- The Pandemic induced many issues for Students appearing for online exams.
- Students living in remote areas experienced
1. difficulties in maintaining proper internet connection during the exams.
2. submitting and recieving answer books and question papers due to internet problems. - There's a need to create a app which works seemlessly to solve this problem.
- Objective of the project is to create an application which will help both students and teachers
- The Teacher will create a group and add Students in it
- The Teacher will create a test and upload the pdf of question paper
- The app will encrypt the pdf with a password teacher entered at the time of uploading
- The encrypted question paper will be sent to the students beforehand (10-15 days before the exam)
- The password to the pdf will be sent to the students at the time of the test using SMS (Twilio API)
- The student will give the test and when the time is finished they will upload the pdf on the app
- If there's an Internet issue at student's end, A SHA256 key will be sent to the teacher
- When the problem is resolved at the student's end they can upload the pdf
- The app will verify the uploaded pdf with the submitted SHA256 key and if it is successfully verified the job's done!
npm install
npm start
required credential are as follows:_
apikey = api-key
apisecretkey = api-secret
mongourl = your-mongo-url
twilioauthtoken = your-twilio-auth-token
twilioauthsid = your-twilio-auth-sid
command to run :
npm install
npm run dev
command to run :
npm install
npm start
Run on android/ios