Releases: Preponderous-Software/Roam
Releases · Preponderous-Software/Roam
0.7.0 (Map Image Generation, Living Entity Persistence Fixes, Energy Modifications, Other Improvements)
0.7.0 (Map Image Generation, Living Entity Persistence Fixes, Energy Modifications, Other Improvements)
What's Changed
- Release - 0.6.0 by @dmccoystephenson in #185
- Merge pull request #185 from Stephenson-Software/develop by @dmccoystephenson in #186
- Fixed living entity tracking. by @dmccoystephenson in #194
- Map Image Generation + Entity Reproduction Cooldown Persistence Fix by @dmccoystephenson in #195
- Improvement - Swap By Index Shortcut by @dmccoystephenson in #198
- Improvement - Measure Ticks Per Second by @dmccoystephenson in #199
- Entities Lose Energy + Require Energy For Reproduction by @dmccoystephenson in #200
- Configurable Save Directory by @dmccoystephenson in #203
- Improvement - Allow Living Entities To Change Rooms by @dmccoystephenson in #206
- Improvement - Living Entity Death Check by @dmccoystephenson in #210
Full Changelog: 0.6.0...0.7.0
Roam 0.6.0 (Bananas, Energy Bar UI Changes, Click-To-Move Item Functionality)
What's Changed
- Merge pull request #176 from Stephenson-Software/develop by @dmccoystephenson in #177
- Added bananas to jungle rooms and disabled world border. by @dmccoystephenson in #180
- Modified energy bar UI to make it more apparent. by @dmccoystephenson in #182
- Added click-to-move functionality to inventory screen. by @dmccoystephenson in #183
Full Changelog: 0.5.0...0.6.0
Roam 0.5.0 (Room Types, Ore, Data Persistence)
What's Changed
- Release/0.4.0 by @dmccoystephenson in #146
- Merge pull request #146 from Stephenson-Software/develop by @dmccoystephenson in #147
- Room Factory by @dmccoystephenson in #152
- Feature - Room Types by @dmccoystephenson in #153
- Jungle Room by @dmccoystephenson in #154
- Mountain Room by @dmccoystephenson in #155
- Added jungle wood entity. by @dmccoystephenson in #158
- Added coal ore to mountain rooms. by @dmccoystephenson in #159
- Added iron ore to mountain rooms. by @dmccoystephenson in #161
- Reset the player's age upon death. by @dmccoystephenson in #162
- Feature - Persistent Inventory by @dmccoystephenson in #163
- Feature - Persistent Rooms by @dmccoystephenson in #166
- Made current room and player location persistent. by @dmccoystephenson in #171
- Feature - Persistent Stats by @dmccoystephenson in #173
- Made the tick persistent. by @dmccoystephenson in #174
- Made player attributes persistent. by @dmccoystephenson in #175
- Release/v0.5.0 by @dmccoystephenson in #176
Full Changelog: 0.4.0...0.5.0
Roam 0.4.0 (Player Directional Textures, Config Screen, Gather Speed Fix, LE Age Tracking, LE Reproduction)
Roam 0.4.0 (Player Directional Textures, Config Screen, Gather Speed Fix, LE Age Tracking, LE Reproduction)
What's Changed
- Release/0.3.0 by @dmccoystephenson in #122
- Merge pull request #122 from Stephenson-Software/0.3.0-branch by @dmccoystephenson in #123
- Added textures for the player facing up, right and left. by @dmccoystephenson in #129
- Config Screen + Gather Speed Fix by @dmccoystephenson in #138
- Feature - Living Entity Age Display by @dmccoystephenson in #141
- Allowed living entities to reproduce if certain conditions are met. by @dmccoystephenson in #145
Full Changelog: 0.3.0...0.4.0
Roam 0.3.0 (Stats Screen, Hot Bar, Inventory Slots, Stackable Items, Inventory Screen, Click-To-Select)
Roam 0.3.0 (Stats Screen, Hot Bar, Inventory Slots, Stackable Items, Inventory Screen, Click-To-Select)
What's Changed
- Feature - Stats Screen by @dmccoystephenson in #104
- Merge pull request #95 from Stephenson-Software/develop by @dmccoystephenson in #106
- Feature - Hot Bar by @dmccoystephenson in #107
- Inventory Slots by @dmccoystephenson in #113
- Made items stackable and limited player inventory slots to 25. by @dmccoystephenson in #115
- Added inventory screen and click-to-select functionality. by @dmccoystephenson in #120
Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.3.0
Roam 0.2.0 (Living Entities, Graphical Fix, Auto Eat Food, Textures)
