Ophidian 0.1.0 (Score System, README Modifications, Project Reorganization, Level System + Progress Bar, Graphical Glitch Fix)
What's Changed
- Added library info to README. by @dmccoystephenson in #26
- Made it possible to restart the application. by @dmccoystephenson in #27
- Score System by @dmccoystephenson in #28
- Displayed the score in the center of the screen. by @dmccoystephenson in #29
- Organized the Config class and formalized the restart process. by @dmccoystephenson in #30
- Update README.md by @dmccoystephenson in #31
- Added controls to the README. by @dmccoystephenson in #32
- Modified controls in README. by @dmccoystephenson in #33
- Reorganized the project. by @dmccoystephenson in #36
- Level System + Progress Bar UI by @dmccoystephenson in #37
- Fix - Graphical Glitch by @dmccoystephenson in #38
- Update version.txt by @dmccoystephenson in #39
Full Changelog: 0.0.2...0.1.0