QIDISlicer 1.2.0
The 1.2.0 version is a test version and will not push update information. Please update the configuration after starting the software to obtain the new version. Before updating the configuration, it is recommended to save your configuration snapshot.
- When calibrating PA, add the area of the polyline to the exclusion object area to adapt to the leveling area.
- Add the area of the wiping tower to the exclusion target area to improve the printing quality of the wiping tower.
- Add restrictions on the maximum amount and interval time for sending print tasks, And calculation method for update interval time.
- Automatic orientation of bridges has been improved. Issues with unanchored bridges caused by inconvenient choice of their angle should now occur less frequently, although there is still a large class of scenarios where the solution is suboptimal.
- Print speed limitation for infill was added into Filament Settings -> Advanced. Two separate values can be entered - one for infill islands with intersection, one for islands without. The reason for this change is that intersections in the same layer cannot be printed properly at speed, because the molten filament tears at the intersections. This effect is especially noticeable with some materials, the most important example being PET. Until now, the only way to slow the print down in Filament Settings was to use Max volumetric speed, which in effect slowed down the whole print. By distinguishing between crossing and non-crossing infill, it is now possible to increase the general volumetric speed limit and increase overall speed as a result.
Improved G-code Viewer
The integrated G-code Viewer has been significantly reworked to improve its performance. Less data are now transmitted between the CPU and GPU and more of the work is now performed on the GPU side.
Furthermore, G-code Viewer is now able to visualize actual speed. The printer accelerates and decelerates when direction changes, so even though the required speed is set to a given value, it takes some time to reach it (if it is reached at all). The acceleration limits are (as they always were) configurable in "Printer Settings -> Machine limits" and always calculated with the acceleration and deceleration phases to get precise time estimate, but it did not allow to visualize them.
Note that the same disclaimers as for precise time estimates hold. If the machine limits are set incorrectly (in the sense that the printer uses different values), both the time estimate and the real speed visualization will not align with reality. Also, the actual speed visualization is not available for firmware flavors for which slicer does not allow setting the machine limits.
In addition, when moving the horizontal slider, there is a new popup dialog showing the data that G-code Viewer has about current segment, including the actual speed profile:
Thanks for PrusaSlicer.
Improved UI
PrusaSlicer made significant changes to the UI in 2.8.0, which I ported to QIDISlicense and made modifications to it.
Bug Fix
- Fixed a bug where the same IP address and different port number could exist simultaneously when adding or editing a device.
- Fixed UI bug in Linux.
- Fixed a bug with shortcut keys switching layout
- Fixed bug of accumulated waiting time error when sending print tasks.
- Fixed a bug where the next button was missing from the version update interface.
- Fixed the issue of incorrect wiping line color.
- Modified the docking coordinates of the print end tool head for "Plus 4".
- Added configuration parameters for four brands of filaments: "Polymaker","Overture","Bambu Lab" and "HATCHBOX".
- Update translation.
- Merge PrusaSlicer 2.8.1. (PrusaSlicer has made many great changes, thank to PrusaSlicer).
- Starting from this version, the installation packages for ARM64 and X86 architectures will be integrated into the "universal" installation package, and subsequent versions will not provide separate installation packages for ARM64 and X86. Universal is compatible with Mac OS 10.15 and above versions.
IMPORTANT note for Linux users
QIDISlicer now depends on WebKit library, which greatly complicates its distribution. Latest Linux distributions (such as Ubuntu 24.04, Fedora 40) ship with newer version of WebKit than older (but still supported) distros. Bundling WebKit into the AppImage is difficult and may not be possible.
Therefore, we now provide two separate AppImages, both depending on webkit library. You may need to install the respective package before you are able to run QIDISlicer.
Build | min libwebkit2gtk version | distributions examples |
older-distros | 4.0 | Ubuntu 22.04, Fedora 39, Debian 11 |
newer-distros | 4.1 | Ubuntu 24.04, Fedora 40, Debian 12 |
The AppImages can extract themselves when run with --appimage-extract command line parameter. |