Bindery aims to support fluent MVVM binding definition for WinForms applications.
- Bindery:
- Contains the static
factory class - Dependent on the System.Reactive package
- Please note that it may be necessary to install the System.Reactive.Compatibility package in the main project of
a consuming application in order to resolve conflicts between the System.Reactive package
and older versions of
-related libraries (such asSytem.Reactive.Linq
- Contains the static
- A View Model is a binding source, an object of any type. Full binding functionality requires a View Model to properly implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
- A Control is a binding target, an object that implements IBindableComponent. A Control supports the full range of binding functionality.
- A Target is a binding target, an object of any type. A Target only supports a limited set of binding functionality.
- A Command is an object that implements ICommand.
var binder = Bindery.Create.Binder(viewModel);
Create a root binder and set the default subscription scheduler to schedule actions on the form's thread
var binder = Bindery.Create.Binder(viewModel, new ControlScheduler(form));
Diposing of a binder removes all bindings and disposes of all subcriptions created by the binder.
This can be used to tie the lifetime of other objects to the binder's lifetime.
binder.RegisterDisposable(disposableViewModel, disposableCommand);
// Two-way binding
binder.Control(textBox).Property(c => c.Text).Bind(vm => vm.Name);
// One-way binding from source to control
binder.Control(form).Property(c => c.UseWaitCursor).Get(vm => vm.IsBusy);
// One-way binding from control to source
binder.Control(textBox).Property(c => c.Text).Set(vm => vm.Name);
binder.Control(textBox).Property(c => c.Text).Get(vm => vm.Age, Convert.ToString);
This also "binds" the control's Enabled
property to the command's CanExecute
ICommand command = new CommandImplementation(viewModel);
ICommand command = new CommandImplementation(viewModel);
.Transform(o => o.Where(ctx => ctx.Args.Button==MouseButtons.Left).Select(ctx => new {ctx.Args.X, ctx.Args.Y}))
// Mouse coords are passed to command.Execute()
.Transform(o => o.Select(ctx => new MyCoord{X = ctx.Args.X, Y = ctx.Args.Y}))
.Set(vm => vm.CurrentMouseCoords);
Non-control targets support a limited set of binding options. Two-way binding and one-way binding from target to source are not supported.
binder.Target(target).Property(t => t.Status).Get(vm => vm.Status);
binder.OnPropertyChanged(vm => vm.ErrorMessage).Subscribe(msg => DisplayErrorDialog(msg));
binder.Control(cancelButton).OnClick().Subscribe(ctx => form.Close());
binder.Control(form).OnEvent("Closed").Subscribe(ctx => binder.Dispose());
ctx=>ctx.OnNext(oVal => OnNextAction(oVal))
.OnError(ex => HandleException(ex))
.OnComplete(() => OnCompleteAction()));
binder.Observe(viewModel.Observable).SubscribeAsync(msg => command.ExecuteAsync(msg.Value));
IObservable<string> mouseMoveButtons =
.Select(ctx => Convert.ToString(ctx.Args.Button));