NOTE: For angular 1.2.x support check angular-1.2
branch or download the 0.4.x
release of angular-toastr
angular-toastr was originally a port of CodeSeven/toastr. It could now show some differences with it.
The goal is to provide the same API than the original one but without jQuery and using all the angular power.
Use npm:
$ npm install angular-toastr
If you are not using npm (you should), you can use bower:
$ bower install angular-toastr
To use a CDN, you can include the next two lines:
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
Or you can grab the latest release and add both the css
and javascript
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="angular-toastr.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="angular-toastr.tpls.js"></script>
Note: If you add a script tag for angular-toastr, keep in mind that you need the tpls
version or the other depending if you want the default template or not (see below).
If you want animations, don't forget to add angular-animate
Then add toastr
to your modules dependencies:
angular.module('app', ['ngAnimate', 'toastr'])
Toastr usage is very simple, by default it comes with four types of notification messages:
app.controller('foo', function($scope, toastr) {
toastr.success('Hello world!', 'Toastr fun!');
app.controller('foo', function($scope, toastr) {'We are open today from 10 to 22', 'Information');
app.controller('foo', function($scope, toastr) {
toastr.error('Your credentials are gone', 'Error');
app.controller('foo', function($scope, toastr) {
toastr.warning('Your computer is about to explode!', 'Warning');
Apart from that you can customize your basic toasts:
No title:
app.controller('foo', function($scope, toastr) {
toastr.success('I don\'t need a title to live');
app.controller('foo', function($scope, toastr) {
If no toast is passed in, all toasts will be closed.
app.controller('foo', function($scope, toastr) {;
app.controller('foo', function($scope, toastr) {
var toast = toastr.error('You are not allowed to do this!');
// after doing something...
toastr.refreshTimer(toast, 5000);
The second parameter is optional and will fallback to the configured timeOut.
It return the number of active toasts in screen.
A toast has a isOpened
flag to see whether it is opened or not.
This library has two parts, a container
and the toasts
you put in it.
To configure the container
you need to modify the toastrConfig
, for example:
app.config(function(toastrConfig) {
angular.extend(toastrConfig, {
autoDismiss: false,
containerId: 'toast-container',
maxOpened: 0,
newestOnTop: true,
positionClass: 'toast-top-right',
preventDuplicates: false,
preventOpenDuplicates: false,
target: 'body'
Those are the default values, you can pick what you need from it and override with your values.
- autoDismiss If set, show only the most recent
toast(s) - containerId: The name of the container where you want to append your toasts (the container will be created for you).
- maxOpened: Maximum number of toasts displayed at once.
- newestOnTop: Add new toasts on top of the old one. Put on false to put them on the bottom.
- positionClass: The position where the toasts are added.
- preventDuplicates: Prevent duplicates of the last toast.
- preventOpenDuplicates: Prevent duplicates of open toasts.
- target: The element to put the toastr container.
To customize a toast
you have two options. First, you can set a default option to be applied globally to all toasts
in the same way you modified the container
app.config(function(toastrConfig) {
angular.extend(toastrConfig, {
allowHtml: false,
closeButton: false,
closeHtml: '<button>×</button>',
extendedTimeOut: 1000,
iconClasses: {
error: 'toast-error',
info: 'toast-info',
success: 'toast-success',
warning: 'toast-warning'
messageClass: 'toast-message',
onHidden: null,
onShown: null,
onTap: null,
progressBar: false,
tapToDismiss: true,
templates: {
toast: 'directives/toast/toast.html',
progressbar: 'directives/progressbar/progressbar.html'
timeOut: 5000,
titleClass: 'toast-title',
toastClass: 'toast'
- allowHtml: Your toast can use custom HTML here (See Issue 3)
- closeButton: Whether to display an "X" close button on the toast.
- closeHtml: Html element to be used as a close button.
- extendedTimeOut: The timeout after you hover a toast. Setting to 0 will disable the extended timeout.
- extraData: If you override the template, you can pass global extra data to your toasts.
- iconClasses: The default type classes for the different toasts.
- messageClass: The class for the toast's message.
- progressBar: A progress bar to see the timeout in real time.
- tapToDismiss: Whether the toast should be dismissed when it is clicked.
- templates: To override the default path of the templates.
- timeOut: The timeout before the toasts disappear. Setting to 0 will disable the timeout.
- titleClass: The class for the toast's title.
- toastClass: Base class for toasts.
Toasts have 3 different callbacks:
- onHidden: A callback function called when a toast gets hidden.
- First parameter: A boolean to see whether or not the toast was closed via click.
- Second parameter: The whole toast that got hidden.
- onShown: A callback function called when a toast is shown.
- First parameter: The whole toast that got shown.
- onTap: A callback function called when it is clicked.
- First parameter: The whole toast that got clicked.
The second option is to pass a third parameter (or second if you don't need a title). Let see some examples:
Toast with custom HTML (available in both title and message):'<input type="checkbox" checked> Success!', 'With HTML', {
allowHtml: true
Toast with a close button:
toastr.success('What a nice button', 'Button spree', {
closeButton: true
Toast with a custom button for apple fans:'What a nice apple button', 'Button spree', {
closeButton: true,
closeHtml: '<button></button>'
A pinky custom style (you can also create here new types with $decorate
):'I am totally custom!', 'Happy toast', {
iconClass: 'toast-pink'
is a custom class created for the occasion:
.toast-pink {
background-image: url(...) !important;
background-color: #fa39c3;
If you want to use the built-in template, you can use the angular-toastr.tpls.js
If you decide that you don't want to use the built-in one, you can always use angular-toastr.js
file and then providing your own template like this:
angular.module('yourApp').run(['$templateCache', function($templateCache) {
"<div>Your template here</div>"
"<div>Your progressbar here</div>"
The important part here is to have a key named templates/toastr/toastr.html
. The module you run it is not important, you just need to do it after you load toastr
NOTE: Due some limitations in Angular, you need to have your custom template cached before trying to use it.
If you want to build from master, you need to:
$ npm install -g gulp
$ npm install
$ gulp production
Grab the compressed files under /dist
and the dev files at /gen
Q: Why can't I override the positionClass
in a toast? It gets ignored.
A: The toasts don't have a position, they are attached to a container and is that container who has the position set on the page. This will be changed in a future version.
- CodeScaleInc/angular-toastr-flash - A library to show flash messages using toasts.
All the credits for the guys at CodeSeven/toastr for creating the original implementation.
Mit License: