Releases: QIDITECH/QIDISlicer
QIDISlicer 1.2.2
This version is 1.2.2, synchronizing with the code of PrusaSlicer v2.9.0 (thanks to @prusa3d). It introduces many new features while fixing known bugs from previous versions.
Added Fuzzy Skin Painting Tool
This tool can be accessed directly from the left toolbar. The Fuzzy Skin Painting Tool allows you to easily paint fuzzy skin where needed without using modifiers.
Added Scarf Seams
The main purpose of this feature is to hide visible seams on smooth perimeters. It is achieved by overlapping extrusion at the start and end points of the perimeter loop. This feature can be enabled in Print Settings - Layers and Perimeters - Advanced by selecting Contours in Scarf joint placement. For detailed operations, please refer to the wiki.
Added a multi-bed feature to make it easier for users to handle complex projects with multiple models.
Simply drag the model out of the bed for more than 1 second, and a new bed will be automatically generated. Up to 8 additional beds can be generated in this way (plus the initial bed, making the maximum number of beds 9). You can activate any bed by left-clicking and perform operations (add, edit, slice, etc.) on the models on that bed. Note: All beds share the same configuration.
Multi-Bed Batch Slicing and Exporting
If multiple beds exist, users can slice a specific bed individually from the preview page or click the "Slice all" button to slice all beds. After slicing, the print statistics for all beds will be displayed. All beds' GCode can be exported with one click.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug where the "/" input was blocked in the GCode name field in the "Send to Printer" pop-up window.(#124, #113)
- Fixed the bug where GCode names containing Chinese characters would trigger a character limit warning in the "Send to Printer" pop-up window.
- Fixed the bug where the thumbnail displayed incorrectly in the "Send to Printer" pop-up window when multiple beds existed.
- Fixed the bug where the "Send to Printer" button did not appear after slicing with the default printer (when the user had added a physical printer).(#112)
- Fixed the bug where the Fliudd interface, printer status, and GCode file upload were inaccessible when the IP port of a newly added physical printer was set to 80.
- Fixed the bug where no warning was given when models were in non-printable areas with multiple beds.
- Fixed the bug where models in non-printable areas could still be sliced with multiple beds.
- Fixed the bug where the user details page crashed, causing users to log out, on Linux and MacOS environments.
- Updated translations for CS, PL, DE, IT, ES, FR, JA, RU, and other languages.
QIDISlicer 1.2.1
This is version 1.2.1, mainly to fix the bugs that appeared in the previous test version, while optimizing some features.
- Added send forward option based on user requirements(#93). When you select this option, the page is displayed to Device and Fluidd of the device is enabled.
Bugs Fix
- Fixed a bug where build failed when QDT_RELEASE_TO_PUBLIC=0. Thank you @clarkjc .
- Fixed a bug where the software crashed when importing files in Step format(#109).
- Fixed a bug that failed to open the Fluidd page for Link devices on MacOS.
- Fix "Send" button show/hide logic judgment.
- Replace the Link QR code picture to increase the accuracy of the scan results.
- Update translation.
- Added the WIKI introduction of printing parameters, you can click the parameter name in the software to jump.
Users of MacOS x86 systems should note that when you send gcode to the device via Link, you need to keep the file name to less than 6 characters and more than 9 characters. When the number of characters in the file name is between 6-9 characters, sending gcode will cause the software to crash.
QIDISlicer 1.2.0
The 1.2.0 version is a test version and will not push update information. Please update the configuration after starting the software to obtain the new version. Before updating the configuration, it is recommended to save your configuration snapshot.
- When calibrating PA, add the area of the polyline to the exclusion object area to adapt to the leveling area.
- Add the area of the wiping tower to the exclusion target area to improve the printing quality of the wiping tower.
- Add restrictions on the maximum amount and interval time for sending print tasks, And calculation method for update interval time.
- Automatic orientation of bridges has been improved. Issues with unanchored bridges caused by inconvenient choice of their angle should now occur less frequently, although there is still a large class of scenarios where the solution is suboptimal.
