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Customizable Tracker, w/ OpenGOAL Autotracker

Download the latest release from here

Piggybacking on the work done to support LiveSplit autosplitter, this program will scan OpenGOAL memory and display which Power Cells you've collected in your current game. It also has a manual tracker mode which you could use for any game you want - you'd just need to setup a layout and corresponding icons.



  • Windows/antivirus software may flag this program as a risk, we promise it is safe to run. This project is open source and you can audit the source code if you want to verify or run the python yourself - we simply use pyinstaller to package it up into an exe for easier distribution.
  • In auto tracker mode, the program may load for ~10 seconds on startup, as it takes some time to scan through OpenGOAL memory
  • In manual tracker mode:
    • You can click on boolean icons to toggle them on/off
    • You can click/shift+click on counter icons to increase/decrease their count
  • Use the right-click menu to swap between layouts, or refresh the current layout from file (useful as you test changes)
  • prefs.yaml, fields.yaml and the layouts and icons subfolders should all live in the same folder as JakTracker.exe (see below for more details)

Configuration Files

  • Custom icons can be used - just replace the corresponding PNG file(s) in the icons subfolder
  • Icon/text layout is defined in the layouts subfolder, for example:
    # totals row
    - - num_power_cells
    - num_orbs
    - num_scout_flies
    # horizontal separator
    - HSeparator
    # Geyser Rock
    - - $Geyser
    - res_training_gimmie
    - res_training_buzzer
    - res_training_door
    - res_training_climb
    # Forbidden Jungle
    - - $FJ
    - res_jungle_fishgame
    - res_jungle_temple_door
    - res_jungle_canyon_end
    - res_jungle_tower
    - res_jungle_eggtop # blue eco switch
    - res_jungle_plant
    - res_jungle_buzzer
  • Colors/sizing/etc are defined in prefs.yaml:


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    # Either 'auto' (only updates via data read from gk.exe) or 'manual' (only updates via mouseclick)
    tracker_mode: auto
    # the layout to load on wakeup
    default_layout: 'hundo.yaml'
    # background color - these accept either '#RRGGBB' format or a color name 'white'
    bg_color: '#000000'
    # font settings for custom text labels
    label_font_color: 'white'
    label_font_name: Arial
    label_font_size: 12
    label_fixed_width: 13 # fixed width for text labels (~num of characters) - comment out for dynamic width
    # font settings for orb/cell/fly counters
    counter_font_color: 'white'
    counter_font_name: Arial
    counter_font_size: 30
    # integer factor to shrink icons by 2=1/2, 3=1/3, etc (bigger number -> smaller icon)
    icon_shrink_factor: 1
    # transparency of icons when cell has not been collected (0 = invisible, 255 = fully opaque)
    uncollected_transparency: 47
  • fields.yaml defines the autosplitter/autotracker fields and their offsets - you shouldn't need to touch this!