow parent dir path in sanitize_params
  • Check file path prefixes
  • Updated MINIO to close several CVEs

All Pull Requests

Docker - Running OpenC3 requires a working Docker or Podman installation. Typically Docker Desktop on Windows / Mac. Plain Docker or Podman also works on linux. We actively develop and run with Docker Desktop on Mac/Windows, and Linux on Raspberry Pi, so if you have any issues on another platform, please let us know by submitting a ticket!

Minimum Resources allocated to Docker: 4GB RAM, 1 CPU, 80GB Disk
Recommended Resources allocated to Docker: 16GB RAM, 2+ CPUs, 100GB Disk
Also requires docker compose version 1.27+

To Run:

Please see our documentation at

Try it out and let us know what you think! Please submit any issues as Github tickets, or any generic feedback to


Full Changelog: v6.0.2...v6.1.0


09 Jan 23:41
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OpenC3 COSMOS 6.0.2 - Bug fixes and enhancements

Welcome to OpenC3 COSMOS 6.0.2!

At OpenC3, we work with independent security consultants to elevate our security posture across our products. As part of this ongoing campaign, this release includes multiple security improvements.

Potentially Breaking Changes

See the release notes for COSMOS 6.0.0!


  • Added an alert for unsupported browsers
  • Improved documentation
  • Better handling of Python package installation
  • Updated Traefik and Alpine versions

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed open_file_dialog() in Script Runner not letting you select a file (regression in 6.0.0)
  • Packet Viewer now remembers your last viewed packet


  • Patched XSS attack vectors in the Iframe widget and Documentation tool
  • Patched potential credential leak via Script Runner
  • Prevent the login page from accepting the backend service password

All Pull Requests in this Release

Docker - Running OpenC3 requires a working Docker or Podman installation. Typically Docker Desktop on Windows / Mac. Plain Docker or Podman also works on linux. We actively develop and run with Docker Desktop on Mac/Windows, and Linux on Raspberry Pi, so if you have any issues on another platform, please let us know by submitting a ticket!

Minimum Resources allocated to Docker: 4GB RAM, 1 CPU, 80GB Disk
Recommended Resources allocated to Docker: 16GB RAM, 2+ CPUs, 100GB Disk
Also requires docker compose version 1.27+

To Run:

Please see our documentation at

Try it out and let us know what you think! Please submit any issues as Github tickets, or any generic feedback to


Full Changelog: v6.0.1...v6.0.2


21 Dec 05:07
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OpenC3 COSMOS 6.0.1 - Bug fixes and enhancements

Welcome to OpenC3 COSMOS 6.0.1!

This release restores the display_screen functionality and has several enhancements

Potentially Breaking Changes

See the release notes for COSMOS 6.0.0!


  • Updated the MINIO dockerfile
  • Show 404 page for non-existent routes
  • Improved error messages for LIMITSBAR, LIMITSCOLUMN (and variants)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix display_screen API
  • Fix layout of ROLLUP, LED, and SIGNAL widgets by adding computedStyle

All Pull Requests in this Release

Docker - Running OpenC3 requires a working Docker or Podman installation. Typically Docker Desktop on Windows / Mac. Plain Docker or Podman also works on linux. We actively develop and run with Docker Desktop on Mac/Windows, and Linux on Raspberry Pi, so if you have any issues on another platform, please let us know by submitting a ticket!

Minimum Resources allocated to Docker: 4GB RAM, 1 CPU, 80GB Disk
Recommended Resources allocated to Docker: 16GB RAM, 2+ CPUs, 100GB Disk
Also requires docker compose version 1.27+

To Run:

Please see our documentation at

Try it out and let us know what you think! Please submit any issues as Github tickets, or any generic feedback to


Full Changelog: v6.0.0...v6.0.1


18 Dec 05:27
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OpenC3 COSMOS 6.0.0 - Frontend Apps Updated to Vue 3

Welcome to OpenC3 COSMOS 6.0.0!

This release focuses on bringing all our dependencies up to the latest versions primary for the COSMOS user interface. The big changes are:

  • Vue 2 upgraded to Vue 3
  • Vuetify 2 upgraded to Vuetify 3
  • Traefik 2 upgraded to Traefik 3
  • Grafana 10 upgraded to Grafana 11 (Enterprise)
  • Webpack replaced with Vite
  • Many other minor depenencies updated

Potentially Breaking Changes

The change from Traefik 2 to Traefik 3 changed the traefik configuration file format. Please update your traefik config files with the latest from cosmos-project.

