ReStocked 1.5.0
7 commits
to refs/heads/prod
since this release
- New parts (all Kavaeric)
- LV-T91 "Cheetah" Liquid Fuel Engine: now has 1.25m Truss, 1.25m Boattail, 1.875m Truss, 1.875m Boattail and Compact variants
- LV-TX87 "Bobcat" Liquid Fuel Engine: now has 1.875m Tankbutt, 1.875m Truss, 1.875m Boattail and Compact variants
- Mk-55 "Thud" Liquid Fuel Engine: now has White Shrouded, Orange/Grey Shrouded and Compact variants
- EAS-1 External Command Seat
- SEQ-3 Cargo Storage Unit: now has White and Metal variants
- SEQ-3C Conformal Storage Unit: now has White and Metal variants
- SEQ-9 Container Module: now has White and Metal variants
- SEQ-24 Cargo Storage Unit: now has White and Metal variants
- Fixed extra random png texture in the distribution (#1017)
- Fix NRE when ModuleRestockHeatEffects encounters a missing renderer (#1009)
- Fixed rotation of Mk2 Lander can airlock (#1008)
- Fixed LT-2 landing leg being weaker than stock (#858)