- Print speed limitation for infill was added into Filament Settings -> Advanced. Two separate values can be entered - one for infill islands with intersection, one for islands without. The reason for this change is that intersections in the same layer cannot be printed properly at speed, because the molten filament tears at the intersections. This effect is especially noticeable with some materials, the most important example being PET. Until now, the only way to slow the print down in Filament Settings was to use Max volumetric speed, which in effect slowed down the whole print. By distinguishing between crossing and non-crossing infill, it is now possible to increase the general volumetric speed limit and increase overall speed as a result.
Improved G-code Viewer
The integrated G-code Viewer has been significantly reworked to improve its performance. Less data are now transmitted between the CPU and GPU and more of the work is now performed on the GPU side.
Furthermore, G-code Viewer is now able to visualize actual speed. The printer accelerates and decelerates when direction changes, so even though the required speed is set to a given value, it takes some time to reach it (if it is reached at all). The acceleration limits are (as they always were) configurable in "Printer Settings -> Machine limits" and always calculated with the acceleration and deceleration phases to get precise time estimate, but it did not allow to visualize them.
Note that the same disclaimers as for precise time estimates hold. If the machine limits are set incorrectly (in the sense that the printer uses different values), both the time estimate and the real speed visualization will not align with reality. Also, the actual speed visualization is not available for firmware flavors for which slicer does not allow setting the machine limits.
In addition, when moving the horizontal slider, there is a new popup dialog showing the data that G-code Viewer has about current segment, including the actual speed profile:
Thanks for PrusaSlicer.
Improved UI
PrusaSlicer made significant changes to the UI in 2.8.0, which I ported to QIDISlicense and made modifications to it.
Bug Fix
- Fixed a bug where the same IP address and different port number could exist simultaneously when adding or editing a device.
- Fixed UI bug in Linux.
- Fixed a bug with shortcut keys switching layout
- Fixed bug of accumulated waiting time error when sending print tasks.
- Fixed a bug where the next button was missing from the version update interface.
- Fixed the issue of incorrect wiping line color.
- Modified the docking coordinates of the print end tool head for "Plus 4".
- Added configuration parameters for four brands of filaments: "Polymaker","Overture","Bambu Lab" and "HATCHBOX".
- Update translation.
- Merge PrusaSlicer 2.8.1. (PrusaSlicer has made many great changes, thank to PrusaSlicer).
- Starting from this version, the installation packages for ARM64 and X86 architectures will be integrated into the "universal" installation package, and subsequent versions will not provide separate installation packages for ARM64 and X86. Universal is compatible with Mac OS 10.15 and above versions.
IMPORTANT note for Linux users
QIDISlicer now depends on WebKit library, which greatly complicates its distribution. Latest Linux distributions (such as Ubuntu 24.04, Fedora 40) ship with newer version of WebKit than older (but still supported) distros. Bundling WebKit into the AppImage is difficult and may not be possible.
Therefore, we now provide two separate AppImages, both depending on webkit library. You may need to install the respective package before you are able to run QIDISlicer.
Build | min libwebkit2gtk version | distributions examples |
older-distros | 4.0 | Ubuntu 22.04, Fedora 39, Debian 11 |
newer-distros | 4.1 | Ubuntu 24.04, Fedora 40, Debian 12 |
The AppImages can extract themselves when run with --appimage-extract command line parameter. |
QIDISlicer 1.1.7
This is version 1.1.7, which has been improved and fixed based on user feedback and experience, and has added some new features.
Bug Fix
- Fixed some errors on Mac OS and Linux.
- Fixed the bug that failed to obtain the status when users existed on the local device.
- FixED plus4 exclude area error.
- Modified the default print configuration to achieve better print quality.
- Optimize the send button display logic (even if there is no local device, there is a device online, still can display the send button, and send gcode).
- Specify the prompt information for sending failure.
- Merge device get status and progress.
- Add filament table to guide web.
QIDISlicer 1.1.6
This is version 1.1.6, which has been improved and fixed based on user feedback and experience, and has added some new features.