Any custom Vue based tools will need to be upgraded to Vue 3 / Vuetify 3 / Vite. We've put together a detailed writeup to help with this process here:

Our @openc3/tool-common npm package was broken up into @openc3/js-common and @openc3/vue-common packages. This would affect tools written in any frontend framework.

Commands with states now enforce using defined states. If you need to send an arbitrary value for a command with states you will need to use cmd_no_range_check().

Greatly Improved Container Build Times

Building our containers from source is now about 4 times faster. This is mainly due to the change from Webpack to Vite.

Greatly Improved Documentation

Accessors are now fully documented at! Also, more Interfaces and Protocols are documented. The Enterprise Command History Tool is now documented. Every TlmViewer widget now has screen shots.

More Python Parity

Almost every Interface and Protocol available in Ruby is now available in Python (Only current exception is SerialInterface).

BucketExplorer View Files

You can now view files in BucketExplorer, rather than having to download and open them in a separate application.

Sharded Operator (Generally Enterprise)

The operator container can now be run multiple times, each with a unique OPENC3_SHARD environment variable. This is intended as an alternate to using the Kubernetes Operator, if you don't have access to the Kubernetes API.

Other Improvements

  • CrcProtocol now supports Crc8
  • Installing Plugins and Packages now uses a button, rather than the old paperclip style text area

Other Bug Fixes

  • ScriptRunner Suite level setup and teardown now work in Python suites
  • Some ScriptRunner output wasn't colored when intended
  • Importing from openc3.script now works in Python suites
  • Fixed an issue with selecting modified scripts in Calendar and Autonomic (Enterprise)

All Pull Requests in this Release

New Contributors

Docker - Running OpenC3 requires a working Docker or Podman installation. Typically Docker Desktop on Windows / Mac. Plain Docker or Podman also works on linux. We actively develop and run with Docker Desktop on Mac/Windows, and Linux on Raspberry Pi, so if you have any issues on another platform, please let us know by submitting a ticket!

Minimum Resources allocated to Docker: 4GB RAM, 1 CPU, 80GB Disk
Recommended Resources allocated to Docker: 16GB RAM, 2+ CPUs, 100GB Disk
Also requires docker compose version 1.27+

To Run:

Please see our documentation at

Try it out and let us know what you think! Please submit any issues as Github tickets, or any generic feedback to


Full Changelog: v5.20.0...v6.0.0


31 Oct 14:04
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OpenC3 COSMOS 5.20.0 - Critical Commanding (Enterprise)

Welcome to OpenC3 COSMOS 5.20.0!

Critical Commanding (Enterprise)

This release adds a new feature for our Enterprise users called Critical Commanding. Critical commanding in NORMAL mode requires commands marked HAZARDOUS or RESTRICTED to be approved by two operators before being sent. In ALL mode it also requires all manual commands from CmdSender to be approved by two operators. Accounts that approve must have the 'approve_hazardous', 'approve_restricted', or 'approve_normal' permission depending on the type of command. There is also a new default "approver" account in Keycloak.

Packet Viewer Item Pinning

By right clicking on item names, you can now pin items in PacketViewer. This allows you to keep items at the top and watch their values on all pages, and when searching.

ScriptRunner show wait time, colorized output, view logs

The ScriptRunner state field now shows how long you have been waiting on waits and wait_checks. Additionally ScriptRunner output text is now colored green for successful checks, and red for failed checks. Finally you can now view script logs in a dialog, rather than having to download them.

New DATE and TIME widgets

TlmViewer has new DATE and TIME widgets that can be used to have users select a specific date and time that is then used in BUTTON code.

Potentially Breaking Changes

  • Updated to Alpine 19
  • Delete apis now return 200 instead of 204 on success. 204 was preventing data from being returned by these methods.

Other Improvements

  • ScriptRunner now removes the leading script_ or test_ from method names in Suite mode
  • The Login prompt now lets you know if you enter a bad password (less than 8 characters)
  • Allow horizontal scrolling in TlmViewer and other apps if the content is too wide to fit
  • Python now stores packages in a venv
  • Hovering over limits bars now shows the limits range
  • Limits violation log messages now include the value of the limits that was violated

Other Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in PacketViewer where the wrong value would be shown on later pages
  • Made TlmGrapher graphs not grow in size when mouseover values
  • Fixed enabling and disabling limits on items with colored states
  • Calendar updated to better handles events at the same start time (Enterprise)
  • LINEGRAPH widget now respects the time zone setting
  • Fix ScriptRunner Execute text when file modified
  • Fixed authorization for the web_socket_api files

All Pull Requests in this Release

Docker - Running OpenC3 requires a working Docker or Podman installation. Typically Docker Desktop on Windows / Mac. Plain Docker or Podman also works on linux. We actively develop and run with Docker Desktop on Mac/Windows, and Linux on Raspberry Pi, so if you have any issues on another platform, please let us know by submitting a ticket!

