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Flip edited this page Jan 2, 2021 · 11 revisions

This is in construction and not finalized!

Changelog 2020.1:

  • upgrade to laravel 6
  • Add training module
  • Redesign landing pages
  • remove small bugs
  • userguide accable in menu
  • create demo mode
  • add site statistics
  • Admin Actions on Dashboard like "Dienstplan an alle Versenden"
  • services comes now with start time and end date+time

Upgrade Guide 2019.1 to 2020.1

If you come from a version before 2019.1 please upgrade sequentially

  1. Stop Webserver oder set laravel to maintance php artisan down to prevent changes of users
  2. Make a Backup of your Database!
  3. Get new Codebase: git fetch git checkout tags/2020.1
  4. Update.env File: you can compare .env.example with your .env or just add the following updates to your .env file:


CACHE_DRIVER=array #(Laravel file and database drivers doesn't support tags, wich are used by geoip)

  1. Update dependencies: php composer.phar install && php composer.phar dump-autoload -o
  2. Update Database Layout: php artisan migrate
  3. Restart queue worker php artisan queue:restart
  4. Start webserver or reactivate laravel php artisan up

Statistic Fix:

There is a problem on routes without names (like redirect of /). A Soulution exists but not merged yet ( So we have to fix it:

  1. open vendor/rinvex/laravel-statistics/src/Jobs/CrunchStatistics.php
  2. got to line around 53 and replace: 'name' => $laravelRoute->getName(), by 'name' => $laravelRoute->getName() ?: $laravelRoute->uri(),
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