- Remote Device Management
Now you can remotely operate the printer you have bound by logging into your QIDI Link account.
After logging in, you can create remote printing tasks.
Bug Fix
- Fixed the bug of Linux errors caused by elephant foot compensation layers.
- Fixed a bug where Linux would not run.
- Fixed a bug where the login window was not destroyed when switching languages;
- Fixed the display issue when the model does not have the corresponding picture;
- Fix button display problem when the local device has no IP address.
QIDISlicer 1.1.5
This is version 1.1.5, which has been improved and fixed based on user feedback and experience, and has added some new features.
Add overhang reverse
Now, it is possible to modify the extrusion direction on the overhang of a specified threshold, and this feature can only apply to the inner wall.This has a great effect on improving some overhanging surfaces.
Add don't slow down outer walls
Usually, we reduce the printing speed for better cooling, but now we can disable this feature on the exterior walls to improve printing quality.
Add filament option ——Seal
Now, we can set the speed of the rapido cooling fan when sealing and not sealing to meet the printing needs of various customers.
Add resonance avoidance
During the printing process, we found that the machine would resonate within a speed range, causing the surface of the model to deteriorate. Now, we have set a speed range within which the external speed will be slowed down.
- Add precise outer wall
This function can optimize the spacing between extruded perimeters.
- Optimizing exclude region judgment before slice.
- Remove suspended threads to optimize CPU usage.
Bug Fix
- Fixed interface display issues caused by incorrect default settings for elephant foot compensation.
- Updated simpler starting code.
- Modify some device names.
- Add QIDILink to the guide page.
- Open the fan when the PA pattern is calibrated.
QIDISlicer 1.1.4
This is version 1.1.4, which has been improved and fixed based on user feedback and experience, and has added some new features.
Add slow down layers
Starting from this version, parameter "slow_down_layers" has been added.This is vital for ABS not to Warp.In some models printed with ABS filament, a slow initial layer speed can improve the curling of the model.Thanks for OrcaSlicer.
Add elefant foot compensation layers
Starting from this version, parameter "elefantfoot_compensation_layers" has been added, which will affect multiple layers.As the number of layers increases, the compensation amount decreases smoothly. According to our test results, it has improved the printing of ABS filament and reduced the error of objects in height. Thanks for OrcaSlicer.
Add precise z height
In previous versions, a cube of 20.1mmX20.1mmX20.1mm was sliced using a 0.2mm layer height, resulting in a height multiple of 20mm.if "precise_z_height" is enabled, we will adaptively adjust the height of the last 5 layers to achieve precise height.
Thanks for BambuStudio.
Add max bridge length
Generating equidistant tree shaped supports under the bridge reduces the contact area of the supports and reduces material waste.Thanks Bambulab for this idea.
Add ironing pattern "Concentric"
In order to meet the needs of more users, starting from this version, we have added an ironing pattern. In previous versions, the ironing pattern was defaulted to rectilinear. Now we can choose "Rectilinear" or "Concentric".Thank you for the ideas provided by BambuStudio.
Add top and bottom infill flow ratio
Used to control the extrusion flow rate of the top and bottom surfaces.Thanks for OrcaSlicer.
Add infill pattern "Cross Hatch"
BambuStudio developed a new infill pattern called CrossHatch. As the name suggests, it primarily fills parts with lines, while periodically altering the direction of the lines through some transition layers. It dramatically improves strength compared to line and concentric infill, while achieving high speed and silent printing in most layers.We have decided to introduce this modification
Add only one wall first layer
Add only one wall function for the first layer.Thanks for BambuStudio.
Optimized xy compensation.
XY compensation will retain more detailed textures and improve the situation where model details are lost. -
Optimized 3DHoneyComb infill for high-speed printing.
The current 3D Honeycomb infill pattern includes many bridges, making it less than ideal for high-speed printing and resulting in reduced strength. However, the improved 3D Honeycomb significantly reduces bridging, providing better strength and print quality. It offers similar strength to Gyroid infill but prints faster, thanks to requiring fewer direction changes.
Optimized solid filling and improved fit of filling overlap rate.