What's Changed
- Release/v0.1.0 by @dmccoystephenson in #78
- Changed version to 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT for development towards next release. by @dmccoystephenson in #79
- Updated py_env_lib to 0.0.4-SNAPSHOT to make use of new methods. by @dmccoystephenson in #82
- DrawableEntity Class by @dmccoystephenson in #83
- Living Entity - Chicken by @dmccoystephenson in #84
- Prevent living entities from walking through walls by @dmccoystephenson in #87
- Feature - Drop Items Upon Death by @dmccoystephenson in #89
- Draw locations slightly bigger by @dmccoystephenson in #92
- Feature - Auto Eat Food In Inventory by @dmccoystephenson in #93
- Textures by @dmccoystephenson in #94
- Release 0.2.0 by @dmccoystephenson in #95
Full Changelog: 0.1.0...0.2.0
Roam 0.1.0 (Project Reorganization, UI Modifications, Click To Place/Gather, Bug Fix)
What's Changed
- Main Menu Screen by @dmccoystephenson in #47
- Made the player able to change direction without moving. by @dmccoystephenson in #48
- Limited the speed at which the player can gather and place items. by @dmccoystephenson in #49
- Reorganized the project. by @dmccoystephenson in #51
- Added .gitmodules file. by @dmccoystephenson in #54
- Commented out icon. by @dmccoystephenson in #57
- Updated py_env_lib to 0.0.3 by @dmccoystephenson in #58
- Added shortcuts to the map selection screen. by @dmccoystephenson in #59
- Fixed config file not being recognized sometimes. by @dmccoystephenson in #68
- Merge main into develop. by @dmccoystephenson in #69
- Added mouse control for gathering/placing. by @dmccoystephenson in #70
- Feature - Cycle Through Inventory by @dmccoystephenson in #72
- Fixed clicking status causing the game to crash. by @dmccoystephenson in #74
- Added Q and E next to the inventory preview to guide the player. by @dmccoystephenson in #75
- UI - Room Coordinates by @dmccoystephenson in #76
- Changed version to 0.1.0 for pre-release. by @dmccoystephenson in #77
Full Changelog: 0.0.6...0.1.0
Roam 0.0.6 (Item Preview, Directional Gathering/Placing, Rocks)
What's Changed
- Options Screen by @dmccoystephenson in #41
- Selected Item Preview by @dmccoystephenson in #42
- Directional Gathering/Placing by @dmccoystephenson in #43
- Disallow Eating When Full by @dmccoystephenson in #44
- Made the player's inventory have a finite size. by @dmccoystephenson in #45
- Rocks by @dmccoystephenson in #46
Full Changelog: 0.0.5...0.0.6
Roam 0.0.5 (Screenshots, Run Button, Energy Bar)
What's Changed
- Made the player respawn upon dying rather than quitting the application. by @dmccoystephenson in #31
- Code Cleanup + Screenshot Button by @dmccoystephenson in #32
- Unique Screenshot Filenames by @dmccoystephenson in #33
- Changed the name of the AppleTree class to Wood. by @dmccoystephenson in #34
- Moved draw methods for environments/locations into the Room class. by @dmccoystephenson in #35
- World Screen by @dmccoystephenson in #36
- Run Button by @dmccoystephenson in #37
- Energy Bar by @dmccoystephenson in #38
Full Changelog: 0.0.4...0.0.5
Roam 0.0.4 (Environment Modification, Continuous Energy Depletion)
What's Changed
- Added controls to the README. by @dmccoystephenson in #20
- Interaction Button by @dmccoystephenson in #21
- Made players check their location before checking nearby locations when interacting. by @dmccoystephenson in #22
- Continuous Interaction by @dmccoystephenson in #23
- Made player energy deplete over time. by @dmccoystephenson in #24
- Made the player interact with top entities before lower entities. by @dmccoystephenson in #25
- Allowed the player to place items into the world from their inventory. by @dmccoystephenson in #26
- Displayed a status to the player to inform them of events. by @dmccoystephenson in #27
- Informed the player when they hit the world border. by @dmccoystephenson in #28
- Made grass have a 95% chance to spawn at a given location. by @dmccoystephenson in #29
- Made placing items a continuous action. by @dmccoystephenson in #30
Full Changelog: 0.0.3...0.0.4