diff --git a/docs/LabHome/Seminars.md b/docs/LabHome/Seminars.md index 03dc9cc..3446e90 100644 --- a/docs/LabHome/Seminars.md +++ b/docs/LabHome/Seminars.md @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ We try to integrate these in a unified PennLINC google calender. This is curren Several of the main seminar series are listed below: -### [LiBI](https://libiresearch.research.chop.edu/) +### [LiBI](https://www.research.chop.edu/libi/events) The Penn-CHOP Lifespan Brain Institute (led by section director Raquel Gur) runs a particularly relevant seminar series annually regarding brain development and psychopathology, as well as an annuall symposium. -### [MINS](https://go.activecalendar.com/upennmins) +### [MINS](https://events.med.upenn.edu/mins/) The Mahoney Institute for the Neurosciences at Penn runs an extremely high-quality seminar series that broadly covers the neurosciences. @@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ The Mahoney Institute for the Neurosciences at Penn runs an extremely high-quali MindCORE is the inter-disciplinary program at Penn that integrates across the schools of arts and sciences (psychology, philosophy) and the school of medicine. It is led by close collaborator Joe Kable. Their speakers are top-notch. Pizza is also provided for in person sessions. -### [CBICA](https://www.med.upenn.edu/cbica/cbica-seminars/) +### [CBICA](https://www.med.upenn.edu/biomed-data-science-seminar/upcoming-seminars/) -The center for biomedical image and computing and analytics is led by close collaborator Christos Davatzikos, and runs a engineering-focused seminar series that includes leaders in the field. Pizza is provided. +The center for biomedical image and computing and analytics is led by close collaborator Christos Davatzikos, and runs a engineering-focused seminar series that includes leaders in the field. ### [Psychiatry Grand Rounds](https://www.med.upenn.edu/psychiatry/rounds.html)