This is the improved repository of Extensible Clipboard, which has been initially developed by Matthias Rösl.
Extensible Clipboard is a web-transparent extension of the traditional system clipboard, enabling users enhanced functionality and the capability to create own applications, tapping into the functionality of the system clipboard.
🚨 Running extensible clipboard is currently not supported on OS X platforms due to restrictions of the PyQT framework.
🌏 Remotely set the clipboard on multiple systems via HTTP-Requests
⏳ Access the clipboard history via HTTP-Requests
📋 Full portation of clipboard functionality to REST-interface (Read the doc here... )
🔒 Control access to your clipboard by whitelisting clients
Installation requires python3.7+, as well as pip on your system. Installation on Linux also requires make
to be installed.
Execute make
in project root.
Execute win_install.bat
in project root.
Execute make run
in project root.
Execute win_run.bat
in project root.
It's easy as that!
The clip/backend server will only accept requests from trusted clipboards. Trusted clipboards can be defined in ExtensibleClipboard/clip_server/config/trusted-clients-config.json: Simply add the IPv4 address of your clipboard device to the list to allow access to the clipboard.