Minimum Resources allocated to Docker: 4GB RAM, 1 CPU, 80GB Disk
Recommended Resources allocated to Docker: 16GB RAM, 2+ CPUs, 100GB Disk
Also requires docker compose version 1.27+

To Run:

Please see our documentation at

Try it out and let us know what you think! Please submit any issues as Github tickets, or any generic feedback to


Full Changelog: v5.19.0...v5.20.0


02 Oct 20:21
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OpenC3 COSMOS 5.19.0 - Command History and Validators (Enterprise)

Welcome to OpenC3 COSMOS 5.19.0!

This is an exciting release as we have a completely new tool for Enterprise Users - Command History! It provides a quick way to see what commands have been sent, by who, and if the commands were successful.

Associated is a new feature called Command Validators that is available for both Open Source and Enterprise Users. This feature allows us to know if the command was successful after its full lifecycle. Read more below.

Additionally we have grown to the point where security researchers are looking into COSMOS and creating CVEs. This release patches three CVEs that have been written against COSMOS. As always, we recommend updating to our latest version.

Affects Both Open Source and Enterprise Edition:

  • CVE-2024-46977 - Path traversal via screen controller ([GHSL-2024-127]) - Moderate

Only Affects Open Source Edition:

  • CVE-2024-43795 - Cross-site scripting in Login functionality (GHSL-2024-128) - High
  • CVE-2024-47529 - Clear text storage of password/token (GHSL-2024-129) - Moderate

Command History Tool (Enterprise)

A new tool for our Enterprise users provides a quick way to see what commands have been sent, by who, and if the commands were successful.

Command Validators

Commands validators are a new class that can be associated with individual commands. Inside the class are a pre_check and post_check method which can be used to reject commands before they are sent (pre_check), or verify if the command worked successfully (post_check).

Python Redis Cluster Support (Enterprise)

Python now supports infinite scaling with Redis Cluster in COSMOS Enterprise Edition.

New Runner Role (Enterprise)

We have a new default role called "runner" that allows a user to run scripts but not edit them. Great for production environments where users are only authorized to run prebuilt scripts.

New DataViewer Item Component

This provides an easy way to scale viewing an item (or multiple items) over time in DataViewer (rather than an entire packet).

Time Zone Setting

Our settings page now includes a time zone setting where you can choose whether you want every tool to use UTC time or the local time zone.

Potentially Breaking Changes

  • Our command line generators no longer default to ruby and now require --ruby or --python for each (or set the OPENC3_LANGUAGE environment variable)
  • Updated to use docker compose run instead of docker run for cli actions in
  • The docker network is no longer hard coded in compose.yaml and is now auto set by Docker Compose
  • RECEIVED_COUNT now returns 0 instead of nil/None for packets that have never been received
  • Many more log messages are now JSON formatted
  • extra is now a required parameter for the Interface#write_interface and Protocol#write_data methods

Other Improvements

  • Added a ScriptRunner Line Delay Menu Option
  • More Consistent use of 401 and 403 errors
  • Python Stack Traces are now cleaner in ScriptRunner
  • Greatly improved File Open Performance with a large number of files
  • CmdTlmApi and ScriptRunner Rails logs are now JSON formatted
  • Added the ability to clear graph data in TlmGrapher
  • Bucket Explorer auto refreshes every minute

Other Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a python wait_check bug causing it to block forever
  • Improved escaping logic in TemplateAccessor
  • Lots of spelling errors fixed - our pipeline now checks for spelling errors! (Typically in comments)
  • Fixed a bug with the script open_file_dialog sometimes not working
  • Command Sender error messages could reference the wrong command
  • Fixed TlmViewer Spacer widget
  • Fixed a bug with mixing old variable sized items with new variable sized items
  • Fixed an issue with CmdTlmServer LogMessages not bringing up any history
  • Fixed python tcpip_server_interface

All Pull Requests in this Release

New Contributors

Docker - Running OpenC3 requires a working Docker or Podman installation. Typically Docker Desktop on Windows / Mac. Plain Docker or Podman also works on linux. We actively develop and run with Docker Desktop on Mac/Windows, and Linux on Raspberry Pi, so if you have any issues on another platform, please let us know by submitting a ticket!

