diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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+++ b/README.md
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# pf-elements
A Polymer 2.0 based collection of reusable web components
## Demo
-[Click here for docs & demo](https://github.com/PFElements/pf-calendar-events/blob/master/demo/index.html)
+[Click here for docs & demo](https://pfelements.github.io/pf-calendar-events/components/pf-calendar-events/demo/index.html)
+_[Demo and API docs](https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/PFElements/pf-calendar-events)_
+_[Demo and API docs 2](https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/pf-calendar-events)_
## Install the Polymer-CLI
First, make sure you have the [Polymer CLI](https://www.npmjs.com/package/polymer-cli) installed. Then run `polymer serve` to serve your application locally.
-## Example
+# PF Calendar Events
+An Advanced/composite Polymer 2.0 based custom elements that can be used to set Events/appointments/meetings in a calendar.
+| Element Name | Latest Version (Bower) | Npm version | Build Status |
+| [pf-calendar-events](https://github.com/PFElements/pf-calendar-events) | [](https://badge.fury.io/gh/PFElements%2Fpf-calendar-events) | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/pf-calendar-events) |[](https://travis-ci.org/PFElements/pf-calendar-events) |
+## Learn more
+See the list of elements, demos, and documentation by browsing this collection on webcomponents.org:
+### [Take me to webcomponents.org ›](https://www.webcomponents.org/element/PFElements/pf-calendar-events)
+# Customization and usage
+`` can be customized in a number of ways
+## Customization of look and feel
+By default you have two general options
+a. material-calendar
+b. classic-calendar
+Once you decide you general look and feel then you can further customize the details, e.g. if you chose a Material Design look and feel and you want to change the width, hight, color etc. you can do that with the provided API.
+#### material Calendar Example
-# PF Calendar Events
-An Advanced/composite Polymer 2.0 based custom elements that can be used to set Events/appointments/meetings in a calendar.
-[pf-calendar-events](https://github.com/PFElements/pf-calendar-events) [](https://badge.fury.io/gh/PFElements%2Fpf-calendar-events) [](https://travis-ci.org/PFElements/pf-calendar-events)
-## Learn more
+#### Classic Calendar Example
-See the list of elements, demos, and documentation by browsing this collection on webcomponents.org:
+default value of 'calendarstyle' is 'material-calendar'
+### Types of calendar
+You can define different types of calendar events (appointments, meetings, reminders, etc). e.g. you can define a "Sports" Calendar "Office Meeting" calendar, "Birthday Reminders" calendar. Distinct type of categories will appear in different colors.
+### CRUD operations
+Buttons / icons are provided to enable Adding, deleting or updating an event (meeting, reminder, appointment etc)
+Material based button and icons are provided to enable these operations.
+For firebase events data, please see our firebase element
+## Customization of Calendar Events/Data (your meetings, appointments, reminders etc)
+Of course if you cannot provide you own data then why even use a third party component, and you need events as well to notify you of the user interaction with the calendar
+This custom element provides you two generic ways that again can be further customized
+a. Data Through firebase custom element (Please see our firebase custom element that can be combined with this element to enable your data interaction from firebase
+b. By providing an array of data. (Calendar events, appointments, meetings, reminders etc.)
+### CRUD operations
+Our custom element provides a way to hook your CRUD operations into our calendar, it provides a number of API hooks/events to notify you about an operation that is performed on a certain event.
+Custom Event | Description
+`event-add` | Add event retuns current selected date ('e.detail.date'), fired when user press add event button
+`event-edit` | Edit event retuns event ('e.detail.event'),fired when user press edit event button
+`event-delete` | Delete event retuns event ('e.detail.event'),fired when user press delete event button
+`event-select` | Event Select retuns event ('e.detail.event'),fired when user click on any event
+`date-select` | Date Select retuns seleted date and events of date ('e.detail.date'and'e.detail.events'),fired when user click on any event
-### [Take me to webcomponents.org ›](https://www.webcomponents.org/element/PFElements/pf-pageindicator)
@@ -115,6 +208,12 @@ Your application is already set up to be tested via [web-component-tester](https
Comments, questions, suggestions, issues, and pull requests are all welcome.
+### Get in touch with the team
+Joing us at [](https://gitter.im/pf-elements/Lobby?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge)
+- [Twitter]()
+- [Facebook] (https://www.facebook.com/polymerjs)
### Some ways to help:
@@ -126,4 +225,4 @@ We encourage you to read the [contribution instructions by GitHub](https://guide
## License
-MIT License
\ No newline at end of file
+MIT License