- virtual helicopter control
- successful BCI - similar to keyboard control
- subject specific signals
- subjects train in one dimension, then two, then three
- 8 to 11 sessions of 45 minutes to master left and right
- total session length was 2 hours: hair washing & stuff
- controlled for EOG
- 64 channel EEG cap
- control at approx 50Hz (20-50ms via UDP)
- the "3D" movement was really fixed in 1 dimension ("0.5 Blender units per second")
- their "cone of guidance" sounds like a obscure way to note that 1/2 the time subjects did not have good control;
- seems like "cone of guidance" creates an illusion of control because it was hidden from subjects, seems to have helped to reduce frustration
- idea for mouse: slow down over buttons, similar to increasing their size or a "gravity well"
- sessions were 7-13 five-minute runs
- pong with EEG
- one dimension of control
- tried alpha and mu for control
- seems they used general level of range (8-13Hz), not tightly focused on a specific frequency inside range
- tried using SVM to detect p300; not successful
- firmware and software on webpage
- 75 USD budget
- article states "There exists a Modular EEG serial packet data format that is typically used to transmit EEG data over serial"
- references medical guidelines: ftp://ansuk.org/pub/clinical_governance/dig_eeg.pdf