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hiroki-yamada edited this page Jun 4, 2019 · 7 revisions

A list of the settings file is as follows:

  1. SIGVerseConfig / HumanNavi / HumanNaviConfig.json
  2. SIGVerseConfig / HumanNavi / HumanNaviScore.json

For configuration files of SIGVerse please refer to the following website.


No Name Type Example Description
1 teamName string Hum@n Navigation Team Name
2 sessionTimeLimit int 300 Time limit of each session [second]
3 maxNumberOfTrials int 12 Max number of the trials
4 recoverUsingScoreFile bool false Read HumanNaviScore.txt or not.
It is for recovery in case of some failure.
true: Start from the continuation of the score file.
false: Normal mode.
5 playbackType int 1 Playback mode
0: Do nothing
1: Record motions of scene objects.
2: Play the recorded motions.
6 taskInfoList TaskInfo[] The environment, target object, and the destination to place the target object.


HumanNaviScore.txt is a file recording the score output by the Human Navigation program.
This file records the score for the first task on the first line and the score for the second task on the second line.

An example of the HumanNaviScore.txt is as follows.


The HumanNaviScore.txt file is fundamentally output to record the score, but a file already including scores can be used to start the next competitive task if recoverUsingScoreFile is true in HumanNaviConfig.json.

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