Minimum Re...

Read more


20 Aug 21:53
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OpenC3 COSMOS 5.18.0 - Multiple variable bit size items in the same packet!

Welcome to OpenC3 COSMOS 5.18.0!

Multiple Variable Bit Size Items

Since the beginning, COSMOS has been able to handle a single variable sized item within packets. Now we can handle multiple! As long as each item has its own associated length field, you can have multiple variable sized items in the same packet.

See the new VARIABLE_BIT_SIZE keyword for packet definitions.

Command Authority (Enterprise)

In COSMOS Enterprise, you can now enable a new mode called Command Authority. In this mode, only one user at a time can command a given target. This can be helpful on multi-operator ops floors to prevent two operators from accidentally sending commands at the same time.

Chromeless mode

Sometimes you would like to open COSMOS up in an IFRAME or a browser tab, and not waste any space with the topbar, navbar, or footer. Well now you can! Just add ?chromeless=true to your urls and check it out.

New Subtitle Setting

There is a new setting in Admin -> Settings, called Subtitle, that allows you to place text under the OpenC3 logo in the Navbar. This can be really useful to differentiate between multiple installations of COSMOS.

Other Improvements

  • Added a new OPENC3_OPERATOR_HOSTNAME environment variable to support pointing to a regular operator while running in Kubernetes (vs the Kubernetes Operator)
  • Updated BucketExplorer to show newest files first by default
  • Changed Calendar (Enterprise) to allow overlapping activities
  • Added a new Signal Strength Widget for TlmViewer
  • Moved some log messages to debug within the operator to quiet down microservice start/stop
  • Added support for Array indexing in TlmViewer LINEGRAPH
  • Added the ability to disable Calendar execution (Enterprise)
  • Blank screen widgets no longer say "Value"
  • Added vim and ps to UBI images
  • Added new to run playwright tests

Other Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a timing issue with the build_cmd api that was causing ack timeouts
  • Fixed TEMPLATE and Accessors for Python
  • Fixed connect() being called twice in Python interfaces
  • Fixed screen SUBSETTING application
  • Fixed Python Websocket API authentication in Enterprise
  • Fixed open_file_dialog in Python scripts
  • Fixed an error that occurred if you backspaced away the full name of a telemetry item in an item chooser
  • Fixed Image Viewer Widget
  • Updated Progress bar to always end at 100% on plugin and package uploads

All Pull Requests in this Release

New Contributors

Docker - Running OpenC3 requires a working Docker or Podman installation. Typically Docker Desktop on Windows / Mac. Plain Docker or Podman also works on linux. We actively develop and run with Docker Desktop on Mac/Windows, and Linux on Raspberry Pi, so if you have any issues on another platform, please let us know by submitting a ticket!

Minimum Resources allocated to Docker: 4GB RAM, 1 CPU, 80GB Disk
Recommended Resources allocated to Docker: 16GB RAM, 2+ CPUs, 100GB Disk
Also requires docker compose version 1.27+

To Run:

Please see our documentation at

Try it out and let us know what you think! Please submit any issues as Github tickets, or any generic feedback to


Full Changelog: v5.17.1...v5.18.0


29 Jun 15:25
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OpenC3 COSMOS 5.17.1 - Rollup Widget, Dependency Update, and Bug Fixes

Welcome to OpenC3 COSMOS 5.17.1!

New ROLLUP Widget

We've added a new ROLLUP widget for TlmViewer that allows you to pick an icon, assign multiple telemetry items to it, and then it will change color based on the overall limits state of those items. Clicking on the icon can also bring up a telemetry screen of your choice.

ScriptRunner now role aware (Enterprise)

The ScriptRunner frontend is now role aware in Enterprise edition, which allows it to make the scripts readonly for users who can't edit scripts, and disable the start button for users who can't run scripts.

VALUE Widgets now support array indexing

You can now select individual array items for display on TlmViewer screens!

IMPORTANT Bug Fix in ScriptRunner

ScriptRunner could save over a file with an old version of the file's contents under certain circumstances when pressing Ctrl-S to save. This required: 1. Leaving ScriptRunner to another tool, 2. Returning to ScriptRunner, 3. Saving the file with Ctrl-S, 4. All without refreshing the webpage. This has been corrected.