Bug Fix
- Fixed first layer infill areas.
- Fixed classic's top gap infill.
- Fixed top surface detection, incorrectly anchoring the top surface as a bridge connection.
- Fixed the issue of tool exceeding the exclusion zone detection in some models.
- Change the default value of "support_material_style" to "Snug".
- Change the default value of "filament_max_volumetric_speed" to 12.
QIDISlicer 1.1.3
Compatible with BambuStudio's 3mf
Introduces updates in PrusaSlicer 2.7.2 to 2.7.4, including compatibility with BambuStudio's 3mf etc.
- Optimized top gap fill.
- Optimized the interface for sending files.
- UDP broadcast is optimized for compatibility with Q1 Pro.
- Set the Classic wall generator to default instead of the Arachne wall generator.
- Add only one wall on first layer.
Bug Fix
- Fixed a bug where presets containing special characters failed to send G-code.
- Fixed a bug where the device list did not appear due to special characters in the presets.
- Fixed a bug references to Prusa in the AboutDialog, thanks again to Prusa Research.
- Fixed some bugs in the calibration program.
- Fixed a bug where the fill changed to 0 after adding modifiers.
QIDISlicer 1.1.2
In this version we added a new 3D printer —— Q1 Pro.
Learn more.
- Add a new 3D printer —— Q1 Pro.
New technology, new products, bring you a new printing experience.
- Bed exclude area.
Now you can set up two rectangular non-printable areas on the print platform.
- Filament shrink.
You can set the scale of the model according to the shrinkage rate of the filament for more accurate printing(thanks to OrcaSlicer).
- Gap fill.
Fill in the gaps in the top surfaces of the model to get a better top. And you can set minimum fill thresholds.
A new filament, PLA-CF, was added.
- The wall overlap algorithm is optimized to reduce the convex points on the surface of the model.
- In the physical printer interface, support for normal Klipper printers has been added.
- Optimized configuration update notification.
- Add the Max Volumetric Speed usage instructions in the guide,and shrink the model when the printing platform is small.
- When running for the first time, select the common printer configuration.
- Optimized solid infill algorithm for narrow areas and classical walls.
- Improved compatibility with MacOS versions, now compatible with 10.13 and above.
- Optimized thumbnails for 3mf files.
Bug Fix
- Fixed an issue where the digital board height was abnormal during PA calibration.
- Fixed the conflict between one wall on top surfaces and classical wall algorithm.
- Fixed a bug that excluded irregular IP addresses from the device list.
- Fixed a bug that crashed the ARM MacOS runtime.
- Fixed some running issues with Linux.
- Fixed a bug where retract override failed.
QIDISlicer 1.1.1
This is the official release of QIDISlicer v1.1.
This version has a lot of changes. Update the configuration file after the update. Otherwise, the thumbnail cannot be displayed normally.
- Add two consumables, ASA-Areo and PC/ABS-FR.
- Multiple thumbnail formats are supported for simultaneous output, and preview images can now be seen on Fluidd.
- Added a new parameter, wipe distance. Thanks for Bumbulab.
- Incorporates prusa 2.7 updates, including interface optimizations, Z-axis lift optimizations, SVG emboss tools, and more. Thank you prusa for your contribution to 3D printing.
- Add the parameter seam gap.
- Added top layer one wall function. Thanks for Bumbulab.
- Add multiple printers to print at the same time.
- Add max volumetric speed calibration.
- Optimized print top layer.
- Modify the side fan boot layer.
- Modify the bed temperature of PLA.
- Optimize start gcode and end gcode.
- Optimized the device list and fixed some bugs, including a bug that could not open due to custom printers and a bug that would pop up an error message when closed on MACOS.
- The overlap rate of the internal solid fill is optimized.
- Optimized parameter infill_anchor and solid_infill_below_area.
- Improved compatibility between MacOS and Linux
Bug Fix
- Fixed the bugs of calibration, including bug that PA Tower can't set Start PA.
- Fixed some translation bugs.
- Fixed some interface bugs.
- Fixed a bug that excluded object exceptions.