Optimize 'Label objects', now compatible with Klipper and able to use Exclude Objects.
Add Flowrate Calibration, including coarse calibration and fine calibration(thanks to OrcaSlicer).
Add Pressure Advance Calibration, including PA Line, PA Pattern, PA Tower these three common methods (thanks to OrcaSlicer).
Optimized User Guide, added Flowrate Calibration, Pressure Advance Calibration and MakerWorld (thanks to OrcaSlicer and Bambul Studio).
Merge PrusaSlicer 2.6.1, including Arrange improvements, Cut tool improvements, and Emboss improvements (thanks to PrusaSlicer).
Add parameter 'First layer infill'.
Add parameter 'First layer travel'.
Add parameter 'Disable rapid cooling fan for the first', now you can control the rapid cooling fan better.
Add filament ASA and Odorless ABS.
Close 'Thick bridges', bridging supports will be easier to remove.
The Z-seam is displayed by default in the preview.
Optimize fan parameters according to different material characteristics.
Bug Fix
Fix bug of Chamber Fan.
Fix bug of default material, add material automatically choose PLA for the first time.
You can’t perform that action at this time.