Other Bug Fixes

  • ScriptRunner can now properly import python modules with an file.
  • Several fixes with applying Global settings in screens
  • Calendar events are now properly cleaned up and expired over time
  • Python "break" now works in ScriptRunner
  • Plugin Download button on the Admin Plugins tab now works
  • Python range checking given a string no longer crashes
  • Python code now handles limits event notifications
  • Dockerfiles updated to same case FROM and AS statements

All Pull Requests in this Release

Docker - Running OpenC3 requires a working Docker or Podman installation. Typically Docker Desktop on Windows / Mac. Plain Docker or Podman also works on linux. We actively develop and run with Docker Desktop on Mac/Windows, and Linux on Raspberry Pi, so if you have any issues on another platform, please let us know by submitting a ticket!

Minimum Resources allocated to Docker: 4GB RAM, 1 CPU, 80GB Disk
Recommended Resources allocated to Docker: 16GB RAM, 2+ CPUs, 100GB Disk
Also requires docker compose version 1.27+

To Run:

Please see our documentation at

Try it out and let us know what you think! Please submit any issues as Github tickets, or any generic feedback to


Full Changelog: v5.16.2...v5.17.1


23 May 22:23
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OpenC3 COSMOS 5.16.2 - Python Script APIs and Usability Improvements

Welcome to OpenC3 COSMOS 5.16.2!

This release adds Python script APIs and addresses a number of tool usability issues.

Potentially breaking changes from 5.15.x

Script wait methods that wait on a condition now return true/false to indicate if the wait condition was successful or not. Previously these wait methods returned the number of seconds actually waited.

Other Improvements

  • Improve Limits Monitor layout with timestamp and more field width
  • Add Data Viewer collapsable header and expand Data Viewer widget width and height
  • Expand Script Runner Message Log pane to take 100% of the bottom half
  • Filter stack trace on installation for easier debugging of config errors
  • Admin Plugins and Packages adds progress bar on upload and visually separates Processes from Plugins
  • Added tooltips for Suite Runner checkboxes
  • Right click a screen keyword to bring up a popup with a link to the documentation
  • Added Python docs and typing by @GerhardOfRivia

Bug Fixes

  • Do not clear interval on Packet Viewer error - this should prevent Packet Viewer from "freezing" and no long updating, especially when updating plugins
  • Remove Notification Open button unless an actual URL destination is given
  • Fix new scope deployment to properly log messages and cleanup
  • Fix python log time in text logs returning 01/01/1970
  • Allow commands in Data Viewer

All Pull Requests in this Release

Docker - Running OpenC3 requires a working Docker or Podman installation. Typically Docker Desktop on Windows / Mac. Plain Docker or Podman also works on linux. We actively develop and run with Docker Desktop on Mac/Windows, and Linux on Raspberry Pi, so if you have any issues on another platform, please let us know by submitting a ticket!

Minimum Resources allocated to Docker: 4GB RAM, 1 CPU, 80GB Disk
Recommended Resources allocated to Docker: 16GB RAM, 2+ CPUs, 100GB Disk
Also requires docker compose version 1.27+

To Run:

Please see our documentation at

Try it out and let us know what you think! Please submit any issues as Github tickets, or any generic feedback to


Full Changelog: v5.16.1...v5.16.2


09 May 12:29
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OpenC3 COSMOS 5.16.1 - Command Sender History and Playwright Enhancements

Welcome to OpenC3 COSMOS 5.16.1!

This release adds some minor features, fixes the UBI build and improves our Playwright end to end testing.

Potentially breaking changes from 5.15.x

Script wait methods that wait on a condition now return true/false to indicate if the wait condition was successful or not. Previously these wait methods returned the number of seconds actually waited.

Command Sender History

Command Sender now remembers history on a browser refresh. The delete button will clear the history.

Other Improvements

  • Limits Monitor clear all ignored items
  • Code completion works with Python fstrings, e.g. cmd(f"INST

All Pull Requests in this Release

Docker - Running OpenC3 requires a working Docker or Podman installation. Typically Docker Desktop on Windows / Mac. Plain Docker or Podman also works on linux. We actively develop and run with Docker Desktop on Mac/Windows, and Linux on Raspberry Pi, so if you have any issues on another platform, please let us know by submitting a ticket!

Minimum Resources allocated to Docker: 4GB RAM, 1 CPU, 80GB Disk
Recommended Resources allocated to Docker: 16GB RAM, 2+ CPUs, 100GB Disk
Also requires docker compose version 1.27+

To Run:

Please see our documentation at

Try it out and let us know what you think! Please submit any issues as Github tickets, or any generic feedback to


Full Changelog: v5.16.0...v5.16.1