( ᐱ ): Walk forward
( ᐯ ): Walk backward
( ᐸ ): Walk left
( ᐳ ): Walk right
( " " ): Jump
( B ): Melee
( F ): Shoot
( R ): Reload
( T ): Interact
( Y ): Switch Weapon
( ESC ): Cancel
( CURSOR ): Look around
( ᐱ Left Joystick ): Walk forward
( ᐯ Left Joystick ): Walk backward
( ᐸ Left Joystick ): Walk left
( ᐳ Left Joystick ): Walk right
( A Context Buttons ): Jump
( B Context Buttons ): Melee/Cancel
( RT Right Trigger ): Shoot
( RB Right Bumper ): Reload/Interact
( Y Context Buttons ): Switch Weapon
( ᐱ ᐯ ᐸ ᐳ Right Joystick ): Look around
- Head over to www.fps5.uk.to
- Click "CHOOSE MAP" (A default map will be chosen if this is skipped)
- Click "Next"
- Choose a lobby that someone has already made (or skip to To create a lobby to make your own).
- Wait for player(s) to join. The game will start automatically.
- Head over to www.fps5.uk.to
- Enter your lobby name.
- Click "Next" (or hit enter)
- If your lobby does not show up, reload the page or click "FIND LOBBY"
- Click your lobby's name in the dialog.
- Wait for player(s) to join. The game will start automatically.
- Head over to www.fps5.uk.to
- Click "OPTIONS"
- To customize Preferences, change your character/website appearance.
- To customize Performance, Click "Performance" in the lower left corner.
- To customize In-Game-Items like character and loadout/weapons, choose your options on the page.
You're in luck! FPS has a bot with 10 different difficulties that you can customize.
- Repeat "To start a game" step above.
- On the "Searching for players" page, click "Start bot"
- The game will start like a real multiplayer game.
- Head over to your Preferences page (repeat "How to customize Preferences, Performance and In-Game-Items" if you're not sure how).
- Click "Bot Preferences" in the lower left corner.
- Change your bot's difficulty, appearance and weapons.
Report an Issue in the "Issues" section, or
Send us and email at parkingmaster@email.com or parkingmaster@